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CNS: The Most Powerful Coach in Sports

DKW 86

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The only time that I ever went out and bought magazines with Bama on the cover was in 92, and I'll admit that year I did go a little crazy with the collectibles. I'm glad that I did, because I got the SI mag. signed by Coach Stallings, Derreck Lassic, David Palmer and George Teague.

And I bet you kiss that SI issue every night before you go to bed? .....no wait, you have it in a safe deposit box at the bank?

No, but I do have it framed. I have a championship football autographed by Coach Stallings and a picture of him signing it(a friend gave this to me, and that's why the picture) and it's in one of those football cases.

I even have this plaque with the 92 championship coin on it that was made for me by a friend of mine that is a devout Auburn fan, and because of that, it is even more valuable to me. So, yes I would admit that I take care of my collectibles and they mean a lot to me.

I also will confess that I can be depressed about our football season and can watch the tape of the 92 sugar bowl, and feel better. I admit that I am one of those Bama fans that live(remember) the past, and am not ashamed of it.

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The only time that I ever went out and bought magazines with Bama on the cover was in 92, and I'll admit that year I did go a little crazy with the collectibles. I'm glad that I did, because I got the SI mag. signed by Coach Stallings, Derreck Lassic, David Palmer and George Teague.

And I bet you kiss that SI issue every night before you go to bed? .....no wait, you have it in a safe deposit box at the bank?

No, but I do have it framed. I have a championship football autographed by Coach Stallings and a picture of him signing it(a friend gave this to me, and that's why the picture) and it's in one of those football cases.

I even have this plaque with the 92 championship coin on it that was made for me by a friend of mine that is a devout Auburn fan, and because of that, it is even more valuable to me. So, yes I would admit that I take care of my collectibles and they mean a lot to me.

I also will confess that I can be depressed about our football season and can watch the tape of the 92 sugar bowl, and feel better. I admit that I am one of those Bama fans that live(remember) the past, and am not ashamed of it.

I don't think you'll find an Auburn (or any other school) fan that has a problem with you remembering the past and not being ashamed of it and for that matter, enjoying talking about it. That's what a fan does. But when that remembering becomes OBSESSION, that's when there's a problem. And there are many Alabama fans that are obsessed with the past. Guess when that's all you have....

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The only time that I ever went out and bought magazines with Bama on the cover was in 92, and I'll admit that year I did go a little crazy with the collectibles. I'm glad that I did, because I got the SI mag. signed by Coach Stallings, Derreck Lassic, David Palmer and George Teague.

And I bet you kiss that SI issue every night before you go to bed? .....no wait, you have it in a safe deposit box at the bank?

No, but I do have it framed. I have a championship football autographed by Coach Stallings and a picture of him signing it(a friend gave this to me, and that's why the picture) and it's in one of those football cases.

I even have this plaque with the 92 championship coin on it that was made for me by a friend of mine that is a devout Auburn fan, and because of that, it is even more valuable to me. So, yes I would admit that I take care of my collectibles and they mean a lot to me.

I also will confess that I can be depressed about our football season and can watch the tape of the 92 sugar bowl, and feel better. I admit that I am one of those Bama fans that live(remember) the past, and am not ashamed of it.

I think it is refreshing that you admit that. At the risk of being an ass is there any choice if you want to feel good about bammer?

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How many mags has Forbes sold in Alabama this week?

Well, apparently, many bammers are having trouble finding out where books are sold, so not as many as could be.

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The ONLY SEC "coach" ever that is actually SHORTER than Terry Bowden.

The $4mil boy....priceless......

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DKW-You hit the nail on the head...MULTIPLE TIMES!! Thank-You!! :clap:

Well it's official-for those who didn't already know, Saban is without question an egomanical, narssacistic, control freak....It's one thing for Saban to require control of the program-I can see how doing so can make sense and be the best thing for a program in certain coaching situations-but to then add in what I would call a "glorious me" like unveiling to everyone that he's not only got the control and power but also requires that everyone including his coaches, players, support personnel, media, and fans (or anyone else within earshot for that matter..) to be like silent lemmings in the awesome shadow of that which is "Saban" should clearly communicate that the guy is a loser where it counts...What a great representative for all that is bama tradishun ;)

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I must admit, some of the comments from this brood were hilarious. Just keep your head in the sand. Gotta love that Chesire cat grin.

The Pharm rep wife is all pissed because a bunch of her Doc's already have it in their waiting rooms. Damn I love watching you guys pee all over yourselves.

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I must admit, some of the comments from this brood were hilarious. Just keep your head in the sand. Gotta love that Chesire cat grin.

