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Supreme Court plays coward. Get raped in Texas and u can be forced to have the baby.


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19 hours ago, Gowebb11 said:

If those same women and their partners made better personal decisions on the front end the majority of abortions would be unnecessary. And that’s the unfortunate fact of this debate. But for some reason we only speak of personal liberties in this country, never personal responsibilities. 

But those "personal decisions" are frequently dictated by the circumstances women are forced to confront with an unwanted pregnancy.

Democrats have been more successful in reducing abortions than Republicans by promoting healthcare policies which provide more support to women and their child after birth.  "Obamacare" is a good example.


..........The fact is the Alabama GOP — and the national Republican Party — has been responsible for millions more abortions and baby deaths than any Democrat or any Democratic policy. 

Jones, and his policies, would prevent hundreds of thousands of abortions in this state going forward. 

No, that’s not an opinion. That’s a fact that I can support with actual data. 

As Republicans scream about abortions, the thing they always fail to mention is that an abortion ban in America will not reduce the number of abortions performed. This has been proven over and over again in country after country, where full bans have been implemented. 

Instead, when bans are implemented, desperate women turn to unsafe, back-alley abortions that often lead to the deaths of both mother and fetus. Findings from a 30-year Guttmacher Institute, released in July, show that abortion rates remain steady in countries where the procedures are legal and in the countries where they are banned or partially banned. 

In fact, the rates were often higher in countries with a ban in place.

But you know where the rates aren’t steady? America. 

You know why? Obamacare. 

Over the last 10 years, abortion rates have dipped to historic lows. That decline can be traced directly to Obamacare, which allows women to receive covered contraceptive care, which prevent pregnancies in the first place.

A study from the University of Michigan in 2017 found that abortion rates dropped more than 10 percent among college-aged women following the passage of Obamacare, which, in addition to the contraceptive coverage, also allowed young people to remain on their parents’ health insurance longer. 

Overall, across the county, abortions decreased by more than 200,000 between 2010 and 2017. The abortion rate plummeted to its lowest level since the procedure was legalized in 1973. 

Actually, that’s not entirely true. They decreased across the country except for four states — North Carolina, Mississippi, Wyoming and Georgia. Care to guess what happened in those states? They each implemented some level of an abortion ban during that time period. 

But Obamacare isn’t the only Democratic policy that has reduced abortions.  

In Colorado, where state officials began a push to market free contraceptive care and also allowed pharmacists in the state to write prescriptions for birth control, abortion rate declines have exceeded the national average. 

Teen birth rates in Colorado are down a whopping 59 percent over the last 10 years. And teen abortion rates are down more than 60 percent in that span. 

Know where else they’re not down? Alabama. 

We’re top five in teen pregnancy and teen birth rates in the country. We’re also top five for births by unwed mothers, low birth weights, pre-term births and infant mortality.  

Yet, these same Republicans who line up to talk about the sanctity of life have resisted both Obamacare implementation — refusing to participate in the marketplace and make care more affordable for citizens — and Medicaid expansion, which would provide coverage for about 200,000 poor, working Alabamians. 

They have resisted better sex education programs in schools — we still require abstinence-only programs — and refused to fund programs that would make contraceptives free and widely available. 

These programs and policies have proven to reduce abortions and save lives. They’ve proven to provide women with decent care and support, instead of shame and ridicule. 

These are the policies that Jones and Alabama Democrats support. They’re the policies that the GOP have tried repeatedly to kill or block. Which means, if it’s the reduction of abortions and saving human lives that you care about, there’s one obvious choice to make. Vote for Democrats.

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7 minutes ago, homersapien said:

These are the policies that Jones and Alabama Democrats support. They’re the policies that the GOP have tried repeatedly to kill or block. Which means, if it’s the reduction of abortions and saving human lives that you care about, there’s one obvious choice to make. Vote for Democrats.

I’ve never known of an unwanted pregnancy caused by the government. With the exception of rape, it is caused by two individuals choosing to have sex. I’m fed up with the complete abdication of personal responsibility. Whether abortion, or health, or crime, or income, etc… Want a better life? Make better decisions. Feel free to have the last word. 

