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This is why 40 year old white couple shouldn't try to do a rap video! :no:

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Its becoming easier and easier to convince my friends up here to hate Alabama. Much thanks to whoever made this.

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They should show this in high school health class and warn the students - "If you have unprotected sex, you may end up with kids that grow up to be like these people".

We can only hope that these people are sterile.


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When did Auburn get to be in between LSU and Arkansas? ...thought we were suppose to be in west Georgia?

(When did I get to be so bored/stupid I listened to all the lyrics? :blink: )

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Yeah, we have those people, but y'all have Tammy...

And you have Phyllis! How you even ATTEMPT to play the " yeah, but you have.... " game , is...is beyond words.

1st time I ever saw that atrocity of a video.

OMG.... bama fans are a parody of a parody of themselves.

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If anyone reads Bill Simmons, he talked about the movie Sleeping with the Enemy yesterday. I noted (correctly) that the husband in the movie is so over the top that you can't parody the part. He already is a parody. I'd make fun of Alabama fans, but why waste the time? Their fans are already a parody of crazy bumpkins. Give them credit. They are fascinating to watch.

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