The Pharm rep wife is all pissed because a bunch of her Doc's already have it in their waiting rooms. Damn I love watching you guys pee all over yourselves.

not nearly as much as we've enjoyed seeing you pee through 5 coaches since 2000. It's been great fun. It's gonna be equally as fun to watch you pimp your next savior in 2 years or so, like you've done all the others that failed....

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How many mags has Forbes sold in Alabama this week?

Well, apparently, many bammers are having trouble finding out where books are sold, so not as many as could be.

I hear that their are some football players in UAT that sell books on the side. Hit them up.

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I must admit, some of the comments from this brood were hilarious. Just keep your head in the sand. Gotta love that Chesire cat grin.

The Pharm rep wife is all pissed because a bunch of her Doc's already have it in their waiting rooms. Damn I love watching you guys pee all over yourselves.

Yeah, we have been really pissing our pants over you guys the last several years haven't we? That 7-6 record from your messiah's first year really has us shakin' in our boots. :rolleyes:

Here's and idea for you.....THINK BEFORE YOU POST. ;)

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I must admit, some of the comments from this brood were hilarious. Just keep your head in the sand. Gotta love that Chesire cat grin.

The Pharm rep wife is all pissed because a bunch of her Doc's already have it in their waiting rooms. Damn I love watching you guys pee all over yourselves.

Speaking of peeing all over one's self, let me remind you of some key points in the article as they should clue you into what's coming right around the corner....(besides #7)

1. It (Saban's Salary)remains among the highest and is bigger than all but a handful of NFL coaching salaries. His deal includes, among other perks, 25 hours of private use of a university airplane, two cars and a country club membership, extras that make his annual compensation closer to $5 million a year.... Important to know what the total compensation package is for a guy that went 7-6 and has had 10 arrests in the offseason-especially since this year aint going to be any better...

2. He can leave the school at any time without financial penalty, a rarity in big-time college coaching contracts. But it's not a rarity when the situation involves a desperate university looking for a quick answer marrying itself with a ego-maniac, control freak...How better can a guy like that get his cake and eat it too?? tuscalooser getting saban for $5M = owner of a double wide buying a hummer-It's a sign of being desperate and thinking that throwing money is the answer-The only true winner is car salesman aka Sexton

3. What's more, he was given total control of the football program: recruiting, coaching, business administration and public relations. There are coaches at other universities who have similar salaries, like Charlie Weis at Notre Dame and Pete Carroll at the University of Southern California. But no coach, including those in the professional leagues, can match Saban's combination of money, control and influence. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely" No one is hated more than a dictator...How long do you think that the powers in tuscalooser are going to like having to sit on the sidelines or ask Saban if they can be involved and be told "no"?? That new stench starting to surround the natural stench of tuscalooser is called "Contempt"

4. All of which may overcome resentment from professors (average salary at Alabama: $116,000) of Saban's contract. Sure...nothing like having an arrogant richard-noggin of a control freak make a ton of money while he or his "supporters" are pressuring you to make sure the boys do well in class so "we" don't look like idiots....

5. Saban ended his first year with a 7--6 record. But it takes a while for a coach to put his stamp on a team. Here's a Saban stamp for you: Pearl Harbor/911, DJ Hall "suspension", La Monroe, and 10 arrests-fairly definitive to me and really makes the next point a major side splitter :roflol:

6. Once he gets a player in the program, Saban becomes a Big Brother.... :blink:.... "We're trying to create thoughts, habits and priorities," he says. The program hasn't been wholly successful on that front yet. Ten players have been arrested since he took over. ;) On a positive note to this-maybe he can bring back "you know who" to talk about not dealing drugs or to narc on the players that covered up for him while he was dealing???

Feel free to assume the fetal position and start sucking your thumbs cause this little experiment with Saban ain't going to work out the way you think it is. I can't wait for you bammers to start the "we're not gettin' our money's worth" talk in October...

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Uh ohh...will Scarbinski be McCready'd?

As much sway as Saban has over his school's administrators, alums, boosters and fans, there's one group among his constituents that has yet to completely bow at his feet and kiss his LSU-BCS ring.

His players.

If Saban truly were the most powerful coach in all of sports, would he have to hire the Pacific Institute to brainwash, I mean, mentally condition his players with daily affirmations like, "I am a bad man"?

I'm not a Scarbinski fan. Just thought it was funny.

Scab's take.

If you guys paid as much attention to Aub as you do to the University, you might win a NC in this century.

Weakest post of the day. Birmingham wasn't even that weak.

