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Auburn says agent no problem for the Irons (Bros.)

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Auburn says agent no problem for the Irons

Thursday, August 31, 2006


Sports Reporter

AUBURN -- The family of Auburn running back Kenny Irons and cornerback David Irons reported improper conduct by a rogue sports agent this summer, prompting a university review, according to a source close to the situation.

Auburn senior associate athletics director Mark Richard said the Irons brothers did nothing wrong, and there are no concerns about their eligibility entering Saturday's season opener against Washington State.

The agent continued calling the Irons after being asked to cease, according to the source. Later, the agent misrepresented himself to others about his relationship with the family, the source said. :rolleyes:

The Irons family immediately contacted Auburn compliance officials, and the Irons brothers were never under any suspicion or accused of any wrongdoing.

Richard said rumors that one or both of the Irons brothers wouldn't play in Saturday night's opener against Washington State game were "ridiculous."

Under NCAA rules, players are allowed to talk to agents, but are prohibited from accepting benefits or entering into a written or oral contract. Antonio Langham...Maybe DJ Hall according to rumors...

Richard said Auburn offers an aggressive agent-education program for student-athletes.

"We take the agent issue very seriously," Richard said. "We have agent education for students and parents. We have individuals who meet with parents of student-athletes to talk about how to handle themselves with regard to NCAA rules."

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Nice to see this rumor nipped in the bud, since I had already begun hearing whispers on the internet of "the worst". I thought it was a ridiculous rumor anyway: Mr Irons. Sr., seems to be very smart and has done almost everything right regarding his sons' lives and futures so far. It would be totally out of character for him to let something so stupid as signing with an agent ruin his sons' senior year now.

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Nice to see this rumor nipped in the bud, since I had already begun hearing whispers on the internet of "the worst". I thought it was a ridiculous rumor anyway: Mr Irons. Sr., seems to be very smart and has done almost everything right regarding his sons' lives and futures so far. It would be totally out of character for him to let something so stupid as signing with an agent ruin his sons' senior year now.

Exactly QF.

We could of took the Bammer approach to this and kept it hush-hush, but we didn't.

" Uh Kenny and David were sent home uh uh to help their family out. Yeah that's right they'll believe that one." :roflol::roflol::roflol:

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I thought the attorney general of Alabama had been doing something to curtail these "rogue sports agents"? It looks as if this would be a great time for the AG to step up and make an example of this guy.

Just my 2 cents.

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