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tony franklin offense vs. sec


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I am sorry to see al borges go, but that is the nature of the business. thank you al borges for everything that you did for us. however, troy and auburn each played arkansas, georgia, and florida this year. this may be over-simplistic but let's look at the numbers from each:


488.....total yds....465.............376..total yds...507..............336...total yds....500







216....total yds....417................290....total yds...193.............326.....total yds...312






here is my suggestion to tommy tuberville this morning,



this would be the best gift i could receive from tommy tuberville this year other than a bowl victory, come on man it is not even a 1 hr drive to troy from auburn if you know the backroads! B)

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Good stats. No way does Tuberville get rid of Knox. Not with 1 more year before him being vested in the retirement system. He's too loyal

Knox could still get that last year at ASU...just something to keep in mind.

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Can we PLEASE quit calling for the heads of everyone in the department? I agree that WR development hasn't been the best, and that is Knox's responsibility, but the man is also our recruiting coordinator. He's been pretty dang good at that. Sometimes the answer isn't always to fire someone....

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Can we PLEASE quit calling for the heads of everyone in the department? I agree that WR development hasn't been the best, and that is Knox's responsibility, but the man is also our recruiting coordinator. He's been pretty dang good at that. Sometimes the answer isn't always to fire someone....

i was not calling for anyone's head just pointing to the fact that shayne wasden deserves a look at wide receivers coach for us plus he is familiar with tony franklin's system, if knox is a great recruiting coordinator let him FOCUS on that because he needs to FOCUS on recruiting some big-time receivers.

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Can we PLEASE quit calling for the heads of everyone in the department? I agree that WR development hasn't been the best, and that is Knox's responsibility, but the man is also our recruiting coordinator. He's been pretty dang good at that. Sometimes the answer isn't always to fire someone....

I agree loyalty is important. So make Knox a dedicated SPECIAL TEAMS COACH, and hire a new WR coach. Everybody wins.

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Can we PLEASE quit calling for the heads of everyone in the department? I agree that WR development hasn't been the best, and that is Knox's responsibility, but the man is also our recruiting coordinator. He's been pretty dang good at that. Sometimes the answer isn't always to fire someone....

I agree loyalty is important. So make Knox a dedicated SPECIAL TEAMS COACH, and hire a new WR coach. Everybody wins.

You can only have 9 asst coaches and 2 GA's per NCAA regulations. We are already at that limit, which is why Gran coaches both special teams and running backs.

We can't just add a coach without getting rid of one.

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Here's my thoughts looking at those stats. How many of those came yards against second/third string defenses?

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Very few. Troy was walking up and down the field on UGA all day. While they scored a lot in the second half against UF, they were moving it all day. Arky, I don't know, but the totals weren't staggering anyway. Ask Oklahoma State how Troy moved the ball. No, not a great team but a Big 12 Bowl team that got absolutely slapped around by the Trojans.

I would have no problem with Franklin or anyone else who knows how to run an offense. The key to me is whether CTT will give him the reigns and let him do his thing. Talked to a friend this morning who is an avid Troy alumni/supporter. He said Tony Franklin does NOT like to be told what to do. It's his show, he'll run it. If that's the case, that's exactly what I want to see.

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Here's my thoughts looking at those stats. How many of those came yards against second/third string defenses?

Judging by the score differential during those particular games, that was probably against the second-third team defenses as follows:

Arkansas - 4th quarter only (23-17 at the half)

Florida - entire second half (49-7 at the half)

Georgia - very late in the 4th quarter, if at all (34-27 to start the 4th quarter).

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My other thought, he won time of possession once. One time. And in the others he wasn't even close. Not keeping your defense off the field is an absolute killer in the SEC. We held the ball and kept those guys fresh, which kept us in most games. If your strength is defense, one of the best things your offense can do is hold the ball. The only game that strategy came back to bite us was against UGA where the defense just collapsed.