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If you guys paid as much attention to Aub as you do to the University, you might win a NC in this century.

wow, crapshisdrawers back with another 5th grade insult. Giving ole birmingham and baby grid a run for their money huh?

When are you going to get it, or go find someone that can dumb it down for you to understand, that we are doing nothing but laughing at uat?

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Forbes gives Alabama football coach Nick Saban too much power

Friday, August 15, 2008

Nick Saban is the most powerful coach in sports ... who's lost four of his last five games.

Saban is the most powerful coach in sports ... who's one game over .500 at his current job.

Saban is the most powerful coach in sports ... who hasn't had a winning regular season in three years. Did Scab read this forum? :lol:

That must be what Forbes magazine meant to say when it put Saban on the cover of its September issue and called him "sports' most powerful coach."


The more fitting headlines just wouldn't fit.

Surely, Forbes didn't mean to suggest that Saban is more powerful than Mike Krzyzewski. Coach K has won three national titles and didn't have to share any of them with Pete Carroll.

The Duke basketball coach is the absolute monarch of his program, but it's a title he earned rather than having it bestowed upon him, and his pull goes beyond his state, his conference and even his country.

USA basketball put him in charge of no less a task than restoring order to the universe by bringing back the gold medal with our Olympic team in Beijing.

Krzyzewski's so powerful, the NCAA has looked the other way at his national TV spots for the likes of American Express, which are nothing more than Duke recruiting commercials.

They wouldn't dare pass a Krzyzewski Rule.

And few people outside the IRS know exactly how much money Krzyzewski pulls down each year because Duke, as a private school, doesn't have to release his salary information.

But forget college sports. Saban may not even be the most powerful coach in his own coaching family.

His mentor, Bill Belichick, while leading the New England Patriots to four Super Bowls and winning three of them, has been above the law in the law-and-order NFL. He's thumbed his nose at the league's dress code, with those threadbare, thrift-store hoodies, and at the anti-spying regulations.

Roger Goodell did hit him with the largest fine of a coach in NFL history at $500,000, but the get-tough commish didn't bench him for a single game.

Even DJ Hall got suspended for a half.

Belichick's so big, literary heavyweight David Halberstam wrote his autobiography. Power is having your life story penned by an author who also profiled Robert Kennedy.

This is not to say that Saban isn't powerful. Alabama did give him the keys to the kingdom, but Alabama is the British Empire of college football.

It ain't what it used to be. Territories it once ruled, like Auburn and Mississippi State, have declared their independence with a vengeance. :thumbsup:

As much sway as Saban has over his school's administrators, alums, boosters and fans, there's one group among his constituents that has yet to completely bow at his feet and kiss his LSU-BCS ring.

His players.

If Saban truly were the most powerful coach in all of sports, would he have to hire the Pacific Institute to brainwash, I mean, mentally condition his players with daily affirmations like, "I am a bad man"?

Wouldn't it be cheaper to bus down and watch Auburn practice? You know, to fully grasp the concept by the face mask.

That's power where it counts. Right in the mouth.

Scab will be looking for a new job soon. No one puts a beat down on The Messiah and gets away with it...Funny as it was to read.

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I do not know how true is this coach power ... but..

I just love how this will resonate with recruits.. Do you wanna play for the most powerful coach on the land (vouched by a highly respected national magazine that knows every face on wall street) or the coach that can not control fights in his own practices.... ???

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I do not know how true is this coach power ... but..

I just love how this will resonate with recruits.. Do you wanna play for the most powerful coach on the land (vouched by a highly respected national magazine that knows every face on wall street) or the coach that can not control fights in his own practices.... ???

Or the coach who can't keep his players out of the back of cop cars?

Of all the bama fans on here, you seriously make the worst and least thought out flame posts. If I were a bama fan, I'd be embarassed to be associated with you.

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I do not know how true is this coach power ... but..

I just love how this will resonate with recruits.. Do you wanna play for the most powerful coach on the land (vouched by a highly respected national magazine that knows every face on wall street) or the coach that can not control fights in his own practices.... ???

I suppose it depends on what type of recruit you are trying to attract. The article basically says that Bama sold it's soul to CN$, because he now has full dictatorial power.

The pictures look nice. If you are trying to attract recruits that only look at the pictures, then....WAY TO GO. If I were the parent and read the article, then I wouldn't want my kid to go to a place where the coach has that much power, b/c full dictatorships just don't work out in CFB.

Did you read the article? OR just look at the pics?

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I do not know how true is this coach power ... but..

