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Nintendo Wii


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Not to dissuade you from getting one but I have 2 friends who bought Wii's when they were new and we all thought it was the coolest thing ever. We played bowling for hours. Zelda was kinda cool. Wario had its moments. Fast-forward to today and both of their Wii's are sitting around collecting dusk. The novelty (for us at least) wears off pretty quick.

We still all play our 360's though.

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I am considering buying one for my 5 year old for Christmas. Do you think it would hold his attention for longer than a month or two?

It's either that or get him one of the plug and play guitar games suitable for him...I thought I would enjoy the Wii too.

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Does anyone have one? I'm on the verge of getting one. Basically I'm sold on it.

Just wanted to hear what package or bundle is the best.

I have one, and highly recommend it. I got it for Christmas last year, and it got me and my wife playing video games together. We still play it today.

Get one.

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I have one and love it.

Wii Sports (that comes with it) And Wii Play (that comes with a controller are great party games as BG said.

Stuff like Metroid and Zelda are awesome games to play by yourself.

Now third party developers are finally starting to see Wii's success, so the titles are only getting better for it.

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One can't even fathom the fun to be had when you get back to the house with a bunch of folks...after a night of drinking...and after you kill the Krystals of course.

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