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Carville on Obama’s Handling of BP Oil Spill: “Lackadaisical� and “Naive�


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Carville on Obama’s Handling of BP Oil Spill: “Lackadaisical” and “Naive”

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Democratic strategist James Carville — an ardent supporter of President Obama is the latest high-profile media pundit to issue a withering critique of the administration’s handling of of the worsening Gulf oil spill.

Appearing on CNN’s Anderson Cooper program on Thursday, Carville said the administration’s response to the spill has been “lackadaisical” and that Obama was “naive” to trust BP to manage the massive clean-up effort.

“I think they actually believe that BP has some kind of a good motivation here. They’re naive! BP is trying to save money, save everything they can. They won’t tell us anything, and oddly enough, the government seems to be going along with it! Somebody has got to, like shake them and say, ‘These people don’t wish you well! They’re going to take you down!’”

Carville also accused the White House of going along with what he called the “let BP handle it” strategy.

Meanwhile, BP told the Environmental Protection Agency they will continue to use the chemical dispersant Corexit, despite being told by the EPA to stop using the highly toxic chemical, and find a less environmentally harmful dispersant. To date, BP has used a little more than 670,000 gallons of Corexit, an unprecedented application and for a duration and at depths also without precedent.

link: http://fromtheleft.wordpress.com/2010/05/22/carville-on-obamas-handling-of-bp-oil-spill-lackadaisical-and-naive/

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I thought he can fix anything?

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