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Wearing jerseys to ball games


Should men over 18-22 yrs old wear jerseys to football games?  

77 members have voted

  1. 1. Should men over 18-22 yrs old wear jerseys to football games?

    • Why not? It's football, not a fashion show
    • No way! It's dorky and sloppy and a little bit redneckish

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First off, by voting "why not", the assumption is that the jersey is not ginormous or faded and that you know enough to wear a shirt underneath it and so on. You also do not tuck it into your jeans so that you've got this huge wad of shirt bulging around your hips.

I've had this discussion with some folks before. There seems to be (at least to me) a recent trend of people thinking that it's stupid for grown men to wear their team's jersey to a football game. The reasons range from "it's dorky" to thinking it looks rather "white trash" or redneckish or that it looks like an old dude living vicariously through a bunch of kids.

I've attended football games for over 25 years at Auburn and the last few years up here at Titans games. I don't wear a jersey everytime as it depends on the weather and other considerations. But I do wear one frequently. It's just part of the atmosphere to me. I don't know where this notion of wearing an AU polo shirt and khakis while sipping chardonnay became the official gameday attire, but it smacks of snobbery to me.

What do you guys think? Is it much ado about nothing or is this a widespread view that I've been heretofore clueless about?

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I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Anyone who thinks otherwise probably sits with the people who kick others out for cheering too loud. :lol:

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I'm more along the lines of kahlis and an Auburn polo shirt....no chardanay for me though...it's beer before the game and Jack Daniels during!

Usually before the game starts however, my shirt tail is hanging out and my hat is on backwards and I am officially ready to get it on!

I had jerseys as a kid and look forward to when my little boy is old enough to go and enjoy the games in his jersey. Right now it is baby sitters for him because...well...see above :big:

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While I do own a couple of AU jerseys, I have yet to wear one to a game. Just my tip of the hat to the whole "jinx" thing. I have had the same hat for a couple of years(I wear it on gamedays only) and I buy a new pull over shirt at the start of each season that I wear to each game that year.(I actually do allow my wife to wash it!) :D

My opinion is that you should wear whatever makes you comfortable, fashion be "darned". It is too hot, especially early in the season, to worry about how you look. Just be comfortable and wear as much ORANGE as possible. :au:

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well it's worse to wear these gross knockoff jersies that are obscene orange

with eagles/tigers and crap on em. These unofficial type things which now

most schools have are stupid. If you buy a jersey by the one that represents your school not some mutated distortion :puke::D

To see a 50 year oldish fan strolling the stadium with shaker in hand and that garb

is really quite strange. What school is that, I've heard children ask.

I'm really not a fan of Auburn orange thing anyway. Auburn is Navy Blue

with burnt orange TRIM.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

I don't like it for myself, but I don't look at it as redneckish as much as just not for me.

If you must do it, make sure it is a Russell jersey (NOT Nike). Also, I like it when I see jerseys that are old school, ie, Bo, Kyle Collins, Sullivan, Beasley, etc. Of course, some will change from year to year, so a Caddy jersey from last year is now...Johnathon Wilhite, I believe.

Agreee with the navy blue opinion also.

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I am more of a polo (or fishing shirt when it is very hot!) shirt and khakis / shorts or jeans guy myself...not too much into the jersey thing. I tend to view it kind of like the "weightline" haircut...it should have its own age limit.

However, I think as long as you are positively supporting Auburn, treating our visitors respectfully and supporting the overall atmosphere...wear what makes you feel comfortable!

Now, I will forever remember the two beautiful ladies that walked by me in Athens, GA in 2003 with AU workout shorts (small!!) and a Caddy and Ronnie B jersey, respectively (EVEN SMALLER)...THAT is when a jersey is perfectly acceptable!!! A UGA fan looked at me by the ATM near Little Italy and said:

"My God...War Damn Eagle!"

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Haha. Don't feel bad just cause the ITAT guys called you a 12 year old Titan. :poke: I don't know a better place to wear a jersey than to a football game. I don't anymore because I like the "All Auburn All Orange" thing, and I don't want to be stoned for wearing my orange Caddy jersey. So I just go with an orange AU tee. I will say though, I have seen a few adults with jerseys on that I thought looked like dorks. But that would probably be the case no matter what they were wearing. :lol: But it's fine for most guys, and ANY girls.

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I said No Way, it is dorky, for one reason. I live in Birmingham and when i go out to the bars (on the weekend, only, of course :D ) i see at least thirty bammers there wearing their brodie jerseys and etc. And i have to say, that makes me want to vomit more than the first few Jager shots :P

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Last time I checked Auburn's colors were Burnt Orange and Navy blue so wearing clothes either color is fine. I didn't like the "all orange" thing at first but it does show up much better in the stands than navy blue.

