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The Jeremiah Wright Of Harvard


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Derrick Bell: The Jeremiah Wright Of Harvard

Posted 03/08/2012 06:54 PM ET

Presidential Vetting: Obama's days at Harvard have been shrouded in secrecy. But a new video lifts a corner of the veil, revealing his creepy embrace of the "Jeremiah Wright of academia."

It turns out his favorite law professor was the late Derrick Bell, a black radical who taught classes trashing the Constitution as racist.

He liked Bell so much he led a law school "strike" in support of him in 1991, when the professor went on unpaid leave to protest the lack of affirmative-action hiring on campus.

A video clip posted by Breitbart.com captures Obama praising Bell for "speaking the truth" and hugging him.

Not long before this show of affection, Bell had been called into the university president's office to explain why he had sent him a letter filled with violent fantasies — including their own death from a bomb planted in his office by white racists. Bell explained that such extremism is what it would take to get the administration to agree to grant more affirmative-action programs.

Harvard's honcho wasn't amused. Bell groused he just didn't get it. But who would? Apparently his star pupil. And that's what's so unsettling.

Bell's nutty ideas — including that America is a "racist nation" carrying out a "quasi-genocide in the inner cities" — were well known to Obama. Bell came highly recommended by Obama's America-hating preacher Rev. Wright. He and Bell were pals. In fact, Obama just traded Wright's pews for Bell's desks.

At the pro-Bell rally, Obama took to the mike as if he were his spokesman. He commended Bell's "excellence in scholarship," adding that he "changed the standards of what legal writing is about."

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His legal writings included this gem published in the Connecticut Law Review around the time Obama was defending him: "The whole (classical) liberal worldview of private rights and public sovereignty mediated by the rule of law needed to be exploded."

Obama lapped it up. This was not some misguided youth flirting with radicalism. He was 30, and Harvard Law Review editor.

Bell's tirades against racism were really against classism. In 2007 he intimated to a Southern Illinois University professor that he saw "value in Marxist and other writings." Like Marx, he argued that capitalism creates a racially polarizing battle over property, and that the cure was wealth redistribution. To that end, Bell proposed an "equality" tax on business profits.

In 2002, he told C-SPAN that America is racist because it's "built on property." He complained that our free market "increasingly puts some people at the top of the economic scale and most of the rest of us at the bottom."

So here we have yet another anti-capital class warrior as role model for Obama.

Over his entire adult life, through his academic, legal and political careers, the president has lived in a theoretical bubble divorced from reality. His mind and psyche have been marinated in radical academic notions and conspiracy theories that insist upon hatred for capitalism and the American way of life.

Is it any wonder his agenda is so anti-American?

"Perhaps as president," Bell hoped in 2008, "Obama can take on the tough issue of the intentional harms our policies have done both here and abroad."

The student certainly has not disappointed his old professor.


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Economy, Wars, etc....and we have righties trying to peddle this stuff off as news


And the far left loons completely miss the target. Which is not so amazing at all.

Who the hell claimed it was news? The article is plainly identified as an EDITORIAL.

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It's news when the leader of this country shares the views of these men. When you see this kind of pattern, you understand why we are being led down the road we are. It's VERY important in the overall scheme of this administration.

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It's news when the leader of this country shares the views of these men. When you see this kind of pattern, you understand why we are being led down the road we are. It's VERY important in the overall scheme of this administration.

Please site an example where President Obama shares the 'views" of these people?

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How'd that uppity fellah even get to BE a prof @ Harvard if this is such a racist country ?

eta - but to follow up the question...how DOESN'T Obama share those views ?

He speaks of civility , and then barks out that the Cambridge police acted "stupidly" before he knew what the facts were.

His own AG, Holder, calls Americans cowards for dodging the race issue, but then he dismisses the new black panthers from their election day thuggery at the voting site.

I could go on, and there are more examples, but you'll just ignore them / dismiss them, as you're doing already.

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It's news when the leader of this country shares the views of these men. When you see this kind of pattern, you understand why we are being led down the road we are. It's VERY important in the overall scheme of this administration.

Please site an example where President Obama shares the 'views" of these people?

Arniebabble, you are doing it again.


Bell visited the White House twice.

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How'd that uppity fellah even get to BE a prof @ Harvard if this is such a racist country ?

eta - but to follow up the question...how DOESN'T Obama share those views ?

