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Championship or not Bama can have Saban...


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:cry3: I'm a sore loser. I only want coaches that aren't jerks. I don't care about winning at all, even though I watch it :cry3:

Lying? Can we have a lying coach. If that's what it takes to win, I'll take it. I don't care what it takes. I'd love to have Saban. He's the best coach in football. Like him or hate him, he is the best. He turned a 6 win program into SEC Championship in 3 years (almost did it in 2 years). And he might even win a National Championship.

Did you guys really expect Florida to win this? All I heard since Saban was hired was his history of leaving schools and not being able to win 10 wins in 2 straight seasons. Well, since those people love facts so much, UF had never gone undefeated.

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:cry3: I'm a sore loser. I only want coaches that aren't jerks. I don't care about winning at all, even though I watch it :cry3:

Lying? Can we have a lying coach. If that's what it takes to win, I'll take it. I don't care what it takes. I'd love to have Saban. He's the best coach in football. Like him or hate him, he is the best. He turned a 6 win program into SEC Championship in 3 years (almost did it in 2 years). And he might even win a National Championship.

Did you guys really expect Florida to win this? All I heard since Saban was hired was his history of leaving schools and not being able to win 10 wins in 2 straight seasons. Well, since those people love facts so much, UF had never gone undefeated.

PC, lying?? Lying?? Can you please remind me of who said this infamous quote?? "The only way I will leave Ole Miss is in a pine box"..... I can't remember..

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Just remember:

Auburn fans are happy losing, as long as its with character. Auburn fans don't give a whoop about winning. Even if the "character" issues at winning programs are really nothing but retaliations at reporters and one comment about not being the coach.

But don't worry Auburn fans, enjoy being second fiddle and losing to Bama. You will always have character, so keep your heads on high. Sports fans across the country love that stuff.

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Just remember:

Auburn fans are happy losing, as long as its with character. Auburn fans don't give a whoop about winning. Even if the "character" issues at winning programs are really nothing but retaliations at reporters and one comment about not being the coach.

But don't worry Auburn fans, enjoy being second fiddle and losing to Bama. You will always have character, so keep your heads on high. Sports fans across the country love that stuff.

Why do you have to urinate on every thread?

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Just remember:

Auburn fans are happy losing, as long as its with character. Auburn fans don't give a whoop about winning. Even if the "character" issues at winning programs are really nothing but retaliations at reporters and one comment about not being the coach.

But don't worry Auburn fans, enjoy being second fiddle and losing to Bama. You will always have character, so keep your heads on high. Sports fans across the country love that stuff.

Why do you have to urinate on every thread?

If PChamp ever went to an LSU game, he'd be the piss-filled balloon lobbed from the student section.

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Frankly I enjoy your post PChamp. The truth hurts, and I would feel the same way as you if all my fellow fans would only fall back on threads like this.

Rev, he's a turd just like you. Don't pawn him off on us. He's not one of us, he never was and he never will be. And if you really believe he is an AU fan then bammers are really as dumb as I thought they were.

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Just remember:

Auburn fans are happy losing, as long as its with character. Auburn fans don't give a whoop about winning. Even if the "character" issues at winning programs are really nothing but retaliations at reporters and one comment about not being the coach.

But don't worry Auburn fans, enjoy being second fiddle and losing to Bama. You will always have character, so keep your heads on high. Sports fans across the country love that stuff.

You don't know WTF you are talking about. Just b/c Auburn men and women hold ourselves to higher standards doesn't mean we don't care about winning and we are NOT 2nd fiddle to anyone!! For you to say/think that shows your true colors, and they are not nor will they ever be orange and blue. CGC and his players will win! Here is something I think you should read again, especially the last line.

I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.

I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.

I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.

I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.

I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.

I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."

And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.

-George Petrie (1945)

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"When we lose football games I turn to character... therefore I believe in Auburn and LOVE IT!" - most Auburn fans after losing a football game.

This is about FOOTBALL. And we are second fiddle... IN FOOTBALL. WE LOST TO ALABAMA. ALABAMA is 13-0! We are not as good as them... IN FOOTBALL. WE ARE SECOND FIDDLE. It is a FACT.

But like you said... Auburn does care about winning. Just not as much as character, even in an area where you are truly judged based on... well winning.

