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height and weight


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Tom Cruise is officially obese. That's based on the Body Mass Index (BMI), a measurement that separates us into government-approved, overweight, and obese categories by taking into consideration only our height and weight. A BMI of 30 or more makes you obese, and at 5-7, 201 pounds, Tom Cruise has a BMI of 31.

I know I need to loose some weight, but I'm not as bad off as Tom. :rolleyes:

Now if only Nicole would only return my call! :P


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Problem with BMI is that Insurance companies use it to put you in a risk bracket.

Recently we went to get life insurance and because of my BMI I was put in a higher risk bracket. I actually argued with the agent but felt that if I keep arguing with my high BMI I might have a heartattack so I calmed down and said I would deal with it later..... good thing is I can have this adjusted everyyear

Guess what most athletes are "obese per the BMI"

From your link

BMI limitations

Shouldn't these table be broken down 1 for men 1 for women.. heck a women with my height but weighs a ton less it ok even though her % body fat is twice mine... this is stupid.

I know we said the same thing, but it is costing me more money because I have a higher BMI, and to be honest I could stand to lose a few but not enough so that my insurance rates will go down.

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Those charts are absolute crap! The height/weight absolute connection is pure fantasy.... one of those things that some researcher came up with and all the mindless drones of the insurance world hung their hats on.

One time in my life, I was only 15 pounds or so over my "maximum" weight and the problem I had was that clothes didn't fit; my waist was too small for the rest of my body!!!!

Much depends on body shape: If you have long legs and a short torso, you will not have a problem with the BMI; if you have short legs and a long torso, you will never fit the BMI scale.

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Anyone know who Ronnie Coleman is?

5'11" 255 (won the last 3 mr olympia contest, and 255 is his contest weight)

BMI 35.6 DOH! go on a diet man, oh yeah 1% body fat sorry....

Why is such a flawed system used especially when it cost me money, which John Kerry wants to take away (he he)

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This chart is abso;lutely ridiculous. It is setup to show that everyone in America is obese, so they can justify a new tax on fast food. Its absurd...

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The guys may remember Brady Anderson? MLB player? He was legendary at 4% body fat. He also rates as obese on the BMI.

Another typically stupid use of tax payers money.

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Well since we are keeping score

30.8 :cheer:

5'5" (yes even Tom is taller then me) :angry: 185 lb

I could lose a few but by no means am I obese!

I can't wait for my 9mth old to start walking so I can lose weight and get within the realm of the super models


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It does not take into consideration where the weight comes from. Since muscle does weigh more then fat, the chart could tell a well toned or very muscular person that they are overweight. For instace, my body fat is less then 5%, but according to the BMI scale, I am overweight.

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