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Gadsden Asst. Principal


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Finebaum has documentation, but it's not on Bama. (hint)

Based on what I'm listening to right now, PF isn't under the impression the documentation is about anyone other than bammer. But you keep having those sweet dreams.

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This is deja vu all over again. Remember, Bro. Chette was their target when the Memphis mess first started.

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This is deja vu all over again. Remember, Bro. Chette was their target when the Memphis mess first started.

anything to deflect the attention away from the real guilty party....Everybody with any intelligence knows uat is guilty...they always have been, always will be.

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You idiots keep dreaming. The crap those ITAT guys gave to Finebaum is the same old crap they've been spewing over there for the past year. Nothing to it. Although, the NCAA does have the tapes of the barn offering Jerrell Harris' mom cash. Enjoy!

partsman103 wrote: obsessed = auburn fans driving to the HS to find a teachers vehicle, then taking a picture of her tag, and then posting it all over the net.

obsessed = an University hiring private Investigtors and asking them to go out and interview the parents of recruits.

obsessed = PI's (hired by auburn) taking pictures of vehicle plates at 3am ..... and then having your butt run out of the neighborhood by the parent of a recruit.

Dude, and that's just only the tip of the iceburg.

AU85Grad wrote: The university did not hire any private investigators. A few of our fringe fans did from ITAT and now they have submitted that information to several sources including slimbald. The rift between me and few other ITAT insiders occurred privately over this crap. We were told to stop posting rumors about ****** and most of us did. This happened about three months ago when the PTB found out a few fans had pooled their money together to hire this PI. Some of the information that was gathered may have been done illegally and the rift just blew apart. That is why I left ITAT a while ago due to the PTB from AU cracking down on us and the REC pushing their liable suits. This has gone way beyond a rivalry and now possible felonies have occurred. Just wait a few days when slimbald finds out that this stuff is illegal and mostly false: he will go ballistic on our AU fans and it will get ugly. A few of them have already lawyered up.

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You idiots keep dreaming. The crap those ITAT guys gave to Finebaum is the same old crap they've been spewing over there for the past year. Nothing to it. Although, the NCAA does have the tapes of the barn offering Jerrell Harris' mom cash. Enjoy!

partsman103 wrote: obsessed = auburn fans driving to the HS to find a teachers vehicle, then taking a picture of her tag, and then posting it all over the net.

obsessed = an University hiring private Investigtors and asking them to go out and interview the parents of recruits.

obsessed = PI's (hired by auburn) taking pictures of vehicle plates at 3am ..... and then having your butt run out of the neighborhood by the parent of a recruit.

Dude, and that's just only the tip of the iceburg.

AU85Grad wrote: The university did not hire any private investigators. A few of our fringe fans did from ITAT and now they have submitted that information to several sources including slimbald. The rift between me and few other ITAT insiders occurred privately over this crap. We were told to stop posting rumors about ****** and most of us did. This happened about three months ago when the PTB found out a few fans had pooled their money together to hire this PI. Some of the information that was gathered may have been done illegally and the rift just blew apart. That is why I left ITAT a while ago due to the PTB from AU cracking down on us and the REC pushing their liable suits. This has gone way beyond a rivalry and now possible felonies have occurred. Just wait a few days when slimbald finds out that this stuff is illegal and mostly false: he will go ballistic on our AU fans and it will get ugly. A few of them have already lawyered up.

You show your blind stupidity more and more with every post. Partsman103 is au85grad. There's a whole list of bammer posers with ITAT accounts. So tell me, who is obsessed with who again?

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thought i would post it before perry. partsman at it again.

Gumps and Gadsden (Posted on 6/4/09 at 8:36 a.m.)

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Not sure how I am supposed to say all this but I have been advised that I needed to set the story straight given the past few weeks of revelations. The history of the rumors about the gumps and Gadsden:

1) This started when JH went to bammer at the last minute instead of AU. A coach of his had ensured AU staff that he was headed to AU and not bammer. He was aware of what AU had offered JH and his mother stuff and possibly knew that JH mom had taped AU's offer. He still felt AU was his choice. JH put on the bammer hat and the **** hit the fan at AU. Our staff called the coach and asked him what happened and he said he did not know but would have to guess that bammer "countered" AU's offer. He never said he knew that bammer had cheated but that he guessed that took place. After this, he asked JH why he went to bammer and he said that if he went to AU he thought his eligibility might have been revoked if the NCAA found out about AU's offer. JH said bammer and MSST both played it straight with him and his mom and that is why he went to bammer.