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I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill. Anyone who thinks otherwise probably sits with the people who kick others out for cheering too loud.  :lol:


Bingo :au:

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I don't wear one, but hey what ever floats your stick, if you like it go for it.

As far as those folks who don't like people standing up, they can kiss my grits. The best way to get the best of them is to sit down between each play and then as the play is developing jump up and start yelling. They will either stand up also or miss the game. They can complain to anyone they want and there is little that can be done. If they want all 87,000 to shut up and not ever stand up they should not encourage

N O I S E! N O I S E!

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I don't wear one, but if I had kids I probably would. I see dads and their sons with jerseys on and think it looks super-cool.

To comment on some other opinions with my own about why I don't wear one... in reality, I've just never been a jersey guy. I have a couple, but as soon as I get one I'll have it signed and framed, and well, no wearing those.

I do agree with the newbie. Spend the $$$ and find an authentic one. I hate the orange ones as well, they just don't look right, IMO. I agree with AWK too, try not to make a habit of wearing it around town during the week.

Also, the coeds that don the jerseys do make them look fantastic, I'll give you that outoftown. Much better than I could for sure.

But just like everybody else says, if people don't like what you wear, tell em to stick it. Wear what you like.

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i got a couple jerseys before last season. a navy #24, and a white #23. well, the #23 is auto'd now and awaiting a frame. i have worn the navy one to the last 4 games i have been to, but it is a Russell authentic game jersy that fits tight. i wouldn't wear a really big one, but that's just me. my fiance has a very tight little #85 laywer tillman jersey that is just right. ahhhh. she's worn it a couple times and everytime i look at her i do my jim fyffe 'tillman, tillman, tillman....tillman....at the baseline of the endzone.....' impersonation. good stuff man, good stuff.

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i got a couple jerseys before last season.  a navy #24, and a white #23.  well, the #23 is auto'd now and awaiting a frame.  i have worn the navy one to the last 4 games i have been to, but it is a Russell authentic game jersy that fits tight.  i wouldn't wear a really big one, but that's just me.  my fiance has a very tight little #85 laywer tillman jersey that is just right.  ahhhh.  she's worn it a couple times and everytime i look at her i do my jim fyffe 'tillman, tillman, tillman....tillman....at the baseline of the endzone.....' impersonation.  good stuff man, good stuff.


ROTF LMAO :big::big::big::big:

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I wear my David Carr Texans jersey to the games (it goes well with my paper bag this year... :puke: ) I think it is fine to wear to a GAME or on game DAY - wearing it out anywhere else any other day of the week is kind of silly. I have a Ronnie Brown Dolphins jersey that I have worn on Sunday, but I don't wear it as a regular part of my wardrobe.

But do what you feel led to do - it's a freaking football game!! If (male) LSU fans can wear DuLac loafers and no shirt with purple and gold painted nipples and feel comfortable, then a jersey is just fine. :big:

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This topic has been really interesting to me...man, is this a slow news week or what??? Off weeks are the worst (for us fans, I mean. I am all about the guys getting a chance to cool their jets!)

First, I will say that I always wear a jersey to games. I don't know why. But I don't think its because I think I am Pat Sullivan (my fav jersey is a #7--my favorite number). I just like wearing it to the games...feels to me like I am supporting the team.

For others, 'supporting the team' may take different forms...shaking shakers, patting players shoulders at Tiger Walk, saying "War Eagle" every chance you get. What matters is that you support the team.

Now for my beef:

When in the world did it become "white trash" to wear a jersey? I have been called a few things in my life but "white trash" isn't one of 'em....until now, I guess. Does this mean I have to start dippin' and drinkin' PBRs? ( If I have offended any authentic "white trash" persons, well, I guess that was the point of this whole thread!)


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I think wearing a jersey is fine if it gets you fired up. My only gripe is the guys that are 6'2", 325 (like me...) wearing a Brandon Cox jersey. For God's sake, man. Spend the extra dough and get one personalized with a lineman's number or get a Predator jersey. I makes me laugh when I see some guys wearing an Alan Iverson jersey that you KNOW is a 4XL.

Last year, I wanted a Courtney Taylor jersey SOOOO bad, but I was on the fence about it. Maybe it's just me......

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I wear them to pro games, but feel college games should have a little nicer dress atire . I prefer a golf shirt to college games . .

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I wear them to pro games, but feel college games should have a little nicer dress atire . I prefer a golf shirt to college games . .


Now, why is that? What's the difference in your mind?

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