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Driving Pet Peeves


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The thread on Wal-mart was great. Sadly, I don't go to wal-mart so I had nothing to contribute. But to carry on the theme, what are your biggest pet peeves on the road?

I could type for a few hours on mine, but I'll start with just one.

Tailgaters. Especially the ones that see the need to do this in heavy traffic. Where are you going to go? There are cars everywhere a-hole, just relax and accept your place in line. One day I'll have a 3rd car that I can use to cause accidents and I'll just step on the brakes when somebody tailgates me and cost them a few dollars in insurance premiums for their at-fault accident. Not to mention making them late as all-get-out for whatever they are rushing to get to that day. I don't think anything pisses me off more when I'm on the road.

I've even seen the bumperstickers that say "I'm not tailgating, I'm drafting". NO, YOU'RE TAILGATING jerkwad, and it's against the law. You're NOT a NASCAR driver and you're not on a racetrack. What you are is a di******, mu****-fu****g, co**su****, piece of s***, who is either ignorant of traffic laws (which I doubt, b/c tailgating is on the test), or who doesn't give a damn about anybody but yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhh, I feel better now.

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Just because there is 1.1 car lengths between me and the car in front does not give you the right to simultaneously put on your blinker and dart into the small opening! :angry:

And no that 1.1 car lengths is not tailgating! :big:

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I'm sure the tailgating issue will be a popular one. I drive on 280 everyday so I'll give my two cents...

I'm of the opinion that you really can't control the person behind you. If the person behind you is going to hit you, there's not much you can successfully do about it. If they do hit you, it definitely won't be your fault. I keep my eyes in front of me and pay attention to what's going on in front of me rather than behind me. If I have a tailgate'r on me that's annoying me, I'll slow down until they go around. There's no sense in glaring at the idiot behind you. If you must, just slow down and let him go by. I've seen too many accidents on 280 because people weren't paying attention to what's IN FRONT of them.

Bottom line, keep your eyes in front of you so YOU don't end up in someone's tailgate. If you do that, you won't notice tailgate'ers as much and you'll help keep that blood pressure down. :thumbsup:


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Mine is people who do not understand the concept of an acceleration or merge lane - that does NOT mean come to a complete stop, that does not mean to continue to drive 20 MPH until you are actually ON the freeway - it means hit the button for the jump to lightspeed, moron!!!

My other is people who do not put their kids in child restraint seats. Makes me want to pull them over and beat the living crap out of them. They need to go to jail for that. To me that's the same as beating their kids with a stick - total child abuse. Even $$ is no excuse - most hospitals and sheriff's offices will GIVE you a car seat these days if you demonstrate need.

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Mine is people who do not understand the concept of an acceleration or merge lane - that does NOT mean come to a complete stop, that does not mean to continue to drive 20 MPH until you are actually ON the freeway - it means hit the button for the jump to lightspeed, moron!!!


Are you saying that Yield does not mean Give Up? :):thumbsup::thumbsup:

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People that don't use blinkers

People that ride my bumber

People that I get behind that constantly hit their brakes because they're riding too close

People that get into a turning lane ride it halk way and then turn their blinker on. Hello you're already in the TURNING LANE, why use the blinker now?

People that don't know how to yield. They want to ride out the entire acceleration lane and try to fornce their way over. Or my favorite ride out the lane and then have to stop cuz they can't get over and then they turn on their blinker. Na Duh, I thought you wanted to go to the wrong side of traffic. I've been blown at because I won't ride out the acceleration lane. I stop until clear.

People that run red lights

People that are in the turning lane on a circular green and they get way out in the middle of the highway, way past the white bar, and when the light turns red, they think "oh well I'm way out in the highway, I better just go.

People that run the red lights when it says turn signal only or don't go on red

People that don't come to complete stops at a 4 way stop. It confuses the heck out of people. I' ve been blown at because I came to a complete stop :huh:

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1. People who don't put kids in child seats. ("Im holding my baby, its okay"). No...actually you are an idiot...and should be beaten with a rusty baseball bat...twice.

2. WOMEN who read books WHILE DRIVING. Jenny, before you throw rocks at me...I've never seen a man read while driving. Seen many many women.

3. People who speed up and fly around you if you pass them. Why does it make slow drivers mad when people go around them?

