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it's Auburn\UGA week


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Yeah, but we are unbeaten, pitiful and need to be put in our place. :big:

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Yeah, but are unbeaten, pitiful and need to be put in our place. :big:


You're dang skippy!


It is kinda sad, but it is only Tuesday. This is sorta the off day of the week. It should ramp up in the next 24 hours!

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screw bama. war damn eagle! i'm getting ready for athens already.

i wanna see a 99 lsu, 99 uga, 04 ut kind of road performance and this team is capable of it. time to strap it up and start sweeping the corner!

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Chill Dude! This is the biggest football weekend of the year in the :sec: . I would be very surprised if the threads werent here. Big game for :usc: too!

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