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If ST doesn't hurry up and post the update I am going to


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                  Ok, might as well finish off the Bourbon!!! Wow..gonna be a LooooooNg Weekend!!!!

                                              :tdau:                    :party:                        :tdau:

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What are we waiting for???  :trampoline:

ST said in the sticky above he would update and answer recruiting questions from us. He said in the morning but I am just hoping some might come tonight.

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I believe that he went to the B-ball game tonight. More than that, he generally posts it on Friday morning. I think he will complete it tonight and have it up in the morning. Sorry for those of you that are waiting.

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I believe that he went to the B-ball game tonight. More than that, he generally posts it on Friday morning. I think he will complete it tonight and have it up in the morning. Sorry for those of you that are waiting.

if only this was posted earlier  :banghead: LOL

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