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Off the Subject Kimbo Slice


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Didn't look planed to me. Kimbo got whacked when he came in and that was all she wrote. The rest of the punches that kid landed were icing. He was done when he stuck his head in.

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Didn't look planed to me. Kimbo got whacked when he came in and that was all she wrote. The rest of the punches that kid landed were icing. He was done when he stuck his head in.

anybody that acts like that crap was interesting is a mouthbreather. the guy trying hard as he could to pass off that fight as "THE MOST AMAZING MOMENT IN MMA HISTORY" was absolutely busting my gut. i've seen better fights in middle school.

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Kimbo Slice and EliteXC are a joke. Any real MMA fan has known that for a whil. There goes that entire organiation, they milked Kimbo Slice and spoon fed him opponents and now he gets absolutely destroyed by 90 year old Shamrock? Kimbo Slice would get dismantled by every UFC fighter in his division.

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Kimbo Slice and EliteXC are a joke. Any real MMA fan has known that for a whil. There goes that entire organiation, they milked Kimbo Slice and spoon fed him opponents and now he gets absolutely destroyed by 90 year old Shamrock? Kimbo Slice would get dismantled by every UFC fighter in his division.

he didn't fight shamrock. he fought some douche with pink spots all in his hair.

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Kimbo Slice and EliteXC are a joke. Any real MMA fan has known that for a whil. There goes that entire organiation, they milked Kimbo Slice and spoon fed him opponents and now he gets absolutely destroyed by 90 year old Shamrock? Kimbo Slice would get dismantled by every UFC fighter in his division.

Agreed. Kimbo is a scrub and it is disgusting how much the media has latched onto him and milked every dollar possible out of him. I train MMA and am a huge fan and told everybody that Kimbo would get worked and would fail in the UFC. Well he hasn't made it to the UFC, and he got worked last night after fighting a semi-decent fighter He has fought nobody worth talking about, just guys past their prime. They brought him up extremely slow to get as much money out of him, since they knew he wasn't really that good and would dominated if he fought top fighters. He should never have been a main event fight, and certainly shouldn't be now. He needs to go back to internet brawling or put in tons of time on his ground work and conditioning. He gets gassed very fast, then dominated. Another problem for him is that he's already in his late 30s, the biological clock is working against him, he's no Couture. The opposite of Kimbo is Brock Lesnar, worked his ass off and demanded tough fights right off the bat. His lack of ground game got him tapped out his first fight by Frank Mir after nearly knocking him out, but he's been getting better and beat down Herring in his last fight. Mir and Herring would both dominate Kimbo, so would Lesnar.

In other news, I'm still in love with Gina Carano :hearts: She won last night too.

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It was so obvious in the fight with the guy with the horrible cauliflower ear that kimbo didnt have what it took to be great in that sport.

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That fight surprised me. Kimbo's Youtube videos of him whoopin ass in people's back yards lets me know that I wouldn't mess with him. But it does like this could have been staged.

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That fight surprised me. Kimbo's Youtube videos of him whoopin ass in people's back yards lets me know that I wouldn't mess with him. But it does like this could have been staged.

Staged? they just killed their only moneymaker in a loss to a nobody that couldn't make it in the UFC.

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That guy was nothing but a marketing tool...I use to fight MMA and he was a brawler but against an elite MMA fighter he would have been exposed a long time ago...Petruzzelli is a slightly above average fighter and he did what he needed to do.

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