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but, ultimately, the camera doesn't lie.

Too bad the 9/11 commission report proved this statement wrong. Did you miss that one? ;)

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Yeah, and the camera was just sooo full of truths in Bowling for Columbine, too... before he edited it to show what he wanted it too. People that buy into Moore's garbage in anyway are truely sad people! :headshake:

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I think Moore laid it on a little think at times in Farenheit 9/11, but, ultimately, the camera doesn't lie. The GOP, on the other hand,......

I guess that proves proof is in the eyes of the beholder doesn't it. :rolleyes:

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If you watch closely in "Bowling for Columbine" when Moore is trying to get Heston to look at a picture of a child that was killed by a gun, you can obviously see that the scene was doctored...the camera switches back and forth from two different standpoints quicly, hopefully leading one to believe it is all taking place in chronological order, yet you cant see the other camera man in either shot. Either slick editing or really fast camera men. This is not to say that I like Heston either. Moore is pretty sad...

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The camera didn't lie as Bush sat in the classroom for 7 minutes after being told the country was under attack.

On Sept. 11 I overheard someone say, "Yeah, someone flew a plane into the WTC." I thought, Oh no, thats terrible. Not until I saw the video footage when I got home did I realize it was an attack. Go back and watch the footage. People on the ground didnt know it was an attack until the second plane hit. SEVEN MINUTES You want to rag the president about sitting in a classroom full of CHILDREN for not panicking and rushing out of the room for SEVEN MINUTES. Thats rediculous. I guess the footage must've shown those evil horns poking out of his hair too.

Dont try to paint GWB as a "do nothing" president to defend your anti-Iraqi war stance. Its contradictory.

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The camera didn't lie as Bush sat in the classroom for 7 minutes after being told the country was under attack.

Are we going to go back into this arguement again on this board? Oh, brother! I suppose you are one of the "Bush Knew" and "Bush Lied" crowd.

How pathetic!

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The camera didn't lie as Bush sat in the classroom for 7 minutes after being told the country was under attack.

On Sept. 11 I overheard someone say, "Yeah, someone flew a plane into the WTC." I thought, Oh no, thats terrible. Not until I saw the video footage when I got home did I realize it was an attack. Go back and watch the footage. People on the ground didnt know it was an attack until the second plane hit. SEVEN MINUTES You want to rag the president about sitting in a classroom full of CHILDREN for not panicking and rushing out of the room for SEVEN MINUTES. Thats rediculous. I guess the footage must've shown those evil horns poking out of his hair too.

Dont try to paint GWB as a "do nothing" president to defend your anti-Iraqi war stance. Its contradictory.

AUR, the government knew the moment that the first plane turned its' transponder off and turned around that something was wrong. By the time the second plane turned its' transponder off and turned around there was no doubt that this was a large scale problem. Please tell me that you don't think that they were unaware of a problem until the media started covering it.

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Why would ANYONE listen to a fat, stupid Hollywood moron?

WHO cares what HE "thinks" about politics?

Does the fact that Barbara Striesand has a wonderful singing voice make her an expert on politics?

She, like tub-o-lard moore, is a loud mouth , out of touch with reality, left wing radical liberal.

The same as the new england liberal, and his out of touch wet behind the ears little boy with little boy syndrome running mate, that will be spouting more lies on the Clinton News Network tonight ! ! ! !

Wow!..It feels Soooooo good to share the TRUTH with Friends ! ! ! B)

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The aid that whispered into Bush's ear in the classroom said, "Mr. President, the country is under attack". I don't see how that could be more clear or Bush's indecisiveness more telling.

This has been discussed and explained by the Administration and the letter posted on this board from the Principal of that school that appreciated the way it was handled. You obviously will refuse to see it any other way so I guess this discussion is dead in regard to Bush in the school room.

BTW, how else did the camera fail to lie in the Moore flick in your opinion?

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Another major point is Bush family ties to the Saudi royal family. It certainly hasn't been reported by the major media. I think it matters.

