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Why our schedule is great for our season


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The reason that I think we will out perform our talent this year is our schedule. Here is why and how it breaks down:

First I will go through games we will win:

ULM-nothing to see here

Southern Miss: we should still be on CTF offense high, defense still hitting hard, should come away with a win

Tennessee Martin: We should win

Games we should win:

MSU: our schedule doesn't really help us here. They don't have any tough teams until us, and we are the same way. We should win based on talent.

Vanderbilt: This is the one bad point. They have an off week to rest for our fast paced spread and we will have just played UT and LSU. We should still win based on talent

Arkansas: We will have just played Vandy and they will have just played Florida. Hopefully they will be beat up and we will have been able to rest a few players.

Ole Miss: I think Ole Miss will be the surprise team this year. I actually think they will beat Alabama in a close one. That will show AU that they are for real and we won't over look them. Also, since WVU is a Thursday game, we will have a few extra days to rest.

Close Ones or Toss Ups:

LSU: The good thing about this game is we will have played an SEC team and gotten a little more used to the speed again. LSU will have had Appy St. Troy and then North Texas. This should help us out that they haven't played an SEC defense and will have to break in a new QB against a good SEC defense. Another good thing is that they probably won't throw as much since it is a new QB. This helps our defense since our weakest point is our DBs.

UT: We will becoming off of a bruising game against LSU, but the good thing is that they will be coming off of Florida. So no team should be more beat up than they other.

West Virginia: AU has an off game before this game, which will give us some much needed rest after a few bruisers from the SEC. WVU will have played no teams. Their schedule is Villanova, East Carolina, Colorado, Marshall, Rutgers, Syracuse, and then AU. They will have no teams that will give them a look like AU should. Combined with our rest and their lack of schedule this should help out a lot.

UGA: We will have played Tennessee-Martin which should be an off week. UGA will have just come off UT, Vanderbilt, LSU, Florida, and then Kentucky, and then us. That is 5 SEC teams, 3 of which will be top SEC teams. They don't have an off week in this schedule so AU will catch them at the end when they will be the most tired and beat up that they will be all season.

Alabama: Both teams have an off week. Alabama never closes strong, and AU will be playing for ranking.

With the schedule that we have and our opponent's schedule then I think our season goes very well. There is not really one game where you can't make a good argument that our schedule helps out AU. I think this will make us better than we are.

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Good Post.

Generally these type of posts make me go "well Duh." But I had not noticed UGA's schedule leading into the Auburn game. Very interesting... good observation

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I agree in general. Don't know about this, however:

UT: We will becoming off of a bruising game against LSU, but the good thing is that they will be coming off of Florida. So no team should be more beat up than they other.
Not sure I see Florida being as physical as an opponent as LSU. Auburn/LSU games the last few years have been more brutal than Ultimate Fighting Championships.
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Not sure I see Florida being as physical as an opponent as LSU. Auburn/LSU games the last few years have been more brutal than Ultimate Fighting Championships.

Yea, physically I would agree with you. On the other hand I pick Florida to beat UT so I think UT will be down emotionally. I pick AU to beat LSU so they should be on an emotional high and realizing this could be a big season.

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I would agree with you about the LSU game but I see it a little different. Yes we do get an SEC game before they do, but their first three games are a warm up for us. They play 3 spread offenses, plus one of them is Troy! They will be well versed on the spread and I don't think that bodes well for us.

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But Auburn will have played two teams that'll have a strong defense, not as strong as LSU's, but strong none the less.....I'm talking about Southern Miss and Miss State. By the LSU game, CTF will be able to tell where this offense is....but, so will LSU. And, as said earlier, LSU will have played three Spread-type teams leading up to the Auburn Game, without showing much of their hand.....they hope. If any of the three teams catch LSU looking ahead, which I highly doubt, but it's possible, then Auburn will beat LSU by 20 or more.

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