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Boston Globe ran staged hardcore porn photographs, claiming they show real abuse committed by American soldiers in Iraq

Globe caught with pants down: Paper duped into running porn photos

By Herald staff

Thursday, May 13, 2004

The Boston Globe was reeling yesterday after graphic photos of alleged sexual abuse of Iraqi women by U.S. soldiers turned out to be staged shots from a hardcore porn Web site.

``This photo should not have appeared in the Globe,'' editor Martin Baron said in a statement. ``First, images portrayed in the photo were overly graphic. Second, as the story clearly pointed out, those images were never authenticated as photos of prisoner abuse. There was a lapse in judgment and procedures, and we apologize for it.''

The ``lapse'' came after City Councilor Chuck Turner and perennial pot-stirrer Sadiki Kambon called a press conference in the wake of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal to display more purported abuse photos. Turner claimed they came from ``a very legitimate person'' but admitted they hadn't been authenticated. Kambon said he got them from a representative of the Nation of Islam. Neither Turner nor Kambon returned calls.

But yesterday, WorldNetDaily.com reported the pictures - which show hard-core sex acts and genitalia - came from a pornographic site.

The Globe ran a picture of Turner and Kambon displaying the images. In a large shot in the paper's early editions, pornographic details are clearly visible. In later editions, the photograph was reduced, making the images slightly more obscure. A number of news outlets - including the Herald and The Associated Press - attended the conference but did not run a story after determining the photos were highly suspicious.

The issue reportedly was the subject of much Globe newsroom debate. According to WorldNetDaily, Globe reporter Donovan Slack did not approve of the photos being published but they were OK'd by ``three Boston Globe editors.''

Her story did note the pictures ``bear no characteristics that would prove the men are US soldiers or that the women are Iraqis.''

Slack told the Herald she had ``no comment,'' then hung up. But she is quoted on the Web site saying she was ``surprised'' the Globe decided to run the story.

``It's insane,'' Slack said. ``Can you imagine getting this with your cup of coffee in the morning? Somehow it got through all our checks. Our publisher's not having a very good day today.''

Later she quips, ``I'll be working at Penthouse soon!'' The president of the Globe's parent New York Times reportedly is ``furious.''

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The only good thing that ever came out of Boston is the Red Sox, Celtics, and the Bruins.

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Uh, quite a number of the founding fathers were from Boston. Sam Adams and John Adams to name the most prominant. Sam Adams was one of the most anti-British colonial rule of all of them. The values of Boston in 1760's and 70's were very much different from today's. Certainly, if they founding fathers saw today's Boston, and the 2 Senators from that State, they would be appalled. Of course, if they saw the overall liberalism of our country now, they would be shocked. Remember, the Puritans landed in Massachusets...

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Uh, quite a number of the founding fathers were from Boston.  Sam Adams and John Adams to name the most prominant.  Sam Adams was one of the most anti-British colonial rule of all of them.  The values of Boston in 1760's and 70's were very much different from today's.  Certainly, if they founding fathers saw today's Boston, and the 2 Senators from that State, they would be appalled.  Of course, if they saw the overall liberalism of our country now, they would be shocked.  Remember, the Puritans landed in Massachusets...

Um..uh I knew that. I have actually been to Boston several times on business and I am a die hard Red Sox fan. The quote was meant to represent recent history. While we are mentioning great contributors to our nation, he was not a "founding father" so to speak, but Paul Revere was from Boston also. Can't forget that man. His house is a historical landmark and you can take tours of it. Actually pretty neat. If you are ever in Boston, there is a big walking tour you can take on your own that takes you to alot of historical land marks and to the USS Constitution. You start in the heart of Boston and just follow the painted red line on the sidewalks. Boston itself is actually a very neat and clean town for it's size. Just too bad it is full of Liberals. I have funny story about Boston. Me and our sales manager would go on trips up there and usually make a weekend out of it and catch a game when baseball season was going on. He was a bama graduate and would alwasy were some crimson turd shirts. Of course, I would counter with some AU gear. Well, I would always get a few "War Eagles!" from some Bostonians, but he would never get a "roll tide" from anybody. Use to tick him off so bad. :lol:

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Um..uh I knew that.

I was actually referring to Jenny's comment about letting the British burn Boston to the ground; and she is probably right if our founding fathers, even the ones from Boston, saw the politicians coming out of that town today...

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Um..uh I knew that.

I was actually referring to Jenny's comment about letting the British burn Boston to the ground; and she is probably right if our founding fathers, even the ones from Boston, saw the politicians coming out of that town today...

Oh, sorry, that you were referring to my comment. Use the quote feature dang it! :lol:

I do agree with Jenny that they probably would have let it burn if they know what it was giving birth to today.

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Um..uh I knew that.

I was actually referring to Jenny's comment about letting the British burn Boston to the ground; and she is probably right if our founding fathers, even the ones from Boston, saw the politicians coming out of that town today...

I knew that too. My meaning was that if the FF - ESPECIALLY the hotheads from Boston!! - knew what their beloved town would one day be like, and the spewing morons it would one day produce, they would have decided it would have been better for our nation to let it burn.

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