Man, Auburn showed a lot of character in that flight in 2003... I miss that administration. It showed it wanted to win. When it comes to football, at least I can admit that I want to win. I'd rather have other fan bases think our coach was a "jerk" and win than lose and have only our own fan base focus on "character." I know there is a huge thing on ESPN that is going to cover Auburn about their character. They did it when we went 5-0... oh wait it was about how Auburn fans were not wanting Chizik and then he was winning (not about character). Then they didn't talk about it again. But I know it will be on all the message boards across the country about the character we have at Auburn.

The Texas message boards are all talking about... get it... not Alabama... but Auburn's character. They wish they had our character.

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"When we lose football games I turn to character... therefore I believe in Auburn and LOVE IT!" - most Auburn fans after losing a football game.

This is about FOOTBALL. And we are second fiddle... IN FOOTBALL. WE LOST TO ALABAMA. ALABAMA is 13-0! We are not as good as them... IN FOOTBALL. WE ARE SECOND FIDDLE. It is a FACT.

But like you said... Auburn does care about winning. But not as much as character, even in an area where you are truly judged based on... well winning.

I see you still don't get it. What good is winning if you don't have character? If you place winning above all other thing's what do you really have P.C? Character is doing the right thing when no one is watching you.Being good to those That you don't have to be good too.Being faithful to your wife and family and God. Football is just a game P.C Champ. My character is who I am as a man. Maybe you should try to find some of your own. Try E-Bay

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I see you still don't get it. What good is winning if you don't have character? If you place winning above all other thing's what do you really have P.C? Character is doing the right thing when no one is watching you.Being good to those That you don't have to be good too.Being faithful to your wife and family and God. Football is just a game P.C Champ. My character is who I am as a man. Maybe you should try to find some of your own. Try E-Bay

Since when do we not have character?

We're not exactly Miami from the 80s and 90s.

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I see you still don't get it. What good is winning if you don't have character? If you place winning above all other thing's what do you really have P.C? Character is doing the right thing when no one is watching you.Being good to those That you don't have to be good too.Being faithful to your wife and family and God. Football is just a game P.C Champ. My character is who I am as a man. Maybe you should try to find some of your own. Try E-Bay

Since when do we not have character?

We're not exactly Miami from the 80s and 90s.

If you found an insult to alabama anywhere in that post you were looking way to hard for one.

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I see you still don't get it. What good is winning if you don't have character? If you place winning above all other thing's what do you really have P.C? Character is doing the right thing when no one is watching you.Being good to those That you don't have to be good too.Being faithful to your wife and family and God. Football is just a game P.C Champ. My character is who I am as a man. Maybe you should try to find some of your own. Try E-Bay

Since when do we not have character?

We're not exactly Miami from the 80s and 90s.

If you found an insult to alabama anywhere in that post you were looking way to hard for one.

The thread was started insinuating that Auburn is better than Alabama because only Auburn has character. I know where BG meant by that comment.

I know everybody in the world is not talking about Alabama winning. Every thread in the country is "Stupid Alabama, I hate their character and their cockiness and their lies by their coaches."

What good is winning if you don't have character? What good is character if you don't win, when we are talking about sports? I said it before and I'll state it again - in football you are judged for winning. Not character.

And who says Bama doesn't have character?

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I see you still don't get it. What good is winning if you don't have character? If you place winning above all other thing's what do you really have P.C? Character is doing the right thing when no one is watching you.Being good to those That you don't have to be good too.Being faithful to your wife and family and God. Football is just a game P.C Champ. My character is who I am as a man. Maybe you should try to find some of your own. Try E-Bay

Since when do we not have character?

We're not exactly Miami from the 80s and 90s.

If you found an insult to alabama anywhere in that post you were looking way to hard for one.

The thread was started insinuating that Auburn is better than Alabama because only Auburn has character. I know where BG meant by that comment.

I know everybody in the world is not talking about Alabama winning. Every thread in the country is "Stupid Alabama, I hate their character and their cockiness and their lies by their coaches."

What good is winning if you don't have character? What good is character if you don't win, when we are talking about sports? I said it before and I'll state it again - in football you are judged for winning. Not character.

And who says Bama doesn't have character?

