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Is it me or are there alot of recalls recently? Not just cars, put products in general.

I really don't know if recalls are being over-blown or if there has been a lot of recalls recently.

Your thoughts


Frivolous lawsuits are the reason for most of the recalls. GM had one a few months ago on a sliding door. Something like 30 complaints where only 19 people were hurt, 2 broke their arm and the rest were minor injuries, and they had to recall 3/4 of a million vehicles. I can't remember the specifics, but at the time I remember thinking that these 19 people had to have had a few bolts missing. Because these 19 people can't operate a door correctly, GM had to pay for 3/4 million repairs and inconvenience however many owners. Auto manufacturers are an easy target for lawsuits because its easy to convince a jury uneducated in the auto field that it was 'poor design' rather than the driver out-driving or misusing the intentional design. Here's a quick example... system damping decreases with velocity, which makes sense because you want your car to handle differently going 70 than you do going 10 in a parking lot. The general effect (with a little more than just the damping) is the car is less stable at higher speeds (duh). An uneducated jury would hear 'unstable at higher speeds' and award a really really really big award.

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