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Did Auburn enjoy USC fans?


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The fans behind us were obnoxious. Asked me if Auburn was in Mississippi. To which I replied, "welcome to Atlanta, we didn't know you knew how to find it." The couple next to him spilled their spiked drinks twice, pretty much soaking my jacket, camera, and binocular cases. He also told my fiance to "Get your grimey a$$ fingers off my drink" when she reached back stretching her arms and touched his drink in the cupholder. I didn't find that out until after the game or else I probably wouldn't have stayed the entire game as I would have been arrested. He was screaming "break his arm, break his arm" when they were on defense. I've never been around fans more obnoxious with absolutely no reason to be so. I wish we would have scored 80 on you guys.

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When USC came to Auburn there was a lot of talk of good sportsmanship, civility, respect, etc. Cockytalk is now full of rage, hate, false information. Kind of sad. There are bad apples everywhere that have no place ruining someone else's experience. I was surprised at the change in view of USC fans from the previous meeting to now.

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I was watching the game at a bar with a relatively large contingent of USC fans. There was a table of guys next to me rooting for USC that were being obnoxious and making snide remarks in my direction, I'm somewhat confrontational so I kept yelling at them and finally they admitted that they weren't USC fans. Turns out they were bama fans, typical.

The USC fans were quite pleasant.

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Most of the USC fans I ran across were nice. But I was really surprised that there was not more USC fans there. By my observations Auburn comprised at the very least 2/3 of the dome and more likely 3/4 of the dome Saturday. I have posted a few pics in the topic SECCG pic and one coming down the stairs to fan fare you can see exactly what I'm talking about. However, I did run across one bama fan near us that was very drunk wearing a SCAM Newton T-shirt. After seeing that jacka$$ I can tell you that your fan base is fine and you have nothing to worry about unless you start breading with the Bama nation and tools like him. But you may want to remind your fans that beer is sold outside the Dome and at fan fare and if by chance they still want to bring their own and walk around with it hot by he case handle, tell them to buy some good beer and not natural light.

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I would give average marks. Had many fans making jokes about Scam Newton which doesn't bother me and I expect, but also was only congratulated once after the game, also not surprising. I was in a bar with some and they were friendly until the game started and then everyone just stuck with their fan base. Fine either way but I wouldn't be telling people that after that game I was impressed with the civility of the fans. Didn't see much better from Auburn.

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Mixed experience - the two USC fans behind us kept insulting the state of Alabama and yelling "rednecks" anytime we got a penalty. However, after the game met two other USC fans who bought the 8 of US 5 rounds of shots.

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I was at a bar in Midtown. Mostly full of USC fans. 95% great, really just a few jackholes. As another poster hinted at, the USC jackholes were outnumbered by god awful Bama fans.

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Sat in front of some Gamecock fans. They were a bit annoying at the start of the game. They were in the middle of the Auburn section yelling "cheater" and crap like that whenever Cam was on the big screen, but by the end of the first, they were kind of silent. The hail mary pretty much ended any trash talk. I talked to the three guys mid-fourth quarter. They were sullen (to be expected)... I told them not to forget what a good season it was just because of one beating.

I'd rate them a 6 out of 10 on the "good fan" scale. Mainly because they did a lot more hating on Auburn than cheering for Carolina. If you're in a vistor's section, stick to your own team... makes people want to spill drinks on you less.

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Well...I grew up around them, taught to dislike their team, and understand why as an adult. I have some family that talk trash about how they are gonna whip us, place bets on the game in fun, and then go "silent" and I never hear from them again....until we play them ever so often. They won't even talk to me on the phone after we win the game....and I NEVER start it.


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The majority of them were a pleasure. A very nice young couple sat next to my father and I and were very complimentary of Auburn and it's fans, they went out of their way to tell us how nice and hospitable out fans were to them in September. However, there was one interaction I will not soon forget that involved an extremely intoxicated USC fan in the bathroom. While in the stall I heard a fan cursing and yelling things I don't think I am allowed to type on this board. During his loud and obnoxious display of profanity and insults I said outloud, "Wow, I really hope that is not an Auburn Fan," to which the person in the stall next to me replied, "No, he's not, unfortunately he is one of ours."

When I exited the stall, the man was in the middle of a crowded bathroom filled by a majority of Auburn men. As I washed my hands, the USC man picked out one Auburn fan and began to taunt him. What was the Auburn man's reply? The Auburn man looked at him and said, "I wish yall the best of luck tonight." Now, that is class. Unfortunately, the drunk USC fan didn't return the sentiment, he said, "I don't wish you a f#%king thing!" Now, that is classless.

As I was exiting the bathroom, I overheard a young Auburn fan say something about shutting the USC fan up if he didn't give it a rest. The young man was probably in high school, but surely was not in or out of college. He was with what I assumed was his father. After the young man expressed his wish to shut the USC fan up the hard way if necessary his father quickly responded. He placed his hand on his son's shoulder and said softly but with conviction, "No son, no matter how low they stoop we don't stoop down to their level, that is what makes us different." NOW, THAT IS CLASS!

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