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Impact of government education on voting.


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How long after high school did it take you to learn that the government was not here to help?

(Some of you are still not there)


I've often said that our government schools are just miserable failures. For some time now I've been wondering if I'm not dead wrong about this. Over the last year or so I've been reading a book by John Taylor Gatto called "The Underground History of American Education." The book isn't cheap. Almost fifty bucks in paperback .. but the information is priceless. One Amazon.com reviewer of this book wrote:

"The major premise here is that American schooling has been dumbed down to provide mindless, loyal workers who cannot think for themselves. At least this is the schooling provided to the masses. This was a deliberate act with roots in 19th century industrialism. He shows how the Civil War demonstrated to industrialists and financiers how a standardized population trained to follow orders without significant thought could be made to function as a money tree. Moreover, the proper schooling could be used to strip the common population of its power to cause trouble. You see, our global power and corporate wealth is based on a third-rate educational system that actually works against developing men and women of true character and intellect. The mindless bureaucrat and worker who follows a system without thought or question is the pattern that our "efficient" system depends on. That is what schooling produces. One should never confuse schooling with true education- and definitely not with intelligence."

Now we're in an election cycle, and that line about " .. follow(ing) orders without significant thought ..." really rings true, especially when you consider the people out there fawning over The Messiah. Think about it: What has been Obama's campaign slogan since pretty much day one. You know ... "Change we can believe in." Now the truly educated person might say "Change? From what to what?" But we're talking about truly educated, discerning people here. For the rest ... for the government educated masses who "follow orders without significant thought", the picture isn't as pretty. Pollsters recently asked people for one-word descriptions of Obama. The word most chosen? Why, it was "change," of course. These people couldn't do anything better than to regurgitate the very word that had been force-fed them by Obamaologists .. the "C' word. Some real independent thinkers we have there.

An inordinate amount of time is spent on my show trying to explain some basic economic principles to listeners. It is shocking how many people don't understand the difference between a profit and a profit margin. Also, people just can't grasp the fact that historically tax cuts lead to increases in revenues to government. The idea that people will engage more strongly in economic behavior that is rewarded should be easy to understand. It isn't. Too many Americans react with disbelief when you tell them that the very same evil rich people so often denigrated by Democrats are the people who write their pay checks every month. Barack Obama can talk about raising taxes on rich people who earn over $250,000 a year, and most people don't understand that these are the small businessmen and women who account for 70% of all existing jobs and 80% of all new jobs in our economy. Then when you tell people that these small businessmen are going to cut back on business expenses if their taxes go up – and that the people they employ are business expenses – you just get glassy stares. Hey, they're rich. They should pay their fair share.

Tell me, can you see why a service station operator has to raise the price of every gallon of gasoline he has in the ground when he is notified that when the tanker shows up with another load the prices are going to go up? If you can't, perhaps you're part of the problem.

This problem (the dumb masses voting) isn't new. Thirty years ago I was conducting polls on my radio show ... who are you going to vote for and why? The most common answer to the "why" question? "Because he's the best man for the job." That's the best they could come up with ... just some bromide about so-and-so being the best man for the job. It sort of reminds you of the "change" word voters spew forth when asked about their vote for Obama. We, my friends, are in deep brown stuff.

Don't read that Gatto book. It will scare the hell out of you.


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Two things:

1. I went to a private school prior to college so I guess I'm immune.

2. When you ask people for a ONE WORD ANSWER what do you expect? I'm not debating to point of the article but that is insane to use that point.

I guess I would use Senator for Obama.....and Old for McCain. ;)

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Liberals do well promising the least educated among us that they will solve all problems, yet democrats have run the inner city schools in this country for 40 years and continue to provide worse and worse conditions for schooling. I think this article is correct, the democrats need more uneducated people because it equals more votes for democrats.

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