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make no mistake.............


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i said i was not going to GLOAT about biden winning and would try to be nicer. you can take it or leave it but i am not going to roll over and be poor mouthed by anyone on this site. when trump was being an ass you guys were all for it but when i gave it to you guys like he does our side many of you cried like little bitches. some of you tried like hell to get me banned when i pointed out your hypocrisy.  carry on.............

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It’s a good thing you aren’t gloating....all I’m hearing is that they will reverse the winner soon. But the mainstream media isn’t going to cover it......😂😂😂😂..Cuz watermarks, something something!!! 😂😂

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3 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

i said i was not going to GLOAT about biden winning and would try to be nicer. you can take it or leave it but i am not going to roll over and be poor mouthed by anyone on this site. when trump was being an ass you guys were all for it but when i gave it to you guys like he does our side many of you cried like little bitches. some of you tried like hell to get me banned when i pointed out your hypocrisy.  carry on.............


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16 hours ago, wdefromtx said:

It’s a good thing you aren’t gloating....all I’m hearing is that they will reverse the winner soon. But the mainstream media isn’t going to cover it......😂😂😂😂..Cuz watermarks, something something!!! 😂😂

well i might not gloat but i might add some gloss to my statements..............lol

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12 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:


you damn right i am. if you are not your own best friend you are already behind this thing called life. but try again salty. you know i use salt to clean my toilets with........grins

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