I just love how this will resonate with recruits.. Do you wanna play for the most powerful coach on the land (vouched by a highly respected national magazine that knows every face on wall street) or the coach that can not control fights in his own practices.... ???

Are you friggin' kidding me?? Is this all you've got to hang your houndstooth hat on? Talk about setting yourself up....Hmmm, how might that scenario go????.....

....Yeah boys, you don't want to play for Auburn...they've got problems down there-haven't you heard that their players are bad thugs...and by saying that, I mean as thugs the Auburn players are really bad...they actually keep their adverse behavior on the field??? I'm telling you it's because of the head coach...Yeah...I know-that's not how to represent man..HOW JACKED UP!!! You'd much rather come play for bama and coach saban....the most powerful coach on the land!!!! Then you can live the true thug life like a real playa-openly and without restraint all across the glorious tuscalooser strip!!!! You go to bars along the strip and start fights "just because", be openly intoxicated and disrespectful to the pigs...er, 5-0, uh..I mean Tuscaloosa "Officers", and to top it off, you can even get away with distributing illegal drugs right under the nose of the entire staff for extended periods of time-You just have to pace yourself and know when the heat is on so coach won't look bad-cool??.... What's that??? No, that whole "Big Brother" thing was just for show, he won't get into your business unless he has to!Coach is so powerful he doesn't have time to care if you live the life unless he has to 'cause he's too busy controlling everything else so he can't keep you from doing your thing anyway!!! That's the advantage of playing for a coach with all that power-he's accountable to no one so you aren't either just as long as coach doesn't look bad!!!

What do you say boys-first drink on the strip is on me!!!??? ROLL TAHD??!!?? Are you with me??? RAMMA JAMMA???? ;)

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Forbes gives Alabama football coach Nick Saban too much power

Friday, August 15, 2008

Nick Saban is the most powerful coach in sports ... who's lost four of his last five games.

Saban is the most powerful coach in sports ... who's one game over .500 at his current job.

Saban is the most powerful coach in sports ... who hasn't had a winning regular season in three years. Did Scab read this forum? :lol:

That must be what Forbes magazine meant to say when it put Saban on the cover of its September issue and called him "sports' most powerful coach."


The more fitting headlines just wouldn't fit.

Surely, Forbes didn't mean to suggest that Saban is more powerful than Mike Krzyzewski. Coach K has won three national titles and didn't have to share any of them with Pete Carroll.

The Duke basketball coach is the absolute monarch of his program, but it's a title he earned rather than having it bestowed upon him, and his pull goes beyond his state, his conference and even his country.

USA basketball put him in charge of no less a task than restoring order to the universe by bringing back the gold medal with our Olympic team in Beijing.

Krzyzewski's so powerful, the NCAA has looked the other way at his national TV spots for the likes of American Express, which are nothing more than Duke recruiting commercials.

They wouldn't dare pass a Krzyzewski Rule.

And few people outside the IRS know exactly how much money Krzyzewski pulls down each year because Duke, as a private school, doesn't have to release his salary information.

But forget college sports. Saban may not even be the most powerful coach in his own coaching family.

His mentor, Bill Belichick, while leading the New England Patriots to four Super Bowls and winning three of them, has been above the law in the law-and-order NFL. He's thumbed his nose at the league's dress code, with those threadbare, thrift-store hoodies, and at the anti-spying regulations.

Roger Goodell did hit him with the largest fine of a coach in NFL history at $500,000, but the get-tough commish didn't bench him for a single game.

Even DJ Hall got suspended for a half.

Belichick's so big, literary heavyweight David Halberstam wrote his autobiography. Power is having your life story penned by an author who also profiled Robert Kennedy.

This is not to say that Saban isn't powerful. Alabama did give him the keys to the kingdom, but Alabama is the British Empire of college football.

It ain't what it used to be. Territories it once ruled, like Auburn and Mississippi State, have declared their independence with a vengeance. :thumbsup:

As much sway as Saban has over his school's administrators, alums, boosters and fans, there's one group among his constituents that has yet to completely bow at his feet and kiss his LSU-BCS ring.

His players.

If Saban truly were the most powerful coach in all of sports, would he have to hire the Pacific Institute to brainwash, I mean, mentally condition his players with daily affirmations like, "I am a bad man"?

Wouldn't it be cheaper to bus down and watch Auburn practice? You know, to fully grasp the concept by the face mask.

That's power where it counts. Right in the mouth.

Scab will be looking for a new job soon. No one puts a beat down on The Messiah and gets away with it...Funny as it was to read.

Can Scarbinsky be voted on for pre-season article of the year??? :clap:

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