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Runaway Slave


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There are no bigger racists in the country than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. If they didn't spew hatred they would be out of a job.

I think the key point in this video was that so many blacks are still mentally enslaved. No one can change that except themselves. it has to start by getting the entitlement chip off their shoulders and start listening to other blacks who have their interests at heart rather than those who are using them for their own selfish motives.

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It's group think which shackles and ennslave so many. Not just blacks, either. And it's this group think, the drive to force people into this or that category , ( white, black, poor, rich, gay, straight, etc... ) where the Left gains its power, by preying on the weaknesses of people and driving them with fear to boycott or vilify anyone who isn't like them.

Like boycotting Chick-fil-A, or calling conservative blacks 'uncle toms' .

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