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Why it’s important.

Eagle Eye 7

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While a lot of us might be upset about the mistakes last night and having to come back at the last minute there is one thing to note . What did Cam and Nick really bring to the table? What made them winners? What made Lawrence a winner last year? What separates a lot of winners from losers? Being able to find that extra gear when your up against good competition. Last night Bo showed us, when clutch time came, he had another gear and he pulled away. So did Boobie, Seth, the OL and DL. In fact the whole team did. They didn’t panic they just shifted up to top speed. This is what champions do. How many times over the years when things went bad did we worry that we could finish? Well this team put the word out last night. They have another gear and can win at any time. They will believe in theirselves and so will future opponents. Opponents will not feel safe they will do things they shouldn’t. That’s one of the advantage great teams have. I look forward watching this team grow this year. 

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8 minutes ago, Eagle Eye 7 said:

While a lot of us might be upset about the mistakes last night and having to come back at the last minute there is one thing to note . What did Cam and Nick really bring to the table? What made them winners? What made Lawrence a winner last year? What separates a lot of winners from losers? Being able to find that extra gear when your up against good competition. Last night Bo showed us, when clutch time came, he had another gear and he pulled away. So did Boobie, Seth, the OL and DL. In fact the whole team did. They didn’t panic they just shifted up to top speed. This is what champions do. How many times over the years when things went bad did we worry that we could finish? Well this team put the word out last night. They have another gear and can win at any time. They will believe in theirselves and so will future opponents. Opponents will not feel safe they will do things they shouldn’t. That’s one of the advantage great teams have. I look forward watching this team grow this year. 

Out of likes. Great post 

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1 minute ago, WarTim said:

Out of likes. Great post 

Thanks .while the game wasn’t pretty I just don’t think folks understand what those guys proved to theirselves last night. Nothing was gave to them. They picked theirselves off the ground and came back with renewed vision and determination. Their mindset changed in a way most people will never experience. 

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Agreed. and I posted this on the wrong thread and was meant for this one.. lol

I don't post serious stuff a lot here.. just read and like mostly and do the look a like thread... but,

Obviously.... I think Oregon had a solid game plan coming in AND OBVIOUSLY executed it well early in the first half... loading the box taking away the Run... and they were prepared and ready for our screens, and sweep / outside stuff with Stove and Shivers... and basic game plan was pressure and make a freshman Quarterback beat you throwing the ball down field... So that said, what I think....

Oregon is a very good team and....... especially fast.

I Really think the speed of the game and the Oregon team caught us off guard in the first half... coupled with their good game plan and execution.

We had to adjust to that.

We talk about not being able to simulate a REAL game at a scrimmage or practice and here was a GOOD example of the difference. We weathered the storm and started playing up to our / their  level and making plays. There was some real leadership from players both young and old. Never quit and played hard.

This team will get better and will get better because of a WIN early in the season for a change instead of a LOSS ( LSU usually even in a good year... ) 

I think this game may have just helped prepare us for exactly what we will face in a few weeks at AtM. ... not to mention the rest of the season...

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