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Kerry Comment Riles Bush Campaign


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Kerry Comment Riles Bush Campaign

As I mentioned in another topic, I think Kerry has gone over the cliff in his rhetoric and specifically with this comment; if the Democrats were smart, and wanted to nominate someone deserving and qualified to hold the Office of the Presidency they would do everything within their power to remove him as their nominee.

Kerry responded, informally and off camera: "Let me tell you, we've just begun to fight. We're going to keep pounding. These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group I've ever seen. It's scary."

Bush-Cheney campaign chairman Marc Racicot called on Kerry to apologize. Kerry said he's not sorry for his comments.

"Senator Kerry's statement today in Illinois was unbecoming of a candidate for the presidency of the United States of America, and tonight we call on Senator Kerry to apologize to the American people for this negative attack," Racicot said in a statement. "On the day that Senator Kerry emerged as his party's presumptive nominee, the president called to congratulate him. That goodwill gesture has been met by attacks and false statements."

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Kerry is the most electible! The dems hate Bush! Kerry hates Bush!

Kerry is more and more having to cater to and speak to the liberal left. His rhetoric will become more and more obscene. I wish he would come out with a Dean scream! :D

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Kerry spokesman David Wade said Kerry was referring to Republican critics in general and that the comment was intended to convey the message that "he's a Democrat who fights back."

Spin, Spin, Spin! Kerry is an obscene flip flop and a liar to boot! But I really didn't mean it that way. :rolleyes:

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When asked by reporters at the venue that heard him what he was talking about he refused to comment. Then, a campaign spokes person claims he was speaking about the GOP and it's spin machine and radio talk shows, etc. :bs:

All of a sudden he stands by what he said!

Speaking of "crooked" people, he was speaking to the AFL-CIO!!! :blink: Pot...Kettle...you get the picture I'm sure.

I also heard that the Kerry Campaign claims all the "foul" language on his website was due to a virus! :bs: That's a pretty nasty virus that could properly use the "F" word, etc. Oh yeah, many of the quotes were LINKS TO ARTICLES QUOTING HIM SUCH AS ROLLING STONE!

And on the FLIP-FLOPs of Kerry, Flipper sends a letter to a man saying he is against the war and how he voted agaist it. The man was pleased to hear this from his senator. Then days later he receives a letter from Kerry saying he was FOR the war and voted for it! The Kerry campaign claims once again that a virus caused the conflicting letters to be sent! :bs:

Sounds to me that Kerry needs to get a better anti-virus program and his supporters need new anti- :bs: software!

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Flipping channels driving home, some Finebum (just for my 3 second dose of 'Bama whining), some NPR, some classic rock, and some Hannity. And Hannity played the audio clip of Kerry talking about the Bush administration, "These guys are the most crooked, you know, lying group I've ever seen. It's scary." And the tone of his voice, oh my, it sounded 10 times worse the way he said it, pure hatred in his voice, I was absolutely shocked. I cannot believe this man is running for the President of the United States, AND that the people are going to let him get away with this incredibly low, horrid statement. And THEN, THEN I saw the news cast of him standing there with his liberal buddies, flatly saying he isn't going to apologize, unfreakinbelievable!

Even at his worst moment, when he was being impeached, I don't think Clinton sunk this low. Hillary claiming a VRWC is about as low as they went, but that was a political stunt, or naivete on her part , not the pure hatred for this administration as Kerry is carrying around.

Am I the only one appalled at this guy sinking so low?

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Am I the only one appalled at this guy sinking so low?

Appalled yes, surprised no. Because I don't think he has shown exactly how low he can or will go to get the votes of the VLWDP (Vast Left Wing of the Democrat Party)! As far as that goes, I don't think the democrat party has shown how low they are willing to go to defeat the one they hate! LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH! :flag::flag::flag::flag::flag::flag::flag::flag:

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Am I the only one appalled at this guy sinking so low?

Nope, I am appalled and fed up with their underhanded tactics. Mike stated, "I don't think the democrat party has shown how low they are willing to go to defeat the one they hate!", and I agree wholeheartedly. I think we are going to see low taken to a whole new level by the Kerry campaign.

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