4. People who parrallel you on the freeway. Either get in front or behind. There's NO OTHER cars around us...dont drive speed up/slow down just to match my speed. Drive how fast YOU think you should drive.

5. 18 wheelers in the left lane.

6. "Construction" zones for 20 miles...but no construction. Just an orange cone here and there on the side of the road...but 50mph speed limit anyway.

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In no particular order:

When you're on the interstate and two cars are side by side, and neither will speed up or slow down enough for you to go around the both of them. One is puttering in the "slow" lane and the other is keeping exact pace with them in the passing lane.

Semis that pull out to pass someone, but do so on a hill where it take them a month to actually make the pass.

When I'm allowing extra distance between me and the car ahead of me because it's raining, and some dumbass thinks that's his opening to squeeze in between us. So I back off more so I'm not on his tail and another dumbass does the same thing.

People who drive with a dog riding free in the bed of their pickup truck. I know that it's some kind of Southern tradition, but it ties my stomach in knots. All it takes is one instance of having to slam on brakes or swerve to avoid an accident and that dog is going to be airborne or seriously hurt by being slammed around the truck bed. Same goes for kids in the truck bed, but I'm seeing that less and less because of child seat requirements and such.

During rush hour, when people turn into the intersection when they don't have room to clear it. Meanwhile, the light changes and folks waiting in the other cross roads and turn lanes can't move because this dumbass is blocking the intersection.

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2. WOMEN who read books WHILE DRIVING. Jenny, before you throw rocks at me...I've never seen a man read while driving. Seen many many women.


Piggybacking on that one, almost every week, I see at least one woman applying makeup in the car while driving. I've even seen them do MASCARA while the car is in motion. Unbelievable.

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1.) People who don't use blinkers.


You're the frikkin law, follow it.

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Among the majority of the one's already posted (didn't read them all) here arethe ones I thought of right away.

Turn off your blinker if you are not turning. Turn it on if you are and not as you are actually doing so.

Stop using your horn as an audible "finger."

Put your stinkin' kids in a seat and strap them in.

Do Not Ever Smoke while your kids are in the car! EVER!

A wreck on the opposite bound lanes of the interstate should not stop traffic in the other. STOP RUBBER NECKING!

Just because a policeman/trooper/sherrif is driving below the speed limit, that does not mean the limit has beenreduced to their speed.

If talking on your cell phone keeps you from driving properly and is holding people up or scaring the snot out of everyone else, GET OFF THE DAMN PHONE!

Hello, My name is MDM, and I have road rage.

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People that drive 5mph under the speed limit in the fast lane. I always seem to get behind these people and they wont get over to let you pass them. Then when you try to pass them in the slow lane they usually speed up to make it difficult on you. Also the merging thing. People either coming to a complete stop at the bottom of the on ramp or people merging onto I-65 at 30mph. Also people that wont get over and let you in when your merging piss me off. I almost had a wreck because some old lady wouldnt get over and let me in when there was nothing keeping her from doing so. I ended up having to stop at the end of the ramp narrowly avoiding a guardrail. Then I caught up to her and looked over and she was reading a book and not paying attention to the road. Finally, immigrants that dont have insurance and dont know the traffic laws. I got behind this guy that didn't know you could turn right on red so we waited there forever with no cars in sight till the light turned green and he takes a right. Another one thought you needed a green arrow to turn left. I waited behind him honking while the light was green and no cars were coming until the light turned red and then he goes when the green arrow appears. I could go on and on about this stuff.

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Finally, immigrants that dont have insurance and dont know the traffic laws. I got behind this guy that didn't know you could turn right on red so we waited there forever with no cars in sight till the light turned green and he takes a right. Another one thought you needed a green arrow to turn left. I waited behind him honking while the light was green and no cars were coming until the light turned red and then he goes when the green arrow appears. I could go on and on about this stuff.


We must drive in the same areas, I have been behind both of those guys. But sadly, I am afraid there are more than those two.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

People who do not understand the concept of slower traffic in the right lane.

People who zoom past people waiting in a line where the highway goes from two lanes to one (mainly due to construction) and try to squeeze it at the front. (You are the ones causing more of a delay for all of us!)

