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What has bama gained?


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What did saban actually gain by hiring Willis? I mean, any benefit he gets from "stealing one away from Auburn" is surely short lived. Willis is known as a good recruitor but will this not diminish his effectiveness? He's a decent lb coach but there are better out there. Just seems as this was a petty move by saban maybe because the state media momentarily stopped slobbering all over him.

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Possibly to try and get back in the spotlight after some of the great pick-ups Chizik has made?

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What did saban actually gain by hiring Willis? I mean, any benefit he gets from "stealing one away from Auburn" is surely short lived. Willis is known as a good recruitor but will this not diminish his effectiveness? He's a decent lb coach but there are better out there. Just seems as this was a petty move by saban maybe because the state media momentarily stopped slobbering all over him.

I've asked myself the same thing. What did UAT actually gain with this hire?

Also, if Willis said he did it for his family, does he actually know what he type of situation he just put his family in? Because it's pretty well known that $aban works his coaches relentlessly, and they have VERY little family time left when $aban is through with them.

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He gained the view point that Alabama is better than Auburn. College football is all about perception. It really is. When your own alumnist and highly-respected coach bolts for the rival - it will be eaten up. It basically proves the point: "See Auburn fans. Alabama really is better than Auburn. Your own alumni don't even want to coach there. They'd rather be for the tradition that is Alabama." When he goes and recruits against Auburn, he is going to be sporting how great UA is to these kids and that UA is better than Auburn.

They got us big on this one. Don't try to deny it.

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Also, if Willis said he did it for his family, does he actually know what he type of situation he just put his family in? Because it's pretty well known that $aban works his coaches relentlessly, and they have VERY little family time left when $aban is through with them.

How is it possible that the Auburn image we paint of Nick Saban working his staff with a relentless whip not allowing a second of free time but then you here of former Alabama assistants were spending their time at the crapstone shagging woman and chasing skirts? My grandfather would say that they have a little too much time on their hands, not the other way around.

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Also, if Willis said he did it for his family, does he actually know what he type of situation he just put his family in? Because it's pretty well known that $aban works his coaches relentlessly, and they have VERY little family time left when $aban is through with them.

How is it possible that the Auburn image we paint of Nick Saban working his staff with a relentless whip not allowing a second of free time but then you here of former Alabama assistants were spending their time at the crapstone shagging woman and chasing skirts? My grandfather would say that they have a little too much time on their hands, not the other way around.

Alright, maybe Willis see's the chance to get a little tail in t-town, who knows?

I'm just trying to rationalize a reason why the "Auburn Man" would want to go work for 1) our arch rival, 2) the biggest d!ck in the buisness?

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He gained the view point that Alabama is better than Auburn. College football is all about perception. It really is. When your own alumnist and highly-respected coach bolts for the rival - it will be eaten up. It basically proves the point: "See Auburn fans. Alabama really is better than Auburn. Your own alumni don't even want to coach there. They'd rather be for the tradition that is Alabama." When he goes and recruits against Auburn, he is going to be sporting how great UA is to these kids and that UA is better than Auburn.

They got us big on this one. Don't try to deny it.

I guess we just see this differently. Sure saban gets a laugh early, but I view Willis as a tool with zero loyalty. Sure we'll take a hit, but it will be short lived and we have an opportunity to improve on our staff. I hope we continue to hire the right guys.

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What did saban actually gain by hiring Willis? I mean, any benefit he gets from "stealing one away from Auburn" is surely short lived. Willis is known as a good recruitor but will this not diminish his effectiveness? He's a decent lb coach but there are better out there. Just seems as this was a petty move by saban maybe because the state media momentarily stopped slobbering all over him.

As much fun as it is to bash $abun -- I have to wonder if he even initiated the dialogue. After all, he was similarly blindsided with the departure of Thompson to UT. I have no insider info but this looks like Judas willis saw an opportunity to get back at AU/Chizik/JJ or whomever (it doesn't really matter who he thinks he's getting back at, at this point) and took it. It was petty & remarkably immature of him. The impact to AU recruiting will be short-lived. The long term impact on xcjw's career will be significant. He will never be fully embraced or trusted by the Turd Nation because of his AU ties, and he has effectively burned any bridges of working at AU ever again. Clearly, working at his alma mater didn't mean a whole lot to him. It's his choice and he made it freely.

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What did saban actually gain by hiring Willis? I mean, any benefit he gets from "stealing one away from Auburn" is surely short lived. Willis is known as a good recruitor but will this not diminish his effectiveness? He's a decent lb coach but there are better out there. Just seems as this was a petty move by saban maybe because the state media momentarily stopped slobbering all over him.

As much fun as it is to bash $abun -- I have to wonder if he even initiated the dialogue. After all, he was similarly blindsided with the departure of Thompson to UT. I have no insider info but this looks like Judas willis saw an opportunity to get back at AU/Chizik/JJ or whomever (it doesn't really matter who he thinks he's getting back at, at this point) and took it. It was petty & remarkably immature of him. The impact to AU recruiting will be short-lived. The long term impact on xcjw's career will be significant. He will never be fully embraced or trusted by the Turd Nation because of his AU ties, and he has effectively burned any bridges of working at AU ever again. Clearly, working at his alma mater didn't mean a whole lot to him. It's his choice and he made it freely.

