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NIE Report Declassified and released


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NIE Report To Be Declassified

Any moment now at the website for the Director of National Intelligence.

When the New York Times released selected parts of the report, the intention was, of course, to condemn the War on Terror by saying it has made the terror problem worse. The war in Iraq specifically has done more harm than good.

The president was excellent today in his press conference. When he's not scripted the Cowboy I know and love remerges. In answering the argument that our being Iraq has caused the terrorism we now face, President Bush noted what many of us have in the face of that insipid leftist argument--we were not in Iraq when the WTC was first bombed in 1993, nor when our embassies on Africa were attacked, nor when the Cole was bombed, nor on September 11th. The enemy has an agenda, he noted, and will use any excuse to further it.

If we fled Iraq, the always existing excuse is our support of Israel. Then it would be the existence of Jews. Then once that infidel is gone, it will be the existence of Christians, they've been killing Muslims and that will continue, too. Then atheists, agnostics, Hindus, and on and on and on.

With what has been leaked and its use by the Dems and their Leftist Gestapo, the declassification is important. The blogosphere has already provided some additional elements that the New York Times didn't bother to share with us. Why? Because they don't want their "We're-creating-more-terrorists" complaint disturbed by the truth. In from the Cold has more from the report itself. (HT Hot Air).

As soon as the entire document is released, you'll be alerted here, and the blogosphere will bring you more analysis.

On a final note about the argument itself, that our defending ourselves, the WoT and Iraq, are making the problem worse, the cancer analogy is still the best to bring us back to the truth of the matter.

For many, a diagnosis of cancer comes when you're feeling just fine. Oh, maybe you felt a little more fatigued than usual. Once diagnosed, we all choose to use every weapon in our arsenal to kill the thing--mastectomy if needed, lumpectomy, radiation, chemo, etc etc. All things which make us sick, change our world, make us feel worse than we did when we were blissfully unaware of the cancer, but things, nonetheless, which will save our lives in the long run. It would be easy to say that it was the treatment that was making things worse. But the bottom line is, whenever you fight an enemy it will be more uncomfortable than what ignorance, and perhaps even death, offers. But we do it. Not just for ourselves, but for our children and the future.

The left, and people like the Clintons, do only think of themselves and momentary pleasure and comfort, which, as we now know, comes at the expense of the future itself. Those days are over, and people who would complain that fighting cancer (and the cancer of Radical Islam) isn't worth it, that it causes too much discomfort, too much unease, must be rejected.

We must choose--will we be Jimmy Carter, Sandy Berger and Madeline Albright, or will we choose to be Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Pat Tillman and Condi Rice?


Office of the

Director of National Intelligence

Declassified Key Judgments of the National Intelligence Estimate “Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States” dated April 2006

This document is the declassified Key Judgments from the larger, classified National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on Trends in Global Terrorism: Implications for the United States that was produced in April 2006. The NIE analyzes the nature of the threat that terrorist groups across the world will pose to US lives and interests, including the Homeland, during the next five years.



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Sooo, let me see...

The Republicans and the Administration leak the info, knowing full well how the Democrats will act and TA-DAAAAH! They do exactly that. I heard one or two speak about it and use it as ammunition agaist the Right

Tex "the moderate" posted it as a rebuttal here:

I saw this and immediately thought of Bottomfeeder

Then the President says he'll declassify the info so everyone can read the whole thing and not just the part The New York Times decided to print and spin. Then the congressional Dems say, "WHOOOOOOAAAA!" We need a private session to discuss this information.

Caught two birds with one stone: Democrats running for re-election / The New York Times


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Cute cartoon. Too bad it doesn't tell the REST of the story. Oh well, it's not like the clown who drew this cartoon had an agenda or anything. :moon:

( Is it just me, or does that cartoon smack of some old Soviet block propaganda artwork ? )

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Whatever the motivation, it is now soundly LOOKING like election year politicking. I am not saying it is, but the highly organized "ambush" by the Dems are raising more than a few eyebrows. Seems a little TOO coordinated to a more than a few folks.

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