2) This incident led the AU staff to believe that they lost out on the bidding for JH and they told people that bammer had cheated. At this point, the coach could not get the corrected story out there fast enough. Irontiger knows this coach and was told the first story about how the coach thought bammer cheated. Later, irontiger was told that bammer did not commit infractions but he had already started his own rumors and his reputation grew as well as his imagination.

3) Irontiger then brought in a few of us to help spread the rumors- myself (ITAT name withheld) sherpa88, troopT and a few others and then koury. I dropped out about three months ago when I found out they had hired a PI that might have broken some laws and when I confronted iron about it he said they would send the information anonymously and no one could trace it back to him. The problem is his big mouth and he could not stop talking about it - then everyone found out about operation red dog and who was in it. After I dropped out koury joined the inside board back in March of this year as the repeat and sounding board of irontiger. The plan was simple: irontiger would start the thread and a few of us would join in and then someone would come back and verify everything irontiger has said was truthful- that is koury's job now.

4) During the past 16 months this has been going on. The MO was to stay the same in every area. Charge that recruits got new cars- Mobile was escalades and Gadsden was chargers. Start new rumors along the way about booster infractions, enticements and other benefits as much as we can. The most effective thing that irontiger came up with was that when any bammer player does something immediately tie it to an infraction. If julio and mark goes fishing a booster paid for it- it was really simple. If KK got a car immediately say a booster paid for it even though in this case they knew for sure it came from his mothers college fund for him.

Now everyone knows how this happened. Now to the why.

We all knew that CTT and staff were not going to be effective against Miles, Saban, Richt and Meyer. We had to negate one of them and the easiest one was to hit Saban. We choose him due to his proximity and volatility of our rivalry with bammer. We all really thought CNS was cheating a little (secondary type stuff)and thought if we can keep enough rumors churning we could get the NCAA to investigate or at the least keep a few recruits away from bammer. Irontiger knew this would work and said, "the idiot masses on ITAT will believe any rumor we put out about bammer because they want to believe it"! I was skeptical until I saw the masses believing every rumor even as our gang accidentally got the rumors incorrect many times- types of cars, colors and amounts of cash. Each time we told the rumor it seemed to grow and our fanbase kept believing every one of them until Michael14 and Austudent22 caught on to us and called us out for it.

You will see more revelations about this coming from multiple boards as they have started figuring out that 4-5 posters on ITAT started all these rumors. Once it went so far I told irontiger that coaches at these schools were being implicated as cheaters from the AU fanbase and that we should call it off and he said those ******* coaches were bammers and he did not care if they got called cheaters. I told him that they weren't cheaters and that they had started calling into AU's athletic department complaining about. When the PIs and reporters showed up and questioned these high school coaches about cheating for bammer they wrote AU off. This really hit the fan around March of 2009 and that is when I left irons group. I know for a fact that irons rumors cost us 2 recruits last year (one four star and one 5 star) because the coaches at there school were called cheaters by the rumors started on ITAT. Our 2009 recruiting efforts were dramatically hurt by these rumors and 2010 is looking just as bad for instate recruits.

I stayed on the fringe until last week when the PTB at AU sent word to me and irontiger that it had to stop. Irontioger stopped for a day or so and then started rehashing it all over again. He has troopT and koury doing the heavy posting now and he just "supports" the rumors instead of "initiating" them. If our own posters knew just how stupid irontiger said they were they would not follow his rumors any more.

Now, I have completed the task I was advised to do. Once PF gets to the bottom of this and the package that iron put together it will turn litigious.

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I take by your silence that the REC talking points aren't holding up anymore.

shortbus is out for the summer so very limited library time...until his summer session starts.. He'll be back eventually to drop another little nugget....wonder if it will be before or after uat gets probation?

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