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House Democrat Gives Stunning Answer When Pressed by CNN’s Dana Bash About Hamas’ Sexual Violence: ‘We Have to Be Balanced’ In Our Condemnation


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Tensions flared between Dana Bash and Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) when the CNN anchor confronted the congresswoman on why she isn’t more vocally outraged over Hamas’ use of sexual violence.

Bash and Jayapal spoke on Sunday about the collapse of last week’s truce between Israel and Hamas, as well as the pressure the United Nations has been under to condemn Hamas for the rape and sexual assault their members committed against Israeli women on October 7th. The CNN anchot called it “remarkable” that the subject hasn’t been getting more attention, adding “I’ve seen a lot of Progressive women. Generally speaking, they’re quick to defend women’s rights and to speak out against using rape as a weapon of war, but downright silent on what we saw on October 7th and what might be happening inside Gaza right now to these hostages.”

“Why is that?” Bash asked Jayapal.

“I don’t know that that’s true,” Jayapal said. “I think we always talk about the impact of war on women in particular.”

Jayapal insisted that she has “absolutely” kept the topic in mind since Oct. 7 “and I’ve condemned what Hamas has done.”

“Specifically against women?” Bash asked.

“Of course!” Jayapal responded. From there, though, she pivoted to the scrutiny Israel has received over the unprecedented civilian death toll in Gaza while the war against Hamas continues.

If they do not comply with international humanitarian law, they are bringing themselves to a place that makes it much more difficult strategically for them to be able to build allies, to keep public opinion with them, and frankly, morally, I think we cannot say that one war crime deserves another. That is not what international humanitarian law says.

“With respect,” Bash interjected. “I was just asking about the women, and you turned it back to Israel. I’m asking you about Hamas…”

“I already answered your question, Dana,” Jayapal countered. “I said it’s horrific, and I think that rape is horrific. Sexual assault is horrific. I think that it happens in war situations. Terrorist organizations like Hamas obviously are using these as tools. However, I think we have to be balanced about bringing in the outrages against Palestinians. Fifteen thousand Palestinians have been killed in Israeli air strikes, three-quarters of whom are women and children…”

“And it’s horrible,” said Bash, “but you don’t see Israeli soldiers raping Palestinian women.

“I don’t want this to be the hierarchies of oppression,” Jayapal retorted. She continued to warn about the humanitarian crisis caused by the conflict in Gaza, saying “this is not the way that we are going to beat terrorism.”



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