He speaks of civility , and then barks out that the Cambridge police acted "stupidly" before he knew what the facts were.

His own AG, Holder, calls Americans cowards for dodging the race issue, but then he dismisses the new black panthers from their election day thuggery at the voting site.

I could go on, and there are more examples, but you'll just ignore them / dismiss them, as you're doing already.

again, the guy has written I think two books. You can't find anything in one of them? He's given countless interviews. Come on you can do it.

Did the Cambridge police ever charge the professor with anything. I can't remember

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again, the guy has written I think two books. You can't find anything in one of them? He's given countless interviews. Come on you can do it.

Did the Cambridge police ever charge the professor with anything. I can't remember

Already given you examples, but you keep ignoring them.

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You've not given one example of President Obama making a racist statement oral or written

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You've not given one example of President Obama making a racist statement oral or written

Oh? What of the 'typical white person' remark, about his own grandmother?

But that's not the primary issue here. The fact that Obama surrounds himself w/ the Rev Wrights, Eric Holder and Prof Bell.

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You've not given one example of President Obama making a racist statement oral or written

Oh? What of the 'typical white person' remark, about his own grandmother?

But that's not the primary issue here. The fact that Obama surrounds himself w/ the Rev Wrights and Prof Bell.

We have had this discussion many times. Just read his books and you will see his dislike of whites. His words mean nothing as he is a cultured liar. His associations speak much louder than his words. Jeremiah Wright, Derrick Bell, Van Jones, and many more.

Arni is a lockstep liberal who gets his information from the Democrat hate sites and is incapable of independent thought.

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You've not given one example of President Obama making a racist statement oral or written

Oh? What of the 'typical white person' remark, about his own grandmother?

But that's not the primary issue here. The fact that Obama surrounds himself w/ the Rev Wrights and Prof Bell.

We have had this discussion many times. Just read his books and you will see his dislike of whites. His words mean nothing as he is a cultured liar. His associations speak much louder than his words. Jeremiah Wright, Derrick Bell, Van Jones, and many more.

Arni is a lockstep liberal who gets his information from the Democrat hate sites and is incapable of independent thought.

Of which you have not given a single one

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Walter Williams thoughts on Obama

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There's been a heap of criticism placed upon President Barack Obama's domestic policies that have promoted government intrusion and prolonged our fiscal crisis and his foreign policies that have emboldened our enemies. Any criticism of Obama pales in comparison with what might be said about the American people who voted him in to the nation's highest office.Obama's presidency represents the first time in our history that a person could have been elected to that office who had long-standing close associations with people who hate our nation. I'm speaking of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for 20 years, who preached that blacks should sing not "God Bless America," but "damn America." Then there's William Ayers, now professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago but formerly a member of the Weather Underground, an anti-U.S. group that bombed the Pentagon, U.S. Capitol and other government buildings. Although Ayers was never convicted of any crime, he told a New York Times reporter, in the wake of the September 2001 terrorist attack, "I don't regret setting bombs. ... I feel we didn't do enough." Obama has served on a foundation board, appeared on panels, and even held campaign events in Ayers' home, joined by Ayers' former-fugitive wife, Bernardine Dohrn. Bill Ayers' close association with Obama is reflected by his admission that he helped write Obama's memoirs, "Dreams from My Father."

Many Americans thought that with Obama's presidency, we were moving to a "post-racial society." Little can be further from the truth. Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, in a National Review (1/18/2012) article titled "Obama's Racial Politics," says that Obama's message about race and his charges of racial bigotry are "usually coded and subtle." Criticizing Republicans, before a Mexican-American audience, Obama said that he ran for office because "America should be a place where you can always make it if you try -- a place where every child, no matter what they look like (or) where they come from, should have a chance to succeed." If you don't get it, "no matter what they look like" is code for nonwhite. Hanson says that Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, has "found race a convenient refuge from criticism -- most recently accusing his congressional auditors of racism, for their grilling him over government sales of firearms to Mexican cartel hitmen."

Obama's racial politics are aided and abetted by a dishonest news media. When Republican candidate Texas Gov. Rick Perry referred to "a big black cloud that hangs over America, that debt that is so monstrous," he was dishonestly accused of racism by MSNBC's Ed Schultz, who said, "That black cloud Perry is talking about is President Barack Obama." Schultz omitted the second half of Perry's quote. Chris Matthews referred to Perry's vision of federalism as "Bull Connor with a smile."