People who will sit in traffic at a standstill and not let a person exit a business parking lot or tur left into a parking lot. Common courtesy, people!

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oh yeah...

People who drive without car insurance.

These are the people who go around thinking..."if I have a wreck...so what. If i wreck their nice car, they can afford a new one, and they can't sue me...because im poor"

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in reference to dogs in back of pickups:

I know that it's some kind of Southern tradition, but it ties my stomach in knots.

it is quite common in the pacific northwest.

pet peeves that "drive" me crazy:

  • people driving below the speed limit on a two-lane highway then as the highway splits to form a 4 lane highway they speed up well over the speed limit preventing you from passing. when the highway merges back to a 2 lane highway they slow back down.
  • elderly folks who should not be behind the wheel
  • lack of high beam etiquette

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The Greensprings Highway exit - The idiotic people turning left off the exit that will not get to the left so those turning right can get by.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

The Greensprings Highway exit - The idiotic people turning left off the exit that will not get to the left so those turning right can get by.


Hear, hear! (or is it Here, here!?) My Army Reserve unit is on GS and I have to go by there after work from time to time. Those folks are a pain in the rear. You have to jump the curb and risk damage to your car if you want to go around them.

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People who ride in the left lane of a two lane highway the whole time.

I drive I-65 when going home for the weekend and twice I have almost had wrecks when I was in the left lane passing a car and they aren't paying attention and are trying to change lanes when I'm right next to them, one time it was a minivan from Ontario and I ran halfway off the interstate, scared the crap out of me.

Drivers who think the overpasses in Huntsville is where they need to test their Nascar skills when it comes to passing people at high speeds and no room.

Blinkers are there for a reason, use them.

Slow drivers who speed up and pass you after you passed them, no you are not at the front of the line on the highway so quit acting like a 5 year old in the lunch line.

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Upfront: apologies to Ravad and others of the Northern persuasion...

Old people from up north who move south when they retire - or who winter down south (snowbirds). They have always lived someplace where a car was never a necessity - public transportation, being able to walk places, etc. So they move south when they are 75, and suddenly decide they need a car - NEVER MIND that they have driven exactly twice in their lives before then. And not just any car -Oh, NO!! They get a Lincoln Town Car - the biggest chunk of steel on the road. And then they drive 15 mph under the speed limit, take forever to turn, are totally unable to park it normally, and can't see far enough over the steering wheel to prevent them from rearending someone who stops at a light or a stop sign because the old person cannot judge the distance because they have no depth perception!! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone who has ever lived in or driven thru Pensacola FL during snowbird season knows exactly what I am talking about. I swear the local Lincoln dealership ran a snowbird special - every snowbird wreck I ever saw - and they were a daily occurrence, no exaggeration - has involved a Lincoln Town Car. I have personally ridden behind a Town Car driven by a grey hair bun. I am only assuming there was a little old lady underneath said bun. Unreal.

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They get a Lincoln Town Car - the biggest chunk of steel on the road.


I like to call those "Lead Sleds!" :lol:

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How about people who buy cars that look like cop cars?

Why would you INTENTIONALLY buy a car that causes people to sweat and worry about whether or not they are going to get a ticket...?

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Guest Tigrinum Major
How about people who buy cars that look like cop cars?

Why would you INTENTIONALLY buy a car that causes people to sweat and worry about whether or not they are going to get a ticket...?


How about people who put HUGE pictures in their sigs? And the picture takes up the entire screen? And it is of Alabama basketball players yukking it up on the bench? And...or, sorry, I thought this was the WEN Pet Peeve thread.


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people driving below the speed limit on a two-lane highway then as the highway splits to form a 4 lane highway they speed up well over the speed limit preventing you from passing.  when the highway merges back to a 2 lane highway they slow back down. 


Happens to me 12-14 times a year. Six or seven times a season driving TO Auburn and six or seven times a season driving BACK home. Always at the same place on Highway 78 just outside of Winfield AL. :angry:

Looks like you guys are covering about all the bases with your peeves. Just to add another.....

Something that's happened to me a few times since I moved to the big city last month that is starting to get on my nerves, is when people clog up the left-hand lane by going slow, and then, 50 feet before their exit, try and cross 3 lanes of traffic to get off. That has garnered the horn and a couple of fingers from me lately.

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