Wonder who called whom?

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What did saban actually gain by hiring Willis? I mean, any benefit he gets from "stealing one away from Auburn" is surely short lived. Willis is known as a good recruitor but will this not diminish his effectiveness? He's a decent lb coach but there are better out there. Just seems as this was a petty move by saban maybe because the state media momentarily stopped slobbering all over him.

As much fun as it is to bash $abun -- I have to wonder if he even initiated the dialogue. After all, he was similarly blindsided with the departure of Thompson to UT. I have no insider info but this looks like Judas willis saw an opportunity to get back at AU/Chizik/JJ or whomever (it doesn't really matter who he thinks he's getting back at, at this point) and took it. It was petty & remarkably immature of him. The impact to AU recruiting will be short-lived. The long term impact on xcjw's career will be significant. He will never be fully embraced or trusted by the Turd Nation because of his AU ties, and he has effectively burned any bridges of working at AU ever again. Clearly, working at his alma mater didn't mean a whole lot to him. It's his choice and he made it freely.

Wonder who called whom?

My guess is willis.

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Regardless of who started the dialogue, the move was calculated to hurt Auburn, not necessarily to help Alabama.

Saban could have found any number of other LB coaches out there, and many who are better. He signed off on Coach Judas because he worked for Auburn and he knew that it would hurt Auburn's slight momentum in recruiting. He doesn't need any Mobile connections. Saban is his own Mobile connection. That's why losing Lance Thompson won't hurt UAT as much as everyone thought it would. Saban is the guru here, not any assistant coaches.

Blatantly obvious here. Of course I don't fault Saban. As much as we may hate it, it was a good coaching move, even though its underhanded. Regardless of how it went down, Coach Judas should still be blamed for the way that he left.


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What did they gain? Mostly PR (more of a "bad for Auburn" PR thing than "good for Bama"). He's a good LB coach and a good recruiter. I wouldn't say "great" recruiter or LB coach because his track record at Auburn hasn't produced enough great gets in recruiting or stellar performers on the field (other than Josh Bynes) to give him that label. I don't think it's a reach at all to say that his predecessor Whitt is every bit as good an LB coach and recruiter for instance.

So right now, they mostly got to give Auburn a PR black eye by taking one of our coaches and an alum to boot.

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I feel like UAT feels they gained a PR advantage, they gained taking a good recruiter away from Auburn, they think that they gained slowing our momentum, they know he was involved in lots of the recruits they wanted, so they think that they gained those recruits, but did they really? Only time will tell. xCJW will never truly be accepted at UAT (like one of the posters on here already said) or trusted - so I don't really know how much he will "learn". My guess, is he'll be gone after a year. His career will have taken a hit (trust and loyalty have to go in there somewhere, I would guess), and Auburn will be in the catbird seat. Saban (or whichever coach is at UAT) will be looking for another LB coach.

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He gained the view point that Alabama is better than Auburn. College football is all about perception. It really is. When your own alumnist and highly-respected coach bolts for the rival - it will be eaten up. It basically proves the point: "See Auburn fans Mobile area recruits. Alabama really is better than Auburn. Your own alumni don't even want to coach there. They'd rather be for the tradition that is Alabama." When he goes and recruits against Auburn, he is going to be sporting how great UA is to these kids and that UA is better than Auburn.

They got us big on this one. Don't try to deny it.

Fixed that for you.

By the way, I agree 100% with the principle.

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Bama has gained someone who will tell a kid anything and lie to his face.

One would have thought that they already had plenty of coaches like that on staff.

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Regardless of who started the dialogue, the move was calculated to hurt Auburn, not necessarily to help Alabama.

Saban could have found any number of other LB coaches out there, and many who are better. He signed off on Coach Judas because he worked for Auburn and he knew that it would hurt Auburn's slight momentum in recruiting. He doesn't need any Mobile connections. Saban is his own Mobile connection. That's why losing Lance Thompson won't hurt UAT as much as everyone thought it would. Saban is the guru here, not any assistant coaches.

Blatantly obvious here. Of course I don't fault Saban. As much as we may hate it, it was a good coaching move, even though its underhanded. Regardless of how it went down, Coach Judas should still be blamed for the way that he left.


Completely agree. Saban is out to tear Auburn down. College football is a game off the field also. AU has been getting leverage back with the hires CGC hired and it is a perfect time to counter that with getting a steal traitor from us. It will have a some impact on recruiting this year but we will be ok for next year. This class was already shot but hopefully Luper, Trooper, and Roof can salvage it. Coach Judas was an average recruiter in my book. He was the top recruiter on CTT staff but that is not saying much.

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Willis may have gone over the enemy as an "average recruiter", but after he's worked for Satan for a while, he'll be a "great liar/recruiter." After all, he's working for one of the biggest scumbags in the business.

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Willis may have gone over the enemy as an "average recruiter", but after he's worked for Satan for a while, he'll be a "great liar/recruiter." After all, he's working for one of the biggest scumbags in the business.

I believe Saban is working with one of the biggest scumbags in the business.

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Willis may have gone over the enemy as an "average recruiter", but after he's worked for Satan for a while, he'll be a "great liar/recruiter." After all, he's working for one of the biggest scumbags in the business.

I believe Saban is working with one of the biggest scumbags in the business.

That makes it a marriage made in hell.

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