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‘This Is My Fault’: Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Responds To Twitter Files

DKW 86

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I know some on here are such narrative trolls that they will attack the source, dismiss the content, deny what the man plainly says. But Dorsey knows what happened and is now admitting it freely. 

Dorsey said that Twitter in its current form does not meet the standards he thinks would best suit the platform.

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I will withhold judgment until maybe the summer. It is a mess now.  It it was a mess before. A new HC can’t fix everything over nite. No one can do that. So what it looked like and will look like may be very different. 

I say this as someone that has not used Twitter ever in my lifetime. I have an account that was strictly for ministry communications and we quickly went to another platform. My church asked us to sign for a Twitter account. I think I have 2-3 followers, all church memebers and haven’t signed in since 2010 maybe?

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