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What is the Purpose of Business


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I asked this in another topic but the thread wandered off track. But in reading the posts, it was clear to me that very few understand the true purpose of business. So I thought the subject needed it own thread.

According Peter Drucker


Business provides a solution to a need by the customer


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But the ultimate purpose is for profit. One can provide solutions and give them away.

As an individual, one may. It should not be required of a business because it will dis-incentive the purpose of business and remove the solutions or service to the customer.

Happens every time it's tried.

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But the ultimate purpose is for profit. One can provide solutions and give them away.

As an individual, one may. It should not be required of a business because it will dis-incentive the purpose of business and remove the solutions or service to the customer.

Happens every time it's tried.

Obviously. That's my point.

No one has suggested businesses be required to operate without profits and as far as I know, it's never been tried in a liberal democracy.

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But the ultimate purpose is for profit. One can provide solutions and give them away.

As an individual, one may. It should not be required of a business because it will dis-incentive the purpose of business and remove the solutions or service to the customer.

Happens every time it's tried.

Obviously. That's my point.

No one has suggested businesses be required to operate without profits and as far as I know, it's never been tried in a liberal democracy.

A liberal democracy?

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But the ultimate purpose is for profit. One can provide solutions and give them away.

As an individual, one may. It should not be required of a business because it will dis-incentive the purpose of business and remove the solutions or service to the customer.

Happens every time it's tried.

Obviously. That's my point.

No one has suggested businesses be required to operate without profits and as far as I know, it's never been tried in a liberal democracy.

A liberal democracy?


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A classic if not idealistic view of liberal democracy. Idealism normally overlooks human interaction.

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A classic if not idealistic view of liberal democracy. Idealism normally overlooks human interaction.

Nonsense. It's established terminology.

There are such things as illiberal democracy's such as Serbia under Milosovich.

But you are correct in that it represents a classic view. That doesn't mean it's an invalid term.

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But the ultimate purpose is for profit. One can provide solutions and give them away.

Yep, and profit is very, very good.

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A classic if not idealistic view of liberal democracy. Idealism normally overlooks human interaction.

Nonsense. It's established terminology.

There are such things as illiberal democracy's such as Serbia under Milosovich.

But you are correct in that it represents a classic view. That doesn't mean it's an invalid term.

But it does not address human nature. Marx considered his view as liberal democracy. Human nature is messy.

The purpose of business is not charity. That role belongs to the church.

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A classic if not idealistic view of liberal democracy. Idealism normally overlooks human interaction.

Nonsense. It's established terminology.

There are such things as illiberal democracy's such as Serbia under Milosovich.

But you are correct in that it represents a classic view. That doesn't mean it's an invalid term.

But it does not address human nature. Marx considered his view as liberal democracy. Human nature is messy.

The purpose of business is not charity. That role belongs to the church.

We are talking past each other.

Liberal democracy is an established term in the field.

Classical as you put it. You are perceiving it in some sort of partisan way which is an over interpretation at the least.

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Unless you mean freedom is not a basic human need/desire.

I was talking about the purpose of business.

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Business is to make money. Because the reality of all this is no one really needs a computer, iPhone, car or what any other technology has given us. All one really needs is food and a roof over their head.

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Business is to make money. Because the reality of all this is no one really needs a computer, iPhone, car or what any other technology has given us. All one really needs is food and a roof over their head.

Maslow is that you?

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Well, I guess you are right. Mercedes for everyone. Everyone line up, free stuff for everybody. It's a country were everyone is equal in status, makes the same pay and no one has more than anyone else.

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