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I'm asking in all seriousness, what will it take


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Michael Berg actually blames G.Bush for the death of Nick Berg, who was butchered by a.z. Zarqawi was JORDANIAN, not Iraqi, and had no business being in Iraq. It was al Zarqawi who sawed the head off of Michael's son, Nick. Yet in a aired interview w/ Michael Medved, Mr. Berg said that " no one knows " who it was that sawed the head off of his own son. Sadly, the FBI knows, as do others. Yet because of the blind vitriol against Bush, Daddy Berg is pitching the idea that the killing of AZ is an actual tragedy, and that Bush, not Zarqawi is the reason Nick Berg is dead.

Who in the f-ing hell believes this stuff? Seriously! There are ways and methods for explaining away and dismissing what happened, especially when your own flesh and blood is involved, but by every measure of science and logic, Michael Berg's comments are flat out absurd! Who the hell is in charge of this nutball's campaign? Of his life ? I think he is in need of some professional help.

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Be careful! The liberals will slam you for going after somebody that has lost a love one to terrorists. No matter how poltically active that person gets, they are off limits and you can refute anything they. They have a magical force field around them that does not allow you to touch them.

Mr. Berg is doing lost most liberals do, they are going after the man that wants to destroy the terrorists instead of the terrorists that actually killed his son. I can understand the father of fallen soldier being misguided like that, but, unlike a soldier, Nick Berg was not ordered over there. Nick Berg was a civilian over there on his own, so how Mr. Berg blames Bush for that is beyond me.

It is like the 9/11 widows that bash Bush. Bush did not fly the planes into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. He went after the people responsible for murdering their husbands, but instead he gets trashed by their widows. You can't win no matter what you do.

Anybody that says Iraq had nothing to do with terrorists is naive and very, very uninformed. Liberals try to say that, but time and time again before 9/11 and after 9/11, the democrat leaders have been shown on this board as quoting that Saddam Hussien was a threat to this country and that he is known to help promote terrorism. Yet, when the dems came off their patriotic high and went back to party politics, they tried to pretend they never said those things and now the try to pretend 9/11 did not happen and that terrorism does not exist or the terrorists will not bother us as long as we don't bother them.

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It was also Bush's fault that the planes went into the World Trade Towers, instead of visiting the classroom in Florida, he should have been on the roof firing off anti-aircraft missles. But then of course, if he had, the families from the hi-jacked planes would be on the news saying he killed them...

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It was also Bush's fault that the planes went into the World Trade Towers, instead of visiting the classroom in Florida, he should have been on the roof firing off anti-aircraft missles.  But then of course, if he had, the families from the hi-jacked planes would be on the news saying he killed them...


Actually, Cheney did it.

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It was also Bush's fault that the planes went into the World Trade Towers, instead of visiting the classroom in Florida, he should have been on the roof firing off anti-aircraft missles.  But then of course, if he had, the families from the hi-jacked planes would be on the news saying he killed them...


Actually, Cheney did it.


Does seeing '953 Days... ' left w/ Bush in office really make the time pass by quicker ? Seems pretty silly to me.

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Anything to relieve the pain and suffering this administration has cause this country, and me personally. It will be the worst 8 years of my life. :angry:


Now you know how the rest of us felt from '93 to '01. :lol:

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Funny guy you are. Yea, guess you're right. If we could just get someone in office that represents the interests of the people, we wouldn't have to go through these emotional roller coasters.

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If we could just get someone in office that represents the interests of the people, we wouldn't have to go through these emotional roller coasters.


True statement.

Hell, I might would even vote Libertarian if the right fella came along. Shocker, eh?

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