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Question for Those Attending Games


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If this has been discussed before, I apologize. I've got a question about Cox. It's difficult to tell by watching on t.v. and I've not heard or watched the coach's show, but are our receivers just not finding ways to get open or is Cox just not finding them? He is holding on to the ball way too long, obviously. Are there just no open receivers? Is he a little too afraid (for lack of a better word) to take a chance and possibly make a mistake? I can't figure it out.

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My .02. In watching them live it seems we have had some problems seperating from defenders. I don't know what the cause or causes all are but that is the way it looks to me.

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It seems like a mixture of both. More times than none this year, Cox hasn't been the most accurate. Its almost like he tends to throw behind the receiver and not in stride.

This could be a timing thing as well.

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Many of the sacks appear to be two-fold (1) from well covered receivers ... (2) followed up by Cox holding the ball too long ... I believe "coverage" sacks represent the majority of the sacks. Why can't we break coverage more often ... that is the $64 question. I noticed a time or two Cox didn't put enough on the zip on the ball and we were fortunate to not get an interception.

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To echo what has been said here, it seems to me the receivers are having trouble getting open, then when they do, sometimes the ball is poorly thrown. Then when they are open and the ball is on the money, it will go right through their hands. :(

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