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Luper's big commits by middle of this week.....


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So no one has mentioned since last week that Coach Luper called his shot last week on the radio.  One or Two Big commits by the middle of this week.  I guess we will see. 

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Luper hasnt exactly been accurate with the timing of commits so far but he has definetely been accurate with the big names actually commiting so i trust he knows what hes talking about.

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well...its tuesday night,, and so far all we have heard this week is dj is in the dog house and coleman is visiting ua.  maybe he meant two committs for different clemson and ua lol j/k

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Wasn't he supposed to be on on JOX 94.5 tonight at 7 or something? Was that someone else or am I dreaming I read that on the greatest auburn website of all-time?

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well...its tuesday night,, and so far all we have heard this week is dj is in the dog house and coleman is visiting ua.  maybe he meant two committs for different clemson and ua lol j/k

LOL that was pretty funny.

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Here is a theory....everyone knows Lache commits tomorrow.  When he doesn't pick up Auburns hat, many that held out hope are disappointed.  Then, Luper's organized show kicks in.  Boom from out of no where another big time recruit fills the void and anounces....AUBURN... :we:  

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My head is spinning trying to keep up with all the details on this board. Isn't there supposedly another commitment sometime tomorrow?

P.S. I believe LS will commit tomorrow when I see it. How many commit dates has this man had? Originally, he said before his SR.season, then before Christmas, then ...............

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Here is a theory....everyone knows Lache commits tomorrow.  When he doesn't pick up Auburns hat, many that held out hope are disappointed.  Then, Luper's organized show kicks in.  Boom from out of no where another big time recruit fills the void and anounces....AUBURN... :we:  

          Could nor have said it better!!!!!!!!                    :wareagle:                    :tdau:                          :party:

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I have been out of town.

Who was the surprise visitor this past weekend?  and,  Did ST ever say who the surprise recruit could be this weekend?

Sorry if this has been covered.

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I have been out of town.

Who was the surprise visitor this past weekend?  and,  Did ST ever say who the surprise recruit could be this weekend?

Sorry if this has been covered.

No word on the surprise visitor, and we probably will not know for sure until signing day who it was. 

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Question: I did not hear the interview on the radio in person just going off of what I have read from posters.  Did Luper actually say Wednesday 1/27 or did he mean the NEXT wednesday when we would be finding out possibly ab our final 2?  Thanks for any clarification

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