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Who didn't see this coming...


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Oh man...just when you thought this couldn't get any sleazier and contrived; old Sleepy Joe comes thru.  

The 2020 Democratic candidate with whom the CIA whistleblower had a "professional" tie is Joe Biden, according to intelligence officers and former White House officials.

A retired CIA officer told the Washington Examiner, “From everything we know about the whistleblower and his work in the executive branch then, there is absolutely no doubt he would have been working with Biden when he was vice president."


I bet we find out that he was with Biden in the Ukraine.  I bet the more we look we find some Ukranian money funneled his way.

Just for the record; Hunter Biden's bank records how that $3.1m flowed in from the Ukrainians over 18 months.  $142k was wired from a Ukrainian Oligarch; $1.2m came from an LLC connected to a bank with a history of money laundering.  All flowing to the son of a man responsible for Ukraine policy...wow, an amazing coincidence.  Completely innocent.  I mean, I'd certainly hire a guy who was kicked out of the Navy for cocaine, arrested with crack paraphenalia, fake ID's, and apparently was boning his brothers wife.  That's a dream resume.

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