The media have help from black congressmen in stirring up racial dissent. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., said white presidents must be "pushed a great deal more" to address black unemployment than would a black president. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, said that argument over the debt ceiling is proof of racial animosity toward Obama. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., said that Republicans are trying to deny blacks the vote. Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., said the tea party wishes to lynch blacks and hang them from trees. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Perry's job creation in Texas is "one stage away from slavery."

All of this places a heavy burden on people who care about our nation. We must ensure that the 2012 elections are the most open and honest elections in U.S. history. Should Obama lose, I wouldn't put it past leftists, progressives, the news media and their race-hustling allies, as well as the president, to fan the fires of hate and dissension by charging that racists somehow stole the election, thereby giving support and excuses for the kind of violence and lawlessness that we've witnessed in flash mobs and Occupy Wall Street riots.

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Walter Williams thoughts on Obama

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There's been a heap of criticism placed upon President Barack Obama's domestic policies that have promoted government intrusion and prolonged our fiscal crisis and his foreign policies that have emboldened our enemies. Any criticism of Obama pales in comparison with what might be said about the American people who voted him in to the nation's highest office.Obama's presidency represents the first time in our history that a person could have been elected to that office who had long-standing close associations with people who hate our nation. I'm speaking of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for 20 years, who preached that blacks should sing not "God Bless America," but "damn America." Then there's William Ayers, now professor of education at the University of Illinois at Chicago but formerly a member of the Weather Underground, an anti-U.S. group that bombed the Pentagon, U.S. Capitol and other government buildings. Although Ayers was never convicted of any crime, he told a New York Times reporter, in the wake of the September 2001 terrorist attack, "I don't regret setting bombs. ... I feel we didn't do enough." Obama has served on a foundation board, appeared on panels, and even held campaign events in Ayers' home, joined by Ayers' former-fugitive wife, Bernardine Dohrn. Bill Ayers' close association with Obama is reflected by his admission that he helped write Obama's memoirs, "Dreams from My Father."

Many Americans thought that with Obama's presidency, we were moving to a "post-racial society." Little can be further from the truth. Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, in a National Review (1/18/2012) article titled "Obama's Racial Politics," says that Obama's message about race and his charges of racial bigotry are "usually coded and subtle." Criticizing Republicans, before a Mexican-American audience, Obama said that he ran for office because "America should be a place where you can always make it if you try -- a place where every child, no matter what they look like (or) where they come from, should have a chance to succeed." If you don't get it, "no matter what they look like" is code for nonwhite. Hanson says that Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, has "found race a convenient refuge from criticism -- most recently accusing his congressional auditors of racism, for their grilling him over government sales of firearms to Mexican cartel hitmen."

Obama's racial politics are aided and abetted by a dishonest news media. When Republican candidate Texas Gov. Rick Perry referred to "a big black cloud that hangs over America, that debt that is so monstrous," he was dishonestly accused of racism by MSNBC's Ed Schultz, who said, "That black cloud Perry is talking about is President Barack Obama." Schultz omitted the second half of Perry's quote. Chris Matthews referred to Perry's vision of federalism as "Bull Connor with a smile."

The media have help from black congressmen in stirring up racial dissent. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, D-Mo., said white presidents must be "pushed a great deal more" to address black unemployment than would a black president. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, said that argument over the debt ceiling is proof of racial animosity toward Obama. Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif., said that Republicans are trying to deny blacks the vote. Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., said the tea party wishes to lynch blacks and hang them from trees. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., said Perry's job creation in Texas is "one stage away from slavery."

All of this places a heavy burden on people who care about our nation. We must ensure that the 2012 elections are the most open and honest elections in U.S. history. Should Obama lose, I wouldn't put it past leftists, progressives, the news media and their race-hustling allies, as well as the president, to fan the fires of hate and dissension by charging that racists somehow stole the election, thereby giving support and excuses for the kind of violence and lawlessness that we've witnessed in flash mobs and Occupy Wall Street riots.

"America should be a place where you can make it if you try a place where every child,no matter what they look like, where they come from, should have a chance to succeed."

that's it? that's what you post as you example? you guys are pathetic

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