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If the Republican's lost...

War Eagle 96

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the House, Senate & White House in the span of time that the Democrats have I would willingly admit there was a problem with our philosophies.

My question is to those of you on the left. The Democrat Party has lost power in the way that I described above for the first time in 40 years.

Do you see that this is because the party's philosophy in terms of morality, economics and homeland security is not what the people want, or do you think we're all just too stupid to understand your philosophy of "global enlightenment," and such? :rolleyes:

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Do you see that this is because the party's philosophy in terms of morality, economics and homeland security is not what the people want, or do you think we're all just too stupid to understand your philosophy of "global enlightenment," and such?

It's interesting how you've framed this question and the assumptions that go with it, abrasive as they are. What are our opinions on morality and who defines what morality is? Because we view tax cuts to the already rich and pandering to special interests to the point that they directly influence policy and law as bad things? And, speaking of homeland security, that was proposed by the Democrats and only after much pressure did Bush even consider making it a cabinet position.

When you say "what the people want," you conveniently forget that more of "the people" wanted Al Gore in 2000. Bush didn't convince more people that he was a capable leader then and many have seen proof of that these last three years, although he rules as if he won by a landslide.

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Well, I mean...just like you demand from time to time---just respond to the issue.

Okay, let's say GWB did not win all of the votes and he cheated to win the electiion by bribing the Supreme Court to "select him as president" and lets say that the Democrat Party did lead the way in the war on terrorism.

Aside from that, do you admit that there is something wrong with the current philosophy, or game plan if you will, of the Democrat party and, because of it, your party has lost power in the House and Senate for the first time in 40 years?

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Well, I mean...just like you demand from time to time---just respond to the issue.

I'm sorry. I thought I did respond to your question. I'm still not sure what your question about morality and the Democrats means. The reason is because I don't define my personal moral compass by political parties, Democratic, republican, Libertarian or otherwise. I must only assume that the spirit of that part of your question has to do with the Democratic party's stance on abortion, separation of church and state, civil rights as they apply to homosexuals and other "immoral" citizens of this country and the fact that Clinton cheated on his wife while forgetting about his republican accusers who were doing the same thing at the same time, many for the second or third times.

I don't think morality is defined or confined to any perticular political party. If I looked to them for moral guidance then I'd be screwed no matter which party I chose to be my spiritual guide. Yes, each party has certain idologies as far as that goes, and the Democratic party fits my personal outlook on that matter the best, which is that the government doesn't have the right, nor does it need the right, to tell you or me or anyone else what we can and cannot do in our bedrooms. What religion we shall or shall not practice in our schools, court rooms or other government buildings should be defined legally by neutrality of opinion by the government. While I personally think abortion is wrong, that shouldn't dictate how you or your wife, sister, mother or girlfriend think about it or decide what's best for them. Truth be told, I wouldn't lose too many nights of sleep if it were made illegal again, provided changes in other areas happened as well. I'm pro-life, which means that I also believe that capital punishment is, in most cases, wrong.

But, like I said, these are just assumptions of what you meant in your question. If I guessed correctly then I hope I answered your question. If not, let's keep trying.

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Okay....Let me try it from this angle....

Why do you think the Democrat Party has lost the House & Senate for the first time in 40 years in the last 8? Let's not talk about the White House, since Bush cheated and all.

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Okay....Let me try it from this angle....

Why do you think the Democrat Party has lost the House & Senate for the first time in 40 years in the last 8? Let's not talk about the White House, since Bush cheated and all.

Because they received fewer votes?

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Okay....Let me try it from this angle....

Why do you think the Democrat Party has lost the House & Senate for the first time in 40 years in the last 8?  Let's not talk about the White House, since Bush cheated and all.

Because they received fewer votes?

Yeah, there wasn't any way to take all the states to court over that one was there. The people made a change. All the way up to the white house. The election went as designed. And the recounts all pointed to Bush. You dems even tried to throw the vote of the military out. And now you want to stand on you military records. Hypocrisy at its best. It kills you that end the end, the dems don't stand a chance. If only we could get all the staunch libs to leave the country (or suicide) after the repubs win again.......course they all say they will.......but just like everthing else they do, its just hot air...... :angryfire:

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Okay....Let me try it from this angle....

Why do you think the Democrat Party has lost the House & Senate for the first time in 40 years in the last 8?  Let's not talk about the White House, since Bush cheated and all.

Because they received fewer votes?

Wow. Gotta say I'm surprised. I guess you're throwing up the white flag on this one?

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Okay....Let me try it from this angle....

Why do you think the Democrat Party has lost the House & Senate for the first time in 40 years in the last 8?  Let's not talk about the White House, since Bush cheated and all.

Because they received fewer votes?

Wow. Gotta say I'm surprised. I guess you're throwing up the white flag on this one?

Take it how you like. The truth is, I don't have an informed answer to your question. Maybe it is a changing tide in American politics. Stranger things have happened. Maybe the republicans have gotten better than us about packaging our message. Maybe we have gone utterly mad and don't have a clue about what we're doing. Maybe voters are turned off by politics in general and more of them would vote Democratic than republican if they voted anymore.

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