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Hell must have frozen over...

Tiger Al

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All hail the master Tiger Al! He knows what everyone thinks and means, and is never wrong about anything. We all need to bow down to the master and support the evil empire. All hail Obama....All hail Obama.

I think this thread has been alive way to long. It's obvious that Al is in denial about his hero, Sean Hannity. :)

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All hail the master Tiger Al! He knows what everyone thinks and means, and is never wrong about anything. We all need to bow down to the master and support the evil empire. All hail Obama....All hail Obama.

I think this thread has been alive way to long. It's obvious that Al is in denial about his hero, Sean Hannity. :)

He made himself very clear.

And, bowing isn't necessary.

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Can I at least raise my right hand and click my heals?

Have a good evening, Al. I enjoy the volleys.

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Thanks, Jesus!

You're welcome my poor pathetic little hell-bound loser. We will pray for you. Although our prayers may not be heard since we do not pray to the new messiah. But alas, I guess it is the thought that counts.

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Al, can you look at this objectively instead of grasping to the one misstatement that Hannity made like a person hanging on to a life preserver in a hurricane?

This isn't the one misstatement Hannity made. He does this all the time. The difference here is that colmes actually had the stones to call him out. My bet: alan colmes' contract won't be renewed. He's gotten uppity and forgot what he gets paid for.

All one has to do is listen to the entire conversation and it is clear that what hannity was saying is that he felt like edwards affair should disqualify him from the presidency or public office or whatever. Like I have said, I disagree with that statement.

I watched it several times before I even posted it. It's clear that what Hannity was saying all along is that if Edwards broke his promise to his family, broke his promise to his wife, he's having an affair and he lied about it, why should we trust him to keep his promise to us. When colmes pointed out that McCain had done all of those things, too, Hannity started offering caveats. The other guest, Chris, fell into line and pointed out that Elizabeth Edwards had been diagnosed with cancer and goes on to drag the red herrings of Bill Clinton and Robert Byrd into it. colmes points out Carol McCain's serious car accident and her severe injuries from that. Meanwhile, Hannity is continuing to excuse McCain by talking about Vietnam.

Once hannity made his statement which colmes justifiably attacked he explained why he felt like the two situations were different and that mccain should be looked at differently in that light. At that point the debate pretty much turned into hannity trying to get colmes to acknowledge that the circumstances leading up to the affairs were markably different and colmes refused to. He kept trying to turn it into a "no affair is justified" argument instead of acknowledging the different stressors that mccain was under. There is no straweman as you claim, it is what the heated debate eventually turned into.

The two situations are different, but, the result is the same. They each decided to cheat on their wives. Hannity says that should exclude Edwards from being president, but, defends McCain. The defense Hannity uses, Vietnam, is one McCain has expressly denied. If McCain doesn't believe it, why do you and Hannity?

If you could step back and watch the entire thing objectively (obviously, you cant) you would see what I have been arguing and why colmes was being a douchebag in much the same manner you guys are for attacking mccain in the way you have on this thread by refusing to admit what hannity was trying to point out. Not the part about edwards affair disqualifying him, but that McCain should be cut more slack about his due to what the man had been trough for 5.5 years leading up to his. Colmes couldn't bring himself to admit this obvious point, neither can you guys. If the sides were flip flopped here and obama was in mccains shoes dont even try to deny that you wouldn't argue the same thing hannity is. You guys have your political blinders on in this one.

Your reading comprehension skills are seriously coming into question. I'm not attacking McCain. You keep trying to make this a McCain attack. I'm attacking the double standard that the Hannity-loving right loves to employ. If you're going to apply a "marital infidelity" standard to Edwards, then it must apply to McCain also.

If the sides were flip flopped here and obama was in mccains shoes dont even try to deny that you wouldn't argue the same thing hannity is.

That's doubtful since I haven't once tried to excuse Edwards. But, if Obama were in McCain's shoes there's no doubt Hannity would be attacking Obama, Hanoi Hilton or not.

I am no big hannity fan. I do watch his show fairly often (I am a channel flipper to the extreme) because I agree with a lot of his viewpoints as well as his guests. If he does get rid of holmes (And I think most people wouldn't mind in the least) I hope he gets Kirsten Powers to be his counterpart. She is awesome for an extreme liberal. Very beautiful. Not intimidated in the least by the attacks from conservatives on the show. Does a fantastic job of calmly presenting her viewpoints that I ususally disagree with. If holmes is booted, it will most likely be because there is absolutely nothing aesthetically pleasing about the man who looks like a cross between someones grandpa and a bird, and others do a better job of presenting the liberal side.


