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Senate Bill 2433 - Obama's Global Tax


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IMO, we (Americans) have way too much to worry about on the home front than whether or not someone in a 3rd world country makes more than a $1/day. I am not cold hearted about those people b/c I do not like seeing those children suffer, but that money could be utilized here in America FIRST to take care of the lo income in America. The ones living on the streets. The many many American kids that are in foster care or are wards of a state. This money could be used for the health care crisis. Could be used toward developing anything or doing anything to drive down the cost of oil, and thus the cost of gasoline. Why can't politicians and some Americans look to the problems eroding America first.? There is so much to be done here in America before sending resources all over the globe, right?

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I'm not interested in giving my money away to anyone, which is why I voted Ron Paul in the primary election. Foreign aid is another form of thievery where a few are enriched at the expense of many. It's socialist in it's origin.

MCA encourages socialism and statism. Because it is entirely geared toward foreign governments, it will force economically devastating "public-private partnerships" in developing nations: if the private sector is to see any of the money it will have to be in partnership with government. There should be no doubt that these foreign governments will place additional requirements on the private firms in order to qualify for funding. Who knows how much of this money will be wasted on those companies with the best political connections to the foreign governments in power. The MCA invites political corruption by creating a slush fund at the control of foreign governments.


You mean like the Billions and Billions of dollars we are spending on foreign aid in Iraq

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I'm not interested in giving my money away to anyone, which is why I voted Ron Paul in the primary election. Foreign aid is another form of thievery where a few are enriched at the expense of many. It's socialist in it's origin.

MCA encourages socialism and statism. Because it is entirely geared toward foreign governments, it will force economically devastating "public-private partnerships" in developing nations: if the private sector is to see any of the money it will have to be in partnership with government. There should be no doubt that these foreign governments will place additional requirements on the private firms in order to qualify for funding. Who knows how much of this money will be wasted on those companies with the best political connections to the foreign governments in power. The MCA invites political corruption by creating a slush fund at the control of foreign governments.


You mean like the Billions and Billions of dollars we are spending on foreign aid in Iraq

You apparently don't know BF very well. He is against the war. He has been a Ron Paul supporter from the get-go. So, yes, he is against spending on foreign aid in Iraq.

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I kinda of like Ron Paul actually.Of all the candidates he is the only one who speaks his mind and says what he believes.

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