Not me!!! I said you didn't have any. Bama showed they had plenty of it! And class also.It's to bad you haven't shown any of that either.

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OK, as a rational outsider, let me help.

First of all, to the person that started this thread, it is easy to say we don't like the coach or the players or whatever excuse we give because we're peeved/jealous/frustrated, etc. that we (Auburn fans) aren't in the same situation...so PC Champ was probably kind of right in that regard.

HOWEVER, to say that we'd do anything to win is ridiculous. The end DOES NOT justify the means, proven throughout history. So just get over yourself, PC Champ, and realize that your drama-filled rants are indeed, ridiculous. Think of something more important to get yourself worked up over...better yet, find a hobby.

Finally, good job Alabama for a great season and a big win today. Great job Auburn for playing Alabama's toughest game of the year (save Tennessee). When these coaches are moving from station to station, they all spin the truth...it's tough for them to answer question after question about whether they're "interested" in taking another job. So I personally don't think we should hold Saban, Tuberville, or any other coach who answers the questions in a too much of a negative light.

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"When we lose football games I turn to character... therefore I believe in Auburn and LOVE IT!" - most Auburn fans after losing a football game.

This is about FOOTBALL. And we are second fiddle... IN FOOTBALL. WE LOST TO ALABAMA. ALABAMA is 13-0! We are not as good as them... IN FOOTBALL. WE ARE SECOND FIDDLE. It is a FACT.

But like you said... Auburn does care about winning. But not as much as character, even in an area where you are truly judged based on... well winning.

I see you still don't get it. What good is winning if you don't have character? If you place winning above all other thing's what do you really have P.C? Character is doing the right thing when no one is watching you.Being good to those That you don't have to be good too.Being faithful to your wife and family and God. Football is just a game P.C Champ. My character is who I am as a man. Maybe you should try to find some of your own. Try E-Bay

He'll never get it woody. It's a lost cause. This thread is just another chance for him to show up in full dick mode and insult auburn and its fans. Ever notice how he says: Auburn fans will do this...auburn fans will do that.... he is clearly excluding himself from that category which we have ALL known for years ever since he showed up and began his pollution of this board. He's not one of us and he never will be. He's just got to be a dick with every post he makes to make himself sleep better at night.

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"When we lose football games I turn to character... therefore I believe in Auburn and LOVE IT!" - most Auburn fans after losing a football game.

This is about FOOTBALL. And we are second fiddle... IN FOOTBALL. WE LOST TO ALABAMA. ALABAMA is 13-0! We are not as good as them... IN FOOTBALL. WE ARE SECOND FIDDLE. It is a FACT.

But like you said... Auburn does care about winning. But not as much as character, even in an area where you are truly judged based on... well winning.

I see you still don't get it. What good is winning if you don't have character? If you place winning above all other thing's what do you really have P.C? Character is doing the right thing when no one is watching you.Being good to those That you don't have to be good too.Being faithful to your wife and family and God. Football is just a game P.C Champ. My character is who I am as a man. Maybe you should try to find some of your own. Try E-Bay

He'll never get it woody. It's a lost cause. This thread is just another chance for him to show up in full dick mode and insult auburn and its fans. Ever notice how he says: Auburn fans will do this...auburn fans will do that.... he is clearly excluding himself from that category which we have ALL known for years ever since he showed up and began his pollution of this board. He's not one of us and he never will be. He's just got to be a dick with every post he makes to make himself sleep better at night.

I know but it's just sad That Booger keeps showing up.

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this whole night has just made me sick to my stomach. i am NOT looking forward to getting back up to huntsville after finals and having to deal with all those kirmson-wearing bandwagoners.

Well, at least you're going to Huntsville...which isn't exactly a Bama town.

There's a TON of Auburn, Tenn, and strangely...MSU people up there.

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Just remember:

Auburn fans are happy losing, as long as its with character. Auburn fans don't give a whoop about winning. Even if the "character" issues at winning programs are really nothing but retaliations at reporters and one comment about not being the coach.

But don't worry Auburn fans, enjoy being second fiddle and losing to Bama. You will always have character, so keep your heads on high. Sports fans across the country love that stuff.

Love how you finally admit to not being an Auburn fan by referring to "Auburn fans" instead of "we." You are an ass, why did you come back? Stay gone. Nobody likes you.

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