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Go Cosby!!


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Maybe i'll get some people to agree with me on this one :lol: Actually, im glad a black entertainer stood up and said what he said. Heres what im talking about : Bill Cosby Remarks

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I'm not quite sure what he meant here:

People getting shot in the head over a piece of poundcake.

We're outraged (saying) 'The cops shouldn't have shot him.' What the hell was he doing with the poundcake in his hand?''

Did I miss some poundcake/police shooting in the news?

I certainly don't want police randomly shooting people over poundcake (even stolen poundcake), but might understand in a criminal situation of another type, with lives in danger, and poundcake perhaps looking like a handgun, etc...

Someone want to elaborate/update me?

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I think you're getting at what he was trying to say...people are getting upset over someone getting shot that turns out to be unarmed, but they get themselves into such situations in the first place by running from the cops. Situations escalate and the cop doesn't have time to decide if what the guy has in his hand over in the shadows is a gun or not. Meanwhile, everyone forgets that they were chasing a criminal to begin with...he wasn't some innocent bystander the cops picked on because of his skin color.

Some others are merely upset at Cosby because he didn't qualify his statements by saying "some" blacks or "some" poor people.

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