Edited by Gowebb11
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On 9/10/2021 at 2:02 PM, I_M4_AU said:

I though so too.

Joe has had no clear policy on Covid. He has let an unelected bureaucrat guide his every decision and that has resulted in policies that change every week or so.  If you’re vaccinated you are protected and you can live your life.  No wait, you must wear a mask indoors even if you are vaccinated, no wait. You must wear a mask when outdoors when you can’t practice social distancing even if you are vaccinated.

Why would anybody believe anything the CDC tells them?  Biden can’t take that information and make his own mind up as what to do.

The primary driver of the Pandemic is the virus.  There just is different views of how best to handle the pandemic.

Biden clearly has a policy - get all Americans vaccinated.  That's the only way to halt a pandemic.

All those "unelected bureaucrats" happen to be doctors and scientists who are experts in the field of epidemics and pandemics.  You know, all those people Trump was ignoring.  A good president will always consult experts before establishing policy.

You are letting your emotions and political biases overrun basic logic and critical thinking. 

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5 minutes ago, homersapien said:

Biden clearly has a policy - get all Americans vaccinated.  That's the only way to halt a pandemic.

All those "unelected bureaucrats" happen to be doctors and scientists who are experts in the field of epidemics and pandemics.  You know, all those people Trump was ignoring.  A good president will always consult experts before establishing policy.

You are letting your emotions and political biases overrun basic logic and critical thinking. 

If everyone had just injected bleach last year then the pandemic would be over. 🤣

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On 9/10/2021 at 10:18 AM, AU9377 said:

I believe that this has become a political issue in the U.S.,  but that it should not be and should have never been a political talking point.  People at the NIH and CDC are not perfect, but they have made their life's work protecting people from diseases in the U.S. and across the world.  To think that any of them would work for 50 years doing that and then all of a sudden be part of some grand conspiracy to harm people just makes no sense whatsoever.

And we can hold Trump directly responsible for that.

Ironically enough, the pandemic presented him with a perfect opportunity to demonstrate he could be a responsible president.  But no, he led with denial.  Why?  Because he saw the pandemic as a direct threat to his reelection. 

What a foolish response for a president.

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17 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

I’ve never known of an unwanted pregnancy caused by the government. With the exception of rape, it is caused by two individuals choosing to have sex. I’m fed up with the complete abdication of personal responsibility. Whether abortion, or health, or crime, or income, etc… Want a better life? Make better decisions. Feel free to have the last word. 

Yeah, want a better life?  Be totally celibate. :rolleyes:

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19 hours ago, homersapien said:

Biden clearly has a policy - get all Americans vaccinated.  That's the only way to halt a pandemic.

All those "unelected bureaucrats" happen to be doctors and scientists who are experts in the field of epidemics and pandemics.  You know, all those people Trump was ignoring.  A good president will always consult experts before establishing policy.

You are letting your emotions and political biases overrun basic logic and critical thinking. 

Does allowing 200,000 illegal immigrants across our Southern border without being vaccinated part of Biden’s plan to halt the pandemic?

The Biden administration is not planning to vaccinate the nearly 200,000 migrants who are showing up on the border each month, despite imposing mandates on federal workers and private businesses nationwide.


Yet the administration is blaming the Republicans/conservatives/white supremists for not winning the war against the virus.

The man is a walking, talking contradiction and you are his cult leader on this board.

ETA: he really doesn’t walk, it’s more like shuffle.

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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Does allowing 200,000 illegal immigrants across our Southern border without being vaccinated part of Biden’s plan to halt the pandemic?

The Biden administration is not planning to vaccinate the nearly 200,000 migrants who are showing up on the border each month, despite imposing mandates on federal workers and private businesses nationwide.


Yet the administration is blaming the Republicans/conservatives/white supremists for not winning the war against the virus.

The man is a walking, talking contradiction and you are his cult leader on this board.

ETA: he really doesn’t walk, it’s more like shuffle.

