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This week's "Media Misleadia" Award: "Just a couple of things about Ms. Schiavo's condition. She has been in this vegetative state for 15 years. It is her parents who want to keep her alive. They say she can be rehabilitated. They also say that she will now die a painful death, though there does not seem to be any support for that argument in the medical community." --ABC's Peter Jennings **We've seen the video, Peter, and her condition is hardly "vegetative."

Confused Eco-theology: "Even if people stopped pumping out carbon dioxide and other pollutants tomorrow, global warming would still get worse, two teams of researchers reported on Thursday. ... Virtually no one disagrees human activity is fueling global warming, and a global treaty signed in Kyoto, Japan, aims to reduce polluting emissions. But the world's biggest polluter, the United States, has withdrawn from the 1997 treaty, saying its provisions would hurt the U.S. economy." --Reuters "news" service **Shame on us for not doing something about an unproven something we can't stop anyway!

This week's "Leftmedia Buster" Award: "In journalism, diversity is a club the left uses to increase the hiring of lefties. Feminists say they want more female columnists when what they really want are only more liberal female columnists. Or, in their lingo, they want 'authentic' women. So when the left pushes for more diversity in a profession that is overwhelmingly liberal already, it really is pushing for less diversity of ideas." --Debra Saunders ++ This week's "Leftmedia Buster" II Award: "The Los Angeles Times' editorial...on the Terri Schiavo case is so hysterical and over the top that we have to wonder. The law saving her from imminent starvation, the paper opines, 'amounts to a constitutional coup d'ètat.' We guess that means the Florida judiciary is the legitimate government of the United States. The Times doesn't go so far as to mention Hitler, but it does say that 'some social conservatives are happy to see the federal government acquire Stalinist proportions when imposing their morality on the rest of the country.' So saving one woman from starvation is the equivalent of starving millions to death." --James Taranto


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