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Sorry boys, pigs might have this one....


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I rarley make my way on to opponents boards because it does nothing but stir things up but here is my two cents anyway. I will tell you guys the same thing I shared on another AU board, if you can stop the run you win. If you can't stop the run, you lose. That simple. By "stop the run" I mean under 200 yards on the ground. I know you know how nice it is to have interchangeable backs with your recent success but these Pigs have a 4 back rotation that includes two freshman and one sophmore Parade all americans and lead the SEC in rushing and place third in the nation in that category. The QB, Robert Johnson, is the worst man under center in the history of football. He is not even good enough for the Sun Belt and would be third string at most JUCO's. He runs to the sidelines like a little girl and throws to the closest reciever on that sideline. He is horrible. If you take away YAC, his longest pass all season is about 12 yards due to him running scared to the sideline and in turn throwing it to a reciever who is also running towards the sidelines. So, again, stop the run and you win. Auburn, like Arkansas, has yet to beat a decent team. Sorry, South Carolina does not count and UA will also handle USC at home. How will an unproven Auburn hold up on the road in a hostile enviroment FOR THE FIRST TIME ALL SEASON? We will see!!! :arky: UA 31 AU24

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I rarley make my way on to opponents boards because it does nothing but stir things up but here is my two cents anyway. I will tell you guys the same thing I shared on another AU board, if you can stop the run you win. If you can't stop the run, you lose. That simple. By "stop the run" I mean under 200 yards on the ground. I know you know how nice it is to have interchangeable backs with your recent success but these Pigs have a 4 back rotation that includes two freshman and one sophmore Parade all americans and lead the  SEC in rushing and place third in the nation in that category. The QB, Robert Johnson, is the worst man under center in the history of football. He is not even good enough for the Sun Belt  and would be third string at most JUCO's. He runs to the sidelines like a little girl and throws to the closest reciever on that sideline. He is horrible. If you take away YAC, his longest pass all season is about 12 yards due to him running scared to the sideline and in turn throwing it to a reciever who is also running towards the sidelines. So, again, stop the run and you win. Auburn, like Arkansas, has yet to beat a decent team. Sorry, South Carolina does not count and UA will also handle USC at home. How will an unproven Auburn hold up on the road in a hostile enviroment FOR THE FIRST TIME ALL SEASON? We will see!!! :arky:   UA 31 AU24


Let me be the first to say welcome to the board!

The thing is, it takes more than just a running game to win a game. If you cant pass the ball, how do you score 31 points on the ground?

You forget one thing:

1. Auburn has the #1 scoring defense

You dont really give our defense much credit expecting 31 points just on the ground with no attempt to pass very much at all. You will find very FEW programs that can score that much just running the ball.

Our defensive coord. will have our All-SEC squad hyped defense ready to stack the run. We will put a vast majority of players in the box, and we have a speedy bunch on the D side of the ball.

On offense our RBs are not our threat. Our threat is #12, Brandon Cox. As of late, opponents have tried to put the game in his hands, only to have him pass for about 220+ yards per game.

As far as I am concerned, Arkansas can get 250 yards on the ground and still dont have a chance.

Sorry bud, this one aint close:

AU: 38

Ark: 10

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My score of 31 was more so to stir the pot a little. All in fun. I will strongly disagree with you though. This one will be close. Remember, while UA has some stats that are "padded" (Mizzou St., La Monroe) AU does too and HAS NOT LEFT HOME ALL SEASON!!! Five weeks in and that is the ultimate stat booster!! Right now I am convinced that AU is a team that is totally unproven. If they show up in Fayetteville and put up anywhere near the numbers they have ALL SEASON AT HOME, then I will change my point of view. UA has played at USC, was spanked, and went to your girlfriends house, Alabama, and almost pulled it out. Do not let this team confuse you!!! UA has three losses to teams with a a COMBINED ONE LOSS!!!! Go into a hostile enviroment and things change.!!! With that said, I whole heartedly believe we suck but AU is far from being anything to brag about.....yet!!!

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How will an unproven Auburn hold up on the road in a hostile enviroment FOR THE FIRST TIME ALL SEASON?


It's "hostile" yet you can't sell the thing out?

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The thing always sells out but we, just like most schools, have a number of fans that insist on waiting until the week of or game day to buy tickets. Make the drive and wait til kickoff to buy tickets if you dare. You will be stuck in your car listening to it on the radio. Just because we have 85 year old fans that do things on their own time schedule and that prevents our old ***** of an AD from granting pay per view, dont be upset.

**** Edited by TM. ****

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arkansas already proved they could run for 200+ yards and still manage to lose the game. so i think your theory about 200 being the threshold is a touch off. i do think it'll be a closer game than most folks on here seem to, but i don't think arkansas has a prayer of winning if they don't get SOME balance on offense.

and i disagree with vatz on who the threat in our offense is. i'd say ben, devin, courtney, cooper, brad, and kenny are the biggest threats. brandon is just the guy who gets some of them the ball. if he plays mistake free, those guys will make the plays.

i'm just as interested to see how brandon responds to the road as you are. i think he's as big a question mark as kyle farnsworth was going into the playoffs for the braves. he could be great, but he could just blow apart. we'll know soon enough. i have faith in the guy; so i think auburn's going to win.

either way, no way in hell you put up 30 on our defense. southern cal couldn't do that. and no, i'm not kidding.