It's pretty rich to characterize Biden's supporters as a cult following.  After all, they are about as diverse as any voting block has ever been.  More importantly, you would be hard pressed to find very many that support him blindly.

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5 hours ago, AU9377 said:

It's pretty rich to characterize Biden's supporters as a cult following.  After all, they are about as diverse as any voting block has ever been.  More importantly, you would be hard pressed to find very many that support him blindly.

Any thought about Biden’s plan for eliminating the virus by his vaccine mandate for the American citizens while allowing illegal immigrants and unvetted refugees enter the US without being vaccinated?   How are we suppose to get to herd immunity is we keep letting unvaccinated people into the country?

Biden’s plan is basically relying on a vaccine that was developed by Trump.  Has Biden ever had an original thought go through his brain?

The transparency of the Biden administration is something to behold.


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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Any thought about Biden’s plan for eliminating the virus by his vaccine mandate for the American citizens while allowing illegal immigrants and unvetted refugees enter the US without being vaccinated?   How are we suppose to get to herd immunity is we keep letting unvaccinated people into the country?

Biden’s plan is basically relying on a vaccine that was developed by Trump.  Has Biden ever had an original thought go through his brain?

The transparency of the Biden administration is something to behold.


You really need to lay off the right wing propaganda sites.  It's fake news.


But I didn't know that Trump actually developed this vaccine!  :laugh:



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3 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Any thought about Biden’s plan for eliminating the virus by his vaccine mandate for the American citizens while allowing illegal immigrants and unvetted refugees enter the US without being vaccinated?   How are we suppose to get to herd immunity is we keep letting unvaccinated people into the country?

Biden’s plan is basically relying on a vaccine that was developed by Trump.  Has Biden ever had an original thought go through his brain?

The transparency of the Biden administration is something to behold.


You actually believe that the problem with people not being vaccinated is  related to border migrants?  Really?

We have a problem with our Southern border.  I agree.  However, the problem begins with the fact that this country has spent the past 200 years actively encouraging immigration in order to fuel our industrial ambitions.  Our laws and our constitution are both written in ways that reflect this public policy.  They come here because being here provides them with opportunities that they simply don't have where they live.  Hundreds of thousands actually cross the border for work every day legally, returning to their homes in Mexico every evening. 

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13 hours ago, AU9377 said:

You actually believe that the problem with people not being vaccinated is  related to border migrants?  Really?

We have a problem with our Southern border.  I agree.  However, the problem begins with the fact that this country has spent the past 200 years actively encouraging immigration in order to fuel our industrial ambitions.  Our laws and our constitution are both written in ways that reflect this public policy.  They come here because being here provides them with opportunities that they simply don't have where they live.  Hundreds of thousands actually cross the border for work every day legally, returning to their homes in Mexico every evening. 

The xenophobia basically comes standard as a MAGA. Hell, they have to blame somebody for their problems. <_<

(Trump figured that out early.)

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9 hours ago, AU9377 said:

You actually believe that the problem with people not being vaccinated is  related to border migrants?  Really?

We have a problem with our Southern border.  I agree.  However, the problem begins with the fact that this country has spent the past 200 years actively encouraging immigration in order to fuel our industrial ambitions.  Our laws and our constitution are both written in ways that reflect this public policy.  They come here because being here provides them with opportunities that they simply don't have where they live.  Hundreds of thousands actually cross the border for work every day legally, returning to their homes in Mexico every evening. 

Your first statement is a leap in logic.  I did not say the problem with people not being vaccinated is related to the border.  What I question is if we have 25% of our citizens that are not vaccinated, how does the Biden administration get to herd immunity if he is letting in illegal immigrants that are NOT vaccinated?  

This has nothing to do with our immigration policy.  Biden is mandating his citizens to get the vaccine and at the same time allowing illegals in the country without the vaccine when he has them in detention centers and vaccines are available.  Do you think once the illegal immigrants are in the country they are going to voluntarily take the jab?

Tell me you can see this problem even though you play the woke card.

