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Excellent how to on securing your 2000/XP box


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I run XP Pro at home and I've NEVER had problems with viruses/worms/spam etc. I think the biggest thing that helped me was buying a $40 4-port Linksys router that includes port forwarding. I also don't use a Microsoft email client as all my email accounts have some kind of webmail interface...I check all my mail online and it's not downloaded to my machine unless I do it myself. I also, of course, don't use IE...Firefox all the way. IE is built too close to the OS (as will be the case forever) and it is by far the worst browser to have to develop for, standards wise...ask any true web designer. As far as software firewall goes, I just run the one included with XP Service Pack 2 (Automatic Windows update ON). I use AVG anti-virus and run spybot and ad-aware every now and then. I've yet to purchase any software for virus/spam removal/detection.

But like the guy says, this guide is kind of like a diet...if you don't focus on security while you use Windows, it's pointless. Save yourself some money and learn to use Linux instead. ;)

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Man! Do you ALWAYS carry that axe around with you?

I dont have a problem designing for IE. And I am a TRUE web designer/developer. If you adhere to the same standards that you use for Mozilla etc, it comes out the same. The only problem is, some tricks that work for IE dont work on others...but all the standards come out fine.

Firefox has issues with CSS...and I dont like that.

I also use outlook, and i dont ever get viruses. My dad does though. Good lord, he's like that guy on the commercial. He opens EVERYTHING he gets...i swear he has gullible written on his forehead.

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Ok, I was actually trying to help your cause by posting information on how Windows CAN be secure...what axe?

And you're not a web designer, you're a developer. You don't design websites for accessibility and for standards. Go over to W3C.org and validate your xhtml or your css and I bet $100 your stuff doesn't pass. I'm not talking development, I'm talking standards compliant design.

Firefox is a modern browser, it complies with standards by design. IE is the one that does not, hence the reason you see people putting browser detection crap in their javascript. You don't have to do to that if you design with standards in mind. BS, you really need to read this book. You'd be amazed. It's for web designers though, just so we're clear.

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I am a designer. A lot of my stuff isnt middle tier or server side development. Many of the sites/projects I have, I do the presentation layer as well. Ground up ya know?

And the axe comment was referring to your "Linux" stab. :P

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Well, my main point about IE was that it is embedded way too far into the OS...that's just bad from the get-go and that will ALWAYS be the case. THAT'S why I don't use IE...the standards stuff is just the tip of the iceberg.

And yeah, I was really kidding about the linux jab at the end...what Windows user who won't take the time to learn simple security on Windows is going to take the time to learn a whole new OS? Which is really why linux as a home desktop OS will never be popular...people are just so use to the "windows world". That's why I could never do PC support...I'd go crazy.

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Man! Do you ALWAYS carry that axe around with you?

I dont have a problem designing for IE. And I am a TRUE web designer/developer. If you adhere to the same standards that you use for Mozilla etc, it comes out the same. The only problem is, some tricks that work for IE dont work on others...but all the standards come out fine.

Firefox has issues with CSS...and I dont like that.

I also use outlook, and i dont ever get viruses. My dad does though. Good lord, he's like that guy on the commercial. He opens EVERYTHING he gets...i swear he has gullible written on his forehead.


Now BS, you know NOTHING from Turdscaloser is ever a "TRUE" anything. :poke:

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Yeah FF didnt like some DHTML i put in one of my apps...I thought it was pretty STANDARD. :D

BTW, I've never seen a site that fully validated that didnt look like crap. They all look like "my first webpage" html. blah.

Try to validate ANYTHING with Flash, it wont happen. But without flash, where would a TON of the current websites be?

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BTW, I've never seen a site that fully validated that didnt look like crap. They all look like "my first webpage" html. blah.






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