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CFN's Coolest College Football Traditions


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I can't believe that none of our great traditions made the list. Although the list is very flawed(Texas A&M's 12th man is the best apparently), I still can't believe that not one of ours was even recognized in the top ten. Toomer's corner is pretty well know and I always hear sports writers raving about it. Also, the eagle flying is amazing and so is tiger walk. I understand why tiger walk might not be on there because of how many other "walks" there are in the country. Anyway, I was dissapointed, but these people obviously don't know what they're talking about. I do like some of the traditions listed on their, but many of the don't belong on there and aren't the most unique.

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isn't this just a repeat article from foxsports, i think we got honorable mention on that for toomers, however i agree that some of them are pretty stupid. An eagle circling the field to the chant of 87,000 is much more moving than rubbing a rock and running down a hill. Clemson=Fake Auburn who can't decide if they are purple or blue.

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