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$$$ Concern with this coaching offer from Bama...


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Hey, I love college football, and can understand that in order for major universities to attract major coaches that the money needs to be there....but...

Bama is offering a coach over 4 million a year to coach their football program. A lot of that money I assume is not only coming from the university itself, but sub'd by boosters and "friends of the program." Where is this money for the other levels of education in the state???????

The public, and inner city schools in Alabama are terrible, relative to other parts of the country. Teachers can't afford supplies for their classrooms, but our state funded, tax exempt UAT can offer 4 million to a football coach!?

I think that the 1, 2 and up towards 3 million dollars spent is somewhat understandable with the current environment, but freakin' FOUR and FIVE each year for TEN YEARS!!??????

I love the sport, and I'm enjoying our success, but a desperate university that's lost its winning way is about to blow a new door open to big questions in the priority structure of this state.

Sure, the ESPN talking heads will agree with $aban now...why not? He'll be the king of Tuscaloosa as I've heard said a few times, but look for the backlash shortly after in the national perception that our schools suck, but by God we'll pay 4-5 million for a coach.

Okay....rant over..... ;)

Okay...where are my mini wheats...

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You make a great point. If I were an educator in Alabama or at :ua: , I'd be super pissed. Shows where some peoples priorities are.

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Bama is gonna blow their whole sallary cap for their head coach that leaves the assistant coaches being paid min wage and no money for the players... and If I were sabin there would be a clause.......THE BEAR IS DEAD!!!! LET IT BE!!! IF he gets the 4 Mil a year....Lets raise Give Tubs a raise and all of our assistance a raise. If Bama can come up with the cash I know AUBURN can come up with more...

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The money to pay these salaries is tax payer"s money-either directly from taxes to the state universities or through TAX exempt donations to university suppport groups--These donations should be limited just like the political donations are to discourage the influence of a few big donors or at least that is the theory! Can you imagine the ripple effects at universities if they had to rely on lots of contributions from many rather than just sucking up to a few big donors--Good=bye sky boxes, hello better facilities for those of us sitting in the rest of the stadium!

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This is an issue for a couple of concerns. First Congress is already concerned with the non profit non taxable status of the NCAA and its members. By schools paying these huge amounts to these coaches it sends a red flag to Congress, especially one that will be looking to increase revenues. You can liken this to a church paying its pastor millions of dollars. It would be questioned and need to be questioned.

Secondly, UA has played right into the hands of the Jimmy Sextons of the world. They were desperate and let it be known they would be willing to do anything. UA is not being responsible with this kind of money. The question the UA fans should be asking is "what happens if we have to fire this looser in 3 or 4 years". I guess they will be paying him $4M per year to leave. MM wants to "win" the press conference and was willing to do anything to make sure he looked good.

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This is an issue for a couple of concerns. First Congress is already concerned with the non profit non taxable status of the NCAA and its members. By schools paying these huge amounts to these coaches it sends a red flag to Congress, especially one that will be looking to increase revenues. You can liken this to a church paying its pastor millions of dollars. It would be questioned and need to be questioned.

Secondly, UA has played right into the hands of the Jimmy Sextons of the world. They were desperate and let it be known they would be willing to do anything. UA is not being responsible with this kind of money. The question the UA fans should be asking is "what happens if we have to fire this looser in 3 or 4 years". I guess they will be paying him $4M per year to leave. MM wants to "win" the press conference and was willing to do anything to make sure he looked good.

This is along the lines of what I'm thinking...

Let alone Alabama supporters vacancy of the word "rebuild" in their vocabularies. Nick $aban is ultimately going to make that program better, and that's a good thing for Alabama, Auburn, the SEC West, and conference as a whole. I'm excited about it also.

It's time for the Iron Bowl to matter...

besides....being able to call him Coach "Satan" should be a good start... :lol:

Okay...back to work. ;)

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Coach SATAN will be cast in the Jungle next season!!!!!

6 is on it's way!

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Good point... "donated" money should be for education

Another point... I think $2 mil is way more than enough for a head coach... maybe too much. I see this in the same way we used to have unlimited scholarships; it gives an unfair advantage to the bigger schools. There needs to be a salary cap.

Imagine a coach that would 1) coach where he wanted since more money wouldn't be made by jumping ship, and 2) coaches with longer tenures, giving programs more stability and recruits to feel relatively safe that they would continue to be their coach.

My 2 cents.

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So if Shula doesn't get a job they will be paying their head coach 8Mil... Wow. Can you fix I-20 between Atl and Bham sometime soon... pleeease

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