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Newsweek gets story wrong, People Die!

DKW 86

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Let's see...Bush took action based on:

Years of past history by Sadaam to support his claims

Years of defiance from Sadaam

HUNDREDS of people working with CIA, FBI etc

The support of congress/senate (including John F'in Kerry)

Newsweek took action based on ONE shaky source with an agenda. Had they even been able to ENSURE the source was reliable...Titan will tell you that a 2 source minimum exists for a reason. And if they had 2 sources...they should have gone through the proper military channels to make a difference...NOT incite rioting as they KNEW this would.

American media thrives on making america look bad. Because American media cares about money money money. Awfully convienent that this took place during sweeps week huh?


I agree with what you said.... but expect a rebuttle of and/or justification :poke:

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Five words, Newsweek lied and people died!


Those keeping score at home in the Hypocrisy Sweepstakes, Newsweek "lied", Bush just had "faulty information."


Those keeping score. Bush's decision was made to protect America.

Newsweek's decision was made to create sensationalism, and CANNOT be viewed as protecting our troops. Regardless of intent.

Which seems MORE dangerous to you?


The point is whether they "lied" or had inaccurate information. From WMD to Social Security, no one sensationalizes information more than the Bush administration. There is actually ample information available that supports that the practice they report, flushing the Koran, has happened. In fact, such reports have been in the press many times before....


No, the point is Newsweek's Lie/Inaccuracies cost Soldier's lives and damaged the soldiers' reputations.

Bush's Lies or inaccuracies resulted in removing a brutal dictator from power. Sure soldier's died. But they died for a noble cause.

So, pick one....

A. It is more noble to die for Bush's inaccuracies, than to die for Newsweek's inaccuracies.

B. A. It is more noble to die for Newsweek's inaccuracies, than to die for Bush's inaccuracies.

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Since Bush is a liar..... does this make the media a liar for saying Gore won?

Or was this bad intelligence?

And Clinton did lie, but you can't even admit that.

Newsweek should have known better than to use 1 shaky source? Did they not take into account the reaction that this would cause? You think the religious right is bad....

Bush had intelligence not from just this country..... plus Saddam had used WMD's in the past, making him capable of using them again. But oh wait(passes the kool aid) Bush planned this every step of the way.. he just wanted to dress it up..... forget the fact that Saddam is a great humanitarian

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Since Bush is a liar..... does this make the media a liar for saying Gore won?

Or was this bad intelligence?

And Clinton did lie, but you can't even admit that.

Newsweek should have known better than to use 1 shaky source? Did they not take into account the reaction that this would cause? You think the religious right is bad....

Bush had intelligence not from just this country..... plus Saddam had used WMD's in the past, making him capable of using them again. But oh wait(passes the kool aid) Bush planned this every step of the way.. he just wanted to dress it up..... forget the fact that Saddam is a great humanitarian


Dont you guys find it funny that the so-called "Dumbest President Ever" is still believed to be bright enough to pull off the sneakiest series of conspiratorial mayhem since the death of JFK..or Chappaquidick. :big:

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The other night, I saw a report about inspectors finding more mass graves throughout Iraq. The reporter stated that it is not unreasonable to say that there is not a family in the entire country that has not been affected by the mass murders carried out by Saddam Hussein's regime.

Not only do they continue to uncover these gravesites, but they found numerous torture chambers throughout the country as well. I specifically recall a lot of rhetoric concerning what Saddam was doing to his own people prior to going to war, yet I hear very little argument about this now that we're there. All I see is a constant stream of shots at Bush about WMD's. If the mass murder of 10's of thousands of people, possibly more, is not justification enough to go in and take out the current regime, I don't know what is.

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The other night, I saw a report about inspectors finding more mass graves throughout Iraq.  The reporter stated that it is not unreasonable to say that there is not a family in the entire country that has not been affected by the mass murders carried out by Saddam Hussein's regime.

Not only do they continue to uncover these gravesites, but they found numerous torture chambers throughout the country as well.  I specifically recall a lot of rhetoric concerning what Saddam was doing to his own people prior to going to war, yet I hear very little argument about this now that we're there.  All I see is a constant stream of shots at Bush about WMD's.  If the mass murder of 10's of thousands of people, possibly more, is not justification enough to go in and take out the current regime, I don't know what is.



But the oppossing side has made it out that Bush had to lie to get the people to support the war.

I mean do people actually think Bush LIED so we could go to war? What has Bush gained out of this? Bush tries not to make it about him.. him and everyone else has tried to make it about the Iraqi people.

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What has Bush gained out of this? Bush tries not to make it about him.. him and everyone else has tried to make it about the Iraqi people.

Bush showed the world that Saddam was a blood thirsty tyrant who murdered his own people, showed the U.N. to be corrupt to the core, and has thus far shown the world that we'll hunt down the terrorist who attacked us on 9/11. For that, he's earned the scorn from the rest of the world ?

Don't that beat all :huh:

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Once again, I didn't defend Newsweek or justify anything. I pointed out the hypocrisy of calling their action a "lie" while bristling at the same characterization of Bush's actions.

stay on topic then! this is a bash newsweak thread!

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Selective Outrage

According to chaos theory, the flapping of a single butterfly's wings can trigger a hurricane halfway across the globe, a phenomenon known as the "butterfly effect." Now the Bush administration thinks it has detected something that might be called the "Newsweek effect." It says the magazine's publication of an item in its May 9 issue, alleging that U.S. guards flushed the Koran down a toilet in order to humiliate prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, was a cause of riots in Afghanistan and Pakistan last week that left at least 14 people dead.

We'll leave it to the scientists and philosophers to debate the finer points of chaos theory. What we can say here is that the "Newsweek effect" is exaggerated.



This is not to say that Newsweek's article was correct; after apologizing for it on Sunday, the magazine retracted it on Monday. And the use of anonymous sources, on which the Newsweek article relied, raises questions of motivation and credibility that news organizations (including this one) ignore at their peril. But the story hardly tarnishes all news coverage of the war, as the administration, and much of the conservative media, would have you believe.

The more interesting question may not be how Newsweek goofed, but why the Muslim world is so ready to believe the story. For all the administration's huffing and puffing about Newsweek getting the story wrong, it has produced such a catalog of misdeeds at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo that almost any allegation is instantly credited abroad. The administration itself has said that 11 soldiers have been disciplined for abusing prisoners at Gitmo.

The United States has already been convicted in the court of world opinion for its treatment of its prisoners, and that's the administration's fault, not Newsweek's. Shutting down Guantanamo and giving suspected terrorists legal protections would help restore our reputation abroad. Crowing over Newsweek's mishap won't.


This editorial is very insightful

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Five words, Newsweek lied and people died!


Those keeping score at home in the Hypocrisy Sweepstakes, Newsweek "lied", Bush just had "faulty information."


For those keeping count of the number of times that TexasTiger will bring up President Bush in a negative way in a thread that never mentions W, the score is at 2220 + or - .

Those keeping score at home in the Hypocrisy Sweepstakes, Newsweek "lied", Bush just had "faulty information."


Actually, Bush wasn't the one I was criticizing for hypocrisy in this post.

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