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2morrow..if Whit comes to us..I think the dominos will fall...


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I am tired as all our family...lets get some sleep..then 2morrow we  :partey::party: :party:

                            :wareagle:              :wareagle:                    :wareagle:                :wareagle:

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Ha yea, we could tell you were having a good time....it was very entertaining to us who could not sleep, so we all owe you some thanks for getting us through those twilight hours!

War Damn Eagle Clawz  :bow:

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Hopefully that is the plan for batting 1000.  Whit today, Latt tomorrow and Lem and Jones Wednesday.  Everyone is going to step back and say OMG!

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Yes you did say that last night, but no one could understand it till now.

It was seriously funny . You did need an 8 second delay for censoring before posting though. Looks like you had a good time. :laugh:
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Wegle - I hope you are right!  That would be my 'I have a dream.......' wish!  If we sign Lattimore and DJ Howard goes to Kentucky or Clemson, who fills the hole?

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