Okay al, thats like the third time you have said I am excusing mccains affair due to vietnam. Trying to create a viewpoint for someone so your argument looks better is just sad. I'm not even going to address that again here.

Yes, the end result is the same yet you fail to acknowledge that the path that led mccain to his end result is much more forgiveable than edwards and thats fine. I just think it is douchebag sort of thing to do. To deny that you wouldnt support obama in the same situation as I have mccain here is laughable imo. If obama were in mccains shoes he would be a common sense conservative having lived those life experiences, so no, Hannity would not attack him.

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Like I have said, mccain is being a man about it and showing some integrity. Neither I nor he is saying that these things "caused" his behavior. However, any psychologist worth a squirt of piss would acknowledge that what he went through was a mitigating factor to some degree of his irrational behavior.

What was "irrational" about his behavior?

Well, if you really haven't figured it out yet for yourself by now (and thats not surprising) go back and read the quotes tigeral has been using from mccain himself describing his own behavior. :rolleyes: The behavior quoted by mccain himself could be dscribed as irrational. Don't you ever get tired of playing the semantics game?

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Like I have said, mccain is being a man about it and showing some integrity. Neither I nor he is saying that these things "caused" his behavior. However, any psychologist worth a squirt of piss would acknowledge that what he went through was a mitigating factor to some degree of his irrational behavior. You are the one building strawmen by restructring other peoples points to suits your needs. This is twice i have had to make the exact same clarififcation on this thread due to someone trying to put the same words in my mouth.

Great, McCain's been a stand-up guy and not laid his adultery on PTSD. The fact remains that he committed adultery many times. For three years. McCain himself has said that the reason he cheated was because of selfishness and immaturity and that he cared more for his career than he did for his wife Carol. His irrational behavior seemed to go away when he met Cindy Hensley.

Isn't it kinda sadly humorous to watch T88 excuse McCain's behavior while insisting he isn't excusing McCain's behavior?

Maybe one day you can actually win a debate and not have to try and go back and pick apart an argument and try to win it by playing with the semantics of words. I seriously doubt it, but that shouldn't keep you from trying.

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Like I have said, mccain is being a man about it and showing some integrity. Neither I nor he is saying that these things "caused" his behavior. However, any psychologist worth a squirt of piss would acknowledge that what he went through was a mitigating factor to some degree of his irrational behavior. You are the one building strawmen by restructring other peoples points to suits your needs. This is twice i have had to make the exact same clarififcation on this thread due to someone trying to put the same words in my mouth.

Great, McCain's been a stand-up guy and not laid his adultery on PTSD. The fact remains that he committed adultery many times. For three years. McCain himself has said that the reason he cheated was because of selfishness and immaturity and that he cared more for his career than he did for his wife Carol. His irrational behavior seemed to go away when he met Cindy Hensley.

Whatever the case the man that returned from vietnam didn't match up with the woman he left behind. He did commit adultery and may have to answer for that one day.

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Yes, the end result is the same yet you fail to acknowledge that the path that led mccain to his end result is much more forgiveable than edwards and thats fine. I just think it is douchebag sort of thing to do. To deny that you wouldnt support obama in the same situation as I have mccain here is laughable imo. If obama were in mccains shoes he would be a common sense conservative having lived those life experiences, so no, Hannity would not attack him.

First, you are truly delusional if you really believe that there are any circumstances under which your idol Hannity would cut Obama a break.

The simple truth: McCain left his badly injured, older, less attractive wife for a 25 year old beauty queen heiress who set him up politically in the state of Arizona. There was nothing "irrational" about it. It was quite calculating and has been successful for him.

He came back, was "appalled" at her appearance and, much like Edwards, let his "celebrity" go to his head and he took full advantage of it. Any decent person with an inkling of accountability can see this.

When McCain – his hair turned prematurely white and his body reduced to little more than a skeleton – was released in March 1973, he told reporters he was overjoyed to see Carol again.

But friends say privately he was ‘appalled’ by the change in her appearance. At first, though, he was kind, assuring her: ‘I don’t look so good myself. It’s fine.’

He bought her a bungalow near the sea in Florida and another former PoW helped him to build a railing so she could pull herself over the dunes to the water.

‘I thought, of course, we would live happily ever after,’ says Carol. But as a war hero, McCain was moving in ever-more elevated circles.

