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" Dr. Michael Parenti, one of North America's leading radical writers on U.S. imperialism "

Right away, there's reason to ignore what this nut case has to say. Falls into the same catagory as Ward Churchill.

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We discussed this before. Have you seen Loose Change?


How about this?


America as the Empire of Debt

This is the problem: America has too much international credit. Not from private investors, but from central banks. Central banks are the marginal key influence. And therefore, when you consider the American fundamentals, America is certainly the most backward country in the world, among industrialized nations.

From a fundamental point of view, the American economy is in incomparably worst condition today than in 2000. Income growth for the individual is stagnating. It is negative. And there is no savings. America has no reserves to protect itself against the next recession.

The fact is, Americans are trapped. And worse, there comes a point where they are unable to sell any assets to raise capital, a point where the markets become completely illiquid...because there's no buyer left. The buyers of today are all leveraged buyers.  They need new credit. But when you get declining prices, there is no buyer left. America's super-liquidity all comes from borrowing. Credit has played a major role in all U.S. financial markets...

There are many who say that deficit spending by the government is bad. But they don't say that deficit spending by the consumer is equally bad, or worse.  The American idea that everything good comes from consumer spending is preposterous. And that is the key fallacy in America today.

But the key question is whether America has finally reached the inflection point where its disastrous economic policies will begin to undermine its prosperity. I think she has.

There is no way out. The excesses are much too big to be treated with conventional methods.

This not about a few Amercians, but the majority of Americans. Most have no savings, just debt.

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This not about a few Amercians, but the majority of Americans. Most have no savings, just debt.


And this will continue because the Democrats defeated Bush's attempt to change Social Security to a personal saving's based plan. If I am going to have 15% stolen from me every 2 weeks, I should at least get to keep some of it for myself...

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We discussed this before. Have you seen Loose Change?


How about this?


America as the Empire of Debt

This is the problem: America has too much international credit. Not from private investors, but from central banks. Central banks are the marginal key influence. And therefore, when you consider the American fundamentals, America is certainly the most backward country in the world, among industrialized nations.

From a fundamental point of view, the American economy is in incomparably worst condition today than in 2000. Income growth for the individual is stagnating. It is negative. And there is no savings. America has no reserves to protect itself against the next recession.

The fact is, Americans are trapped. And worse, there comes a point where they are unable to sell any assets to raise capital, a point where the markets become completely illiquid...because there's no buyer left. The buyers of today are all leveraged buyers.  They need new credit. But when you get declining prices, there is no buyer left. America's super-liquidity all comes from borrowing. Credit has played a major role in all U.S. financial markets...

There are many who say that deficit spending by the government is bad. But they don't say that deficit spending by the consumer is equally bad, or worse.  The American idea that everything good comes from consumer spending is preposterous. And that is the key fallacy in America today.

But the key question is whether America has finally reached the inflection point where its disastrous economic policies will begin to undermine its prosperity. I think she has.

There is no way out. The excesses are much too big to be treated with conventional methods.

This not about a few Amercians, but the majority of Americans. Most have no savings, just debt.


I won't waste my time w/ that moronic conspiracy film. I've not seen Michael Moore's mockumentary, nor will I waste time w/ Loose Change. Income growth is not 'negative', it's actually growing. Funny how far down the list of things to find wrong w/ the economy that some will go. Before , it was unemployment. Now that it's at a very low number, folks must fluff up the 'income' statistic. Every decade has it's doom/ gloom crowd. In the 70's, it was the gas embargo. In the 80's, it was the Japanese buying up all of the United States property. Worst case scenarios never pan out. I wonder why. Probably because trends never continue " at current rates" . Savings will go up, and credit will get paid down. Always have, always will.

As for savings, I have mine, AND I have no debt. It's a matter of personal choices. Not much the President can do about folks putting Plasma screen TVs , new clothes or that trip to Vegas on their Visa or Discover cards.

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Orange Beach Bridge Sold

While I agree with most of what you guys state, I do believe the silver lining is really tarnished and not visible to the kool-aide drinkers. Tin foil hat conspiracy theorist are becoming more recognized because the government is so secretive and refuses to release revealing tapes of the Pentagon crash. Moreover, the economic numbers released by the government are false. The actual unemployment rate is about 12.5%, although Ernest F. Hollings states that the number is more like 7.6%.


