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I thought this may be a good topic which is kind of a spin-off of the music threads.

What are you favorite new shows for this year and what "old" shows are you still watching and try your best not to miss? What old shows are you not watching anymore? I do watch more TV then I should, but I also record everything on my DVR so I can fast forward through commercials. The only thing I watch "live" anymore is sports programming. I assume we all watch football, so you can go ahead and leave that one off. :lol: Here are mine:

Favorite New Shows of the Year:






Old/Returning shows that I still watch:


Stargate SG-1

Stargate Atlantis

Battlestar Galactica


According to Jim

Family Guy

Aqua Teen Hungerforce

Mail Call

American Choppers...starting to get a little boring


Ghost Hunters

Desperate Housewives...watch with wife for "bonding" time, but actually a good show

Grey's Anatomy...same reason as Desp. Housewives, but not as enjoyable

That 70's Show...starting to lose some interest

Justice League Unlimited...you can laugh, but is actually a cartoon that an adult can appreciate, but still okay for a kid to watch. This is my "bonding" show with my 7 year old son

Shows I lost interest in or were canceled from last year

ER...lost too many main characters and losing Noah Wyle was the "straw" for me

JAG...went of the air, but I would still be watching if it was on

Threat Matrix..only lasted a few episodes, but I loved it

Medical Investigations...same as Theat Matrix

Wow...I do watch too much recorded TV. I need to get a life!

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New Shows

MY NAME IS EARL - best comedy to come out in a LONG time. marathon on sat. nicht, check it out.

Over there



No Reservations - on the Travel Channel Chef Anthony Bordain



Older Shows

The Wire - best cop show since homicide: life on the street

The Sopranos



Still Standing - Jamie Gertz, yummy

The Shield

Nip Tuck

Rescue Me

Iron Chef and IC America


Will and Grace

Law and Order: Criminal Intent

That 70s show

South Park

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i have lost interest in lost because i am lost.

i enjoy watching: Las Vegas, Surface and My Name is Earl.

anytime seinfeld is on i'll watch it.

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I actually had planned on watching "My Name is Earl" but I missed the first episode and never started watching it after that. It looks funny. I'll have record the marathon Saturday because I will be watching football all day. I should have included Rescue Me in shows I lost interest in, but I forgot about it. I watched the first season or so of it but it kind of "grew off of me" instead of on me. I watched the first few episodes of Lost also, but it just did not keep my attention.

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I was part of the "preview" audience for Earl before it started on regular TV. I got a phone call and they told me to switch to a normally unused cable channel on a certain night/time and I got to see the pilot, then they called the next day for comments. The corndog and I like this type of humor (Raising Arizona) so we both got a major kick out of it. The only complaint I had was that the language was a LOT worse in the pilot than it is on the regular show - GD's every other word - wonder if my comments had anything to do with that? :D The ex-wife Joy is my favorite character - HYSTERICAL!

I also LOVE LOVE LOVE The Office. Everyone talks about Steve Carrell's character but guy who plays Dwight makes that show. He is spot on when it comes to playing that character. Mannerisms, everything.

Another great show that you may not have heard too much about is Dirty Jobs on Discovery. Mike Rowe is awesome - and he does some disgusting things - not in a Fear Factor/Jackass kind of way, but in a legitimate, OMG can you believe someone actually does this job kind of way. Here's the link:


We watch ER still, and Law and Order and Grey's Anatomy. I like Grey's better than ER now - I have actually teared up at a few GA episodes lately, like the two people pinned together? Very sad show at times, but funny parts too.

I totally gave up on all CSI except Vegas. Is David Caruso not the absolute cheeziest, most untalented actor in the world??????? :blink:

My two corny shows are America's Next Top Model and South Park.

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I like Grey's better than ER now - I have actually teared up at a few GA episodes lately, like the two people pinned together? Very sad show at times, but funny parts too.

Yeah, that episode really sucked. I got a little chocked up on that one. How can you make a decision like that and feel good about it afterwards? There is no way. It takes a special person to be an ER doctor and nurse.

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Love Love Love Greys Anatomy..... Nip tuck is good too...... A new show ive started watching is Freddie its kinda funny....

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If anybody likes cop shows you should check out The First 48 on A & E. It comes on on Sundays and Thursday nights. My little brother is a homicide detective in Kansas City and their unit was featured in a couple episodes. That's how I got turned on to it and I've been watching ever since.

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Every one of you are watching Desperate Housewives. :P

I like Lost, but like someone else said, I am lost.

CSI (Las Vegas, not the other two)

Law & Order


Without A Trace

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House - best show on tv. Scrubs - second best show on tv.


You are right about House. I have a DVR with Dish Network and my wife records all her shows and the only thing I ever record is House! Hugh Laurie and his quips make the show! Hope they don't cancel that anytime soon...

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Best Show on TV: "The Simpsons" :thumbsup:

p.s. I miss Monica-Rachel-Ross-Joey-Chandler-Pheebs :(

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Stuff I watch right now

Arrested Development

Kitchen Confidential

House-Best show on TV :cheer:

Reunion- :thumbsdown::thumbsup: -sometimes I love it, sometimes not

Family Guy

Simpsons! :homer: (still Golden after all these years)


Everybody Loves Raymond (reruns)

Stuff I WILL watch when it comes on again.


24-used to be phenominal, now its getting kinda tired.

American Idol (I was the BIGGEST anti-AI person until this year. Damn YOU reality tv!! You've sucked me in!!)

Stuff I wish I could watch if I had a TiVo.


The Office -I love that show, but it competes with other shows

My Name is Earl -Again, I've seen one episode and LOVED it. But other stuff comes on that night.


Scrubs -Best Comedy EVER until FOX began ruling my life!!!

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House - best show on tv. Scrubs - second best show on tv.


I forgot to include Scrubs! I love that show. What is going on with it right now because I have not seen any new shows start for this season yet. My DVR is setup to record them, but has not yet. I looked through the guide and it shows none are coming on. I know it did not get canceled because the ratings were pretty high for it.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
I totally gave up on all CSI except Vegas.  Is David Caruso not the absolute cheeziest, most untalented actor in the world???????


I still watch CSI:Miami, but I complain every week when Caruso whips his sunglasses off while looking at the camera in a kind of half stoop and says something inane before they go into the theme song. He has digressed as an actor since NYPD Blue.

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No one here watches EVERWOOD??? :o I love that show.

I like Grey's Anatomy and I've watched a few good episodes of Nip/Tuck that are slightly creepy, but still good!

What channel does House come on? I've never even heard of it.

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No one here watches EVERWOOD??? :o I love that show.

I like Grey's Anatomy  and I've watched a few good episodes of Nip/Tuck that are slightly creepy, but still good!

What channel does House come on?  I've never even heard of it.


Fox.... i love HOuse too i just seem to forget when it comes on guess ill just set the DVR to record the whole season and watch it later

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