15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis. Bin Lauden is a Saudi. 142 Saudis were allowed to leave the country without interrogation. If the majority of the hijackers were from any other country, this would not have been allowed.

The 9/11 report barely investigated these ties or followed the money trail.

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No, 142 Saudis were NOT allowed to leave the country WITHOUT being properly investigated. Moore got this information from a book some ex-cia official turned hippie. You buy into Moore's BS way tooo much.

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subjack must be bottomfeeder's cousin. Same idiotic crap that has been disproved. We know those idiots are not voting for Bush. Let's concentrate on the more intelligent that seem to believe the media a little too much.

Subjack, please go through the archives and quit wasting our time with your demoncratic lies. These have already been debunked here and elsewhere.

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Another major point is Bush family ties to the Saudi royal family. It certainly hasn't been reported by the major media. I think it matters.

15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis. Bin Lauden is a Saudi. 142 Saudis were allowed to leave the country without interrogation. If the majority of the hijackers were from any other country, this would not have been allowed.

The 9/11 report barely investigated these ties or followed the money trail.

I see you are an astute follower of the DNC handbook!
Yes, the Saudis were allowed to leave, at the initial request of the Riyadh government. But only after FBI agents conducted face-to-face questioning of 30 people deemed to be "of interest" — including 22 of the 26 bin Laden relatives.

The Saudis also were allowed to leave on chartered flights only after U.S. airspace was reopened on the morning of Sept. 13, following the nearly two-day shutdown following the attacks.

In short, there was no special treatment given to the fleeing Saudis — and especially not to Osama's family members (who long ago disowned him, anyway).

9/11 Myth Busters

Guess you missed that, huh? It's only been covered about 100,000 times recently.

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And the reason the U.S. should honor the Saudi royal family's request would be....

Seeing how this administration has imprisoned individuals without charge or representation for more than a year at Guantanamo, sending 142 Saudis on their merry way 2 days after being attacked seems more than a bit hasty, particularly since some of them had seen Bin Lauden two months earlier at a wedding which was captured on video. Maybe they weren't terrorists, but maybe someone might have know something helpful.

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And the reason the U.S. should honor the Saudi royal family's request would be....

Seeing how this administration has imprisoned individuals without charge or representation for more than a year at Guantanamo, sending 142 Saudis on their merry way 2 days after being attacked seems more than a bit hasty, particularly since some of them had seen Bin Lauden two months earlier at a wedding which was captured on video. Maybe they weren't terrorists, but maybe someone might have know something helpful.

The US almost always honors the requests of foreign government officials. And if you think members of the Saudi royal family are not foreign government officials, then you took one too many hits of crack (we all think that anyway).

You try to make an argument where there is none except in your own mind. So keep it there. We've already had it in the "real world."

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What part of "face-to-face questioning of 30 people deemed to be 'of interest'"did you not understand? And as far as them being sent "on their merry way 2 days after being attacked" anyone could fly then and had we detained them, you and your ilk would have screamed "profiling" or "discrimination." And where do you get the 142 number from? Seriously, I am unfamiliar with that or do not recall it at this time.

Obiously, you are one of the consipiacy theory people who will never be convined of anything regardless of the evidence against what you perceive.

And if you want to know more about the lies you bought into from MM, Click Here

There is also this,from another one of his great films. Just so you get a good idea of the type person you so blindly believe just like the all the other leftist sheep that can't think for themselves.

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Bottom Line...Michael Moore is a fat, pretentious liar. I hope he never puts on an AU hat, as he does so many other universities, as it would be a disgrace to the Auburn community.

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I think Moore laid it on a little think at times in Farenheit 9/11, but, ultimately, the camera doesn't lie. The GOP, on the other hand,......

The camera may not lie but the editor of the film sure can...

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And the reason the U.S. should honor the Saudi royal family's request would be....

Seeing how this administration has imprisoned individuals without charge or representation for more than a year at Guantanamo, ........................

I know of ONE they MISSED ! ! ! ! :lol::lol::lol:

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