Through Ross Perot, he met Ronald Reagan, then Governor of California. A sympathetic Nancy Reagan took Carol under her wing.

But already the McCains’ marriage had begun to fray. ‘John started carousing and running around with women,’ said Robert Timberg.

McCain has acknowledged that he had girlfriends during this time, without going into details. Some friends blame his dissatisfaction with Carol, but others give some credence to her theory of a mid-life crisis.

He was also fiercely ambitious, but it was clear he would never become an admiral like his illustrious father and grandfather and his thoughts were turning to politics.

In 1979 – while still married to Carol – he met Cindy at a cocktail party in Hawaii. Over the next six months he pursued her, flying around the country to see her. Then he began to push to end his marriage.

Carol and her children were devastated. ‘It was a complete surprise,’ says Nancy Reynolds, a former Reagan aide.

‘They never displayed any difficulties between themselves. I know the Reagans were quite shocked because they loved and respected both Carol and John.’


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Yes, the end result is the same yet you fail to acknowledge that the path that led mccain to his end result is much more forgiveable than edwards and thats fine. I just think it is douchebag sort of thing to do. To deny that you wouldnt support obama in the same situation as I have mccain here is laughable imo. If obama were in mccains shoes he would be a common sense conservative having lived those life experiences, so no, Hannity would not attack him.

First, you are truly delusional if you really believe that there are any circumstances under which your idol Hannity would cut Obama a break.

The simple truth: McCain left his badly injured, older, less attractive wife for a 25 year old beauty queen heiress who set him up politically in the state of Arizona. There was nothing "irrational" about it. It was quite calculating and has been successful for him.

He came back, was "appalled" at her appearance and, much like Edwards, let his "celebrity" go to his head and he took full advantage of it. Any decent person with an inkling of accountability can see this.

Listen tex, if your reading comprehension doesn't get better soon, I will give up on you. Go back one more time and read what I said and you might finally realize that the remark I made about hannity was a tongue in cheek type remark. Read the entire thing again and try really hard. Good luck with it.

I'm sure there were many factors that contributed to mccains affairs and remarriage. As I have already stated on this thread, he may be held accountable for it one day. All I have said is there are some extinuating circumstances leading up to mccains indiscretion that lead me to cut him more slack than I would edwards.

Thats all Ive argued on this thread. No more, no less. You and tigeral keep trying to put words in my mouth for some reason. Small minds, small victories, I suppose.

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Thanks, Jesus!

You're welcome my poor pathetic little hell-bound loser. We will pray for you. Although our prayers may not be heard since we do not pray to the new messiah. But alas, I guess it is the thought that counts.

Your in our prayers as well.

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Yes, the end result is the same yet you fail to acknowledge that the path that led mccain to his end result is much more forgiveable than edwards and thats fine. I just think it is douchebag sort of thing to do. To deny that you wouldnt support obama in the same situation as I have mccain here is laughable imo. If obama were in mccains shoes he would be a common sense conservative having lived those life experiences, so no, Hannity would not attack him.

First, you are truly delusional if you really believe that there are any circumstances under which your idol Hannity would cut Obama a break.

The simple truth: McCain left his badly injured, older, less attractive wife for a 25 year old beauty queen heiress who set him up politically in the state of Arizona. There was nothing "irrational" about it. It was quite calculating and has been successful for him.

He came back, was "appalled" at her appearance and, much like Edwards, let his "celebrity" go to his head and he took full advantage of it. Any decent person with an inkling of accountability can see this.

Listen tex, if your reading comprehension doesn't get better soon, I will give up on you. Go back one more time and read what I said and you might finally realize that the remark I made about hannity was a tongue in cheek type remark. Read the entire thing again and try really hard. Good luck with it.

I'm sure there were many factors that contributed to mccains affairs and remarriage. As I have already stated on this thread, he may be held accountable for it one day. All I have said is there are some extinuating circumstances leading up to mccains indiscretion that lead me to cut him more slack than I would edwards.

Thats all Ive argued on this thread. No more, no less. You and tigeral keep trying to put words in my mouth for some reason. Small minds, small victories, I suppose.

Hannity thought McCain ought to be held accountable for it now.

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Thanks, Jesus!

You're welcome my poor pathetic little hell-bound loser. We will pray for you. Although our prayers may not be heard since we do not pray to the new messiah. But alas, I guess it is the thought that counts.

Your in our prayers as well.

If you pray like you spell, no thanks.

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