To observe a good economy, everyone cites that the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) grew last year by 3.6 percent and today's unemployment is low at 4.7 percent. No influence in finance is more corrosive or less recognized than the systematic distortion of U.S. economic reality by government agencies. The government's greatest deception is quoting a deficit less than it is. For example, rather than subtracting spending from revenues, the government credits Social Security surpluses to Social Security and then spends the surplus, reporting a less than actual deficit. I authored the law forbidding the president and Congress from citing a deficit figure that includes Social Security money.

Ignoring the law, President Bush states on page 4 of the U.S. Government Budget for FY 2007: "We now project that the 2006 deficit will come in at 3.2 percent of GDP, or $423 billion ?"



The trouble is, the moment all that excess credit is withdrawn, everything falls apart!

House prices fall, stocks fall, U.S. bonds fall, the dollar falls, everything falls. Because liquidity is sucked out of the system. Nobody has money to spend. So there's no demand for the assets that only those with lots of credit and easy money can typically afford.

At this very moment, this is the gravest danger facing the American economy. Worse than terrorism. Worse than waning energy supplies or energy war. Worse than petty Washington infighting or scandals.

The "Facts" From Our Government

Are Nothing Short of Outrageous Fraud

Let me ask you this.

If Enron, WorldCom and Global Crossing can fake their revenues... if Shell Petroleum and OPEC see fit to lie about their total oil reserves... why wouldn't politicians, who get appointed, elected and re-elected based on economic performance, see fit to lie their way through office too?

And they do.

Take unemployment. If it's low, that looks good. And right now, we're supposed to believe it stands at "5.5%." Problem is, changes under both Clinton and Bush have reinvented the way we calculate those numbers... to Washington's advantage.

For one, they don't include the ex-workers who can't find new jobs. After six months of searching, those unemployed job seekers just fall off the books. They go "invisible." About 5 million unemployed Americans have now earned "invisible" status.

If you use the real statistics to calculate unemployment, the way we used to calculate it back in 1980, the real unemployment rate is a much more devastating 12.5%.

That's worse than the unemployment rate in China, France, Germany or Italy. And about four times the unemployment rate in Mexico!

The same is true for the real inflation rate.

I showed you earlier that official inflation is about 4.7%. That's high, compared with other industrialized countries. But the real rates are much higher. If you annualize the inflation rates of the last available quarter in 2005, you're talking price inflation of an incredible 10%.

It's like living in the 1970s all over again. Only this time, there's no Paul Volcker to kick-start the Fed and save the day. Meanwhile, if you kick out the government calculations and do the real math on America's GDP, real growth of the economy is precisely 0%.

Then there is this:

In 1979, the Saudis adjusted proven reserves upward by 50 billion barrels.

Then eight years after that, their proven reserves magically grew by

another 100 billion barrels.

Their estimated reserves increased by 150% in nine years - to a total of

260 billion barrels. And they didn't find a single major new oil field!

And here's the funniest thing of all. . .

For the last 17 years, they've claimed they own 260 billion barrels of

proven oil in the ground. The figure never goes down, even though they

pumped out 46 billion barrels during that period.

Let me see. . .260 minus 46 equals 260. Saudi math!

Based on these bogus figures, the Saudis claim they can produce as much

oil as the world wants for the next fifty years. As recently as 2004 they

claimed their reserve estimates are actually conservative.

One reason is they wanted to discourage non-OPEC nations from looking for

more oil or switching to alternatives.


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While I agree with most of what you guys state, I do believe the silver lining is really tarnished and not visible to the kool-aide drinkers. Tin foil hat conspiracy theorist are becoming more recognized because the government is so secretive and refuses to release revealing tapes of the Pentagon crash. Moreover, the economic numbers released by the government are false. The actual unemployment rate is about 12.5%, although Ernest F. Hollings states that the number is more like 7.6%.

So which is it... 12.5% or 7.6? :rolleyes: You're hopeless. Toss around figures and numbers any way you like, as long as it points to things being bad, huh? The Left whines and bitches about unemployment being high, and then when it goes down, it's the income level which is low. When incomes rise, the unemployment numbers were REALLY wrong to begin with, even w/ so many other indicators of the economy are looking up.

Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. :roflol:

As for the Pentagon pics, so what ? It IS the nerve centre of this nations defense. I'm frankly glad no one's leaked anything out, like the CIA has leaked info out during the time of war for purely political reasons.

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