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I went to LA for that thrashing they laid on us. They COULD hang 30 on you. Too easy. Best offense I have ever seen. Not just against UA. Dont forget, your stats are padded based on playing crappy teams and that home field advantage is priceless. I have said before, UA has played cupcakes, but continued to be consistent to a high degree against the #1 team in the nation and BAMA, both ON THE ROAD!!! I prayed every day last year you guys would not get the shaft but I have to say, and I'm being very un biased here. You are not great this year. Or at a bare minimum, you are 100% unproven away from home.

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Remember, while UA has some stats that are "padded" (Mizzou St., La Monroe) AU does too and HAS NOT LEFT HOME ALL SEASON!!! Five weeks in and that is the ultimate stat booster!!


Western Kentucky > ULM > Missouri State

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At no point did I call our DEFENSE consistent. They are anything but that. They are awesome one second and the next they suck. My whole discussion has leaned towards the argument that Arkansas has proven whether it is against the #1 team in the nation ON THE ROAD or at home against Mizzou st., the running game is incredible. That is in total contrast to an AU team that has not left its couch all season and has lost to its only credible opponent. Which all ties in to my original post....can you play on the road and can you stop the run?

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my answers: who knows and yes.

and i don't really need to get into this right now, but no, sc couldn't put 30 on us in a 60 minute game. and no, they aren't the best offense ever. they aren't even the best offense in the 21st century. gimme 2001 miami over that one anyday: dorsey at qb, davenport at fb, portis and gore at tb (with magahee rotting on the bench), shockey and winslow at te, andre johnson at wr, and an offensive line that was better than sc's. they could and did play all of their best players on the field at the same time, and dorsey was just as good as leinart in college (won't be close in the nfl).

this auburn defense (and last year's for that matter) is completely underrated. last year's defense was the only defense in the last 15 years that could stack up to 2003 lsu, 1992 bama, or 2000 oklahoma. best four defenses in the past 20 years. and this year's defense (while not on that level) is one of the best 5 in the nation this year.

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Well, we could go round and round about "could USC put 30 on AU". Last year, who knows? This year.....take it to the bank. If GT could score 1 point on you, USC could score 30. Those guys are bad!!! We will never know for 100% sure but take my word on it. Look, I do not mean this on some "you are stupid" or insulting way but if UA sucks, and we do, then AU is average. At least to this point.

A loss to an average team and no trips away from home plus wins over cupcakes does not qualify you as good. Beat UA and on the road and beat any good SEC team and you will be "good" or at least not unproven.

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Sure Auburn can play on the road. Not like this coaching staff has never put together a plan and had to take a team on the road before. Look at the depth chart, filled with players that have experience taking it on the road.

If losing a close game and a blowout is what is considered proven then yes, Auburn has faced a proven team. South Carolina was proven, they played Georgia and Bama before us. We scored 48, they scored 7 when they finally crossed the 50 yard line for the first time with 6 minutes left in the 4th quarter.

I find a team to be more proven after losing at home. The road is a excuse when you lose. Lose at home you only have yourself to blame. Players shook that loss and bounced back (Miss State gave Georgia fits, and Fla also for the first 45 mins), Cox was cracking jokes about his performance 2 days later.

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I will add this.

Fact: AU is leading in scoring offense and scoring defense in the SEC

Fact: AU as not played any team worth a damn, and thats why the stats are so stong.

My Opinion: After looking at these facts I still say AU wins 35-10 :D:D

Arkansas will not be able to "just" run on AU.......try it and you get blown out!!!

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and i disagree with vatz on who the threat in our offense is. i'd say ben, devin, courtney, cooper, brad, and kenny are the biggest threats. brandon is just the guy who gets some of them the ball. if he plays mistake free, those guys will make the plays.


I agree with what you say, its just that as of late Brandon has been the more dominant player in the offense in terms of being productive, since teams are trying to put the game in his hands. But we do have a threat in Lester, Irons, and all of the great WRs we have, no doubt about that.

You forget one thing:

1.  Auburn has the #1 scoring defense


Actually we are #2



I meant in the SEC, but hey, #2 in the nation aint too shabby B)

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:au: 45

:arky: 13

One dimensional offenses will not work against the AU defense. Even if you can rush for 200 yards, your total yards for the game will be something like 220 yards. Johnson may be the worst QB in the history of the SEC and he is facing a top-notch D. If Arky had a QB a few weeks ago, you probably would have beaten Bama.

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My score of 31 was more so to stir the pot a little. All in fun. I will strongly disagree with you though. This one will be close. Remember, while UA has some stats that are "padded" (Mizzou St., La Monroe) AU does too and HAS NOT LEFT HOME ALL SEASON!!! Five weeks in and that is the ultimate stat booster!! Right now I am convinced that AU is a team that is totally unproven. If they show up in Fayetteville and put up anywhere near the numbers they have ALL SEASON AT HOME, then I will change my point of view. UA has played at USC, was spanked, and went to your girlfriends house, Alabama, and almost pulled it out. Do not let this team confuse you!!! UA has three losses to teams with a a COMBINED ONE LOSS!!!! Go into a hostile enviroment and things change.!!! With  that said, I whole heartedly believe we suck but AU is far from being anything to brag about.....yet!!!


Note to self: Winning 19 out of the last 20 is nothing to brag about. :)

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See you on Sunday when its 19 of 21. Make sure you show up.


Question is will you be around if the hogs lose. From what I have seen of hog fans, especially with the internet is they love to talk a big game and then if it doesn't work their way they disappear or cry about something.

You win I'll be here and give your due, but if your like most hog fans after Sat we won't see you again.

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