And yeah, I watched the UF game. Florida was up 49-7 at the half. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Troy didn't exactly scare them offensively and probably didn't have their attention in the second half. Also, that was a bad UF defense.

Against Arkansas, the offense kept it close... until halftime. They managed a field goal in the second half until they threw in a garbage TD on the final whistle.

Georgia was the only game where the offense played well start to finish. They just turned the ball over too much.

The spread is a gimmick, and I want nothing to do with it. If hiring Franklin means running a spread offense, I'd rather get coal for Christmas.

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TONY FRANKLIN = NCAA lightning rod.

Actually, he was the whistle blower at UK when they had their issues, not the source of the problems from what I heard. Where are you getting the opposite?

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Good stats. No way does Tuberville get rid of Knox. Not with 1 more year before him being vested in the retirement system. He's too loyal

Knox could still get that last year at ASU...just something to keep in mind.

Or he could be moved to recruiting coordinator, a position that he would fill admirably.

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Good stats. No way does Tuberville get rid of Knox. Not with 1 more year before him being vested in the retirement system. He's too loyal

Knox could still get that last year at ASU...just something to keep in mind.

Or he could be moved to recruiting coordinator, a position that he would fill admirably.

Good point. I forgot about that.

Question though, does recruiting coordinator count as one of our nine assistant coaches?

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TONY FRANKLIN = NCAA lightning rod.

Huh? Isn't he the one that turned UK in to NCAA b/c he was forced to do things wrong and illegally? If my take is right, I want him. I like someone that is by the books and wants to be part of a clean program.

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Whistleblower??? Where did you get your info?

Multiple places. Several of the more reputable people on Scout and Rivals mentioned it. He also took Mumme to court for defamation and violation of the State of KY's Whistleblower Act:


What's more, he didn't seek monetary damages. He wanted to clear his name.

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Overall 2007 stats for Troy show:

34 points per game

182.6 Rushing yards per game

270 passing yards per game

22 TDs rushing

23 TDs passing

Remember, this is little ole' Troy, from central Aleebammy, taking everyone's castoffs on the road to the biggest, baddest venues in the country and playing big boys. Kind of hard to say, "Well, let's just look at how Tony Franklin did against the SEC."

I'm not a big fan of the pure spread where it's a pass first, pass second and pass third option and oh yeah, throw in a run to keep em' honest. It appears that Franklin uses a fairly balanced attack with the QB and TB getting the majority of carries. Kenny Catthouse had 791 yards this year with Haugabook rushing for 631 himself. In 06' Catthouse had 810 yards with Haugabook getting over 300.

Not pushing for Franklin either way. I do think he runs a pretty balanced offense overall, just goes at it a little differently than what we're used to seeing. I would imagine (Hope) he would adapt a little to utilize the running backs we have. Terry Bowden comes to mind when looking at what NOT to do, where he installed his version of "My Diddy's offense" and scrapped the talents of guys like Stephen Davis and Fred Beasley for a corp of midgets at RB and slinging it all over the field. I don't see Franklin as that type of OC.

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Terry Bowden comes to mind when looking at what NOT to do, where he installed his version of "My Diddy's offense" and scrapped the talents of guys like Stephen Davis and Fred Beasley for a corp of midgets at RB and slinging it all over the field. I don't see Franklin as that type of OC.

Don't be dissing the "Lizard" like that. He's an arena bowl stud........ :roflol:

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Terry Bowden comes to mind when looking at what NOT to do, where he installed his version of "My Diddy's offense" and scrapped the talents of guys like Stephen Davis and Fred Beasley for a corp of midgets at RB and slinging it all over the field. I don't see Franklin as that type of OC.

Don't be dissing the "Lizard" like that. He's an arena bowl stud........ :roflol:

Didn't he take a job with Geico a year or two back? Just can't recall.

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Kenny Catthouse had 791 yards this year with Haugabook rushing for 631 himself. In 06' Catthouse had 810 yards with Haugabook getting over 300.

You said Catthouse. :big: Where's Air Force Amy when you need her?

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