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10 hours ago, homersapien said:

You really need to lay off the right wing propaganda sites.  It's fake news.


But I didn't know that Trump actually developed this vaccine!  :laugh:



From your posted link:

What are the vaccination requirements?

They are: mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus, diphtheria toxoids, pertussis, influenza type B, hepatitis B, and any other vaccinations recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices (ACIP). Current ACIP recommendations also include the varicella, haemophilus influenza type B, and pneumococcal vaccines.

The Covid vaccination is not mentioned specifically.  There is a reference to *other vaccinations*, but don’t you think being such a hot button they would have specifically stated the Covid vaccination?

the linked article is only referring to refugees, any thoughts on the 200,000/month illegal immigrants not being vaccinated entering the country?

I did make the faux pa concerning the development of the vaccine, but the original point remains.  Joe Biden’s great plan is to reach herd immunity using the same vaccine he was unsure of during his campaign.  There is no other plan, just the vaccine that was developed under the guidance of the Trump administration.  That’s got to hurt.

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36 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

I did make the faux pa concerning the development of the vaccine, but the original point remains.  Joe Biden’s great plan is to reach herd immunity using the same vaccine he was unsure of during his campaign.  There is no other plan, just the vaccine that was developed under the guidance of the Trump administration.  That’s got to hurt.

What would your plan be?

Also, why do you say Biden was unsure of the vaccine?

By the way, the Trump administration did not guide the development of the vaccine, it simply removed some of the red tape and other impediments to speed the development, as well as allocating funds. Many of us who are against Trump have long since admitted that and given him credit for it. It's time for his supporters to admit that any person with a pulse would have done the same.

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2 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Your first statement is a leap in logic.  I did not say the problem with people not being vaccinated is related to the border.  What I question is if we have 25% of our citizens that are not vaccinated, how does the Biden administration get to herd immunity if he is letting in illegal immigrants that are NOT vaccinated?  

This has nothing to do with our immigration policy.  Biden is mandating his citizens to get the vaccine and at the same time allowing illegals in the country without the vaccine when he has them in detention centers and vaccines are available.  Do you think once the illegal immigrants are in the country they are going to voluntarily take the jab?

Tell me you can see this problem even though you play the woke card.

Actually, he is mandating certain people get vaccinated.  He has not mandated every citizen be vaccinated.  If one of these immigrants goes to work for a government contractor, then that immigrant would be required to get his shots.  If he goes to work for an employer that employs 100 people etc....

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1 hour ago, Leftfield said:

What would your plan be?

Also, why do you say Biden was unsure of the vaccine?

By the way, the Trump administration did not guide the development of the vaccine, it simply removed some of the red tape and other impediments to speed the development, as well as allocating funds. Many of us who are against Trump have long since admitted that and given him credit for it. It's time for his supporters to admit that any person with a pulse would have done the same.

I’m not the President, but my plan would include therapeutics for those people unwilling to get the vaccine.  It would not include mandated vaccines, I would encourage people to get it, but not mandatory. 

Biden’s questioning Trump’s remarks during the campaign set the stage for a lot of vaccine hesitancy along with his running mate’s concern of a vaccine developed under Trump.  Specifically, he questioned Trump not believing his own scientists when those scientists said it wouldn’t be available until mid summer.  Turns out Trump was correct all along.  This created some hesitation in believing the vaccine was going to be as effective as it has been.

The only reason this vaccine was developed in record time was Trump’s experience in getting things done in the business environment.  Any other person with a pulse that had been involved in government for decades would have listened to Fauci and sat on their hands waiting for the bureaucracy to churn out the vaccine in 3 or 4 years.

Trump didn’t do a lot of things correct, but he hit a grand slam with warp speed.


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7 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

Actually, he is mandating certain people get vaccinated.  He has not mandated every citizen be vaccinated.  If one of these immigrants goes to work for a government contractor, then that immigrant would be required to get his shots.  If he goes to work for an employer that employs 100 people etc....

Well that would get a few of the 1 million or so that have crossed the border.

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