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Round two


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Ok round two has started.


Remember this video is played just before the team runs out of the tunnel to start the game so it's important that it gets the team pumped!!I am a AC/DC kinda guy myself but it's not about me it's about the team! I am almost 40 so rap is not my thing(a little after my time)but it is the popular style today so...............All I DO IS WIN seems pretty appropriate and is popular with the kids today,so I could see this one pumping the team up.On the other hand if JH and all 87,451 of its occupants were chanting along with that Vox Populi song I think that would be epic for the guys.If you have a Rivals account go and watch the video interviews they have done with some of the incoming team members,going to war is a recurring theme and mentioned by almost all of them esp Micheal Dyer. So with that being said I am torn between those two songs. I really like the Tiger Walk song(know it was written by a former player)but I don't think it's the right song to play right before the team runs out of the tunnel. I hope Auburn can incorporate it elsewhere though because it is special and unique to Auburn!!!! War Eagle!!!!! What song do you guys think would pump up a bunch of TEENAGERS before they go to war? Remeber to try and take personal preference out of it and think about what you think would pump THEM up!!!!!!!!

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Vox Populi is ridiculous....I honestly hope everyone listens to that b/c a night game at JH rocking and that comes on just gives you chills :party:

id never heard that song before baddass at the very beginning

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Tiger walk is a great song written from a tiger but i don't think it would make a good before game pump up song. all i do is win is popular and it'll get the students pumped but after hearing vox populi i'm hooked. though i like hip hop i'm more of a rocker and vox populi blew me away. either these songs will do for me

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here's the thing about hip hop/rap songs: in 3 months its old. Not bashing but JMO. Kickoff is a couple months away and by then there will probably be a new "it" song out. Most likely from T.I. Vox Populi is gonna be as good then as it is now. Then again I'm a rocker too, but that is how I see it. 

JMO........... :we:

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Yup, first time I heard Vox Populi I thought it was great but also thought tiger walk and all I do is win were also great but the more I go back and listen Vox Populi gets better and the others just get worn out.

If the student section and a good percent of the all the season ticket holders chant the chorus and stomp and clap it could be incredible.

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You have to go with Vox Populi.  The only problem I can see with it is that after the sweet intro it kind of backs off a bit, but it's a great song and with the fans singing along, it could become one of the best entrances in college football.  I agree that we shouldn't go with a rap song.  They come and go too often.  All I do is win will be old and played out by the time the season rolls around, plus I don't think it gets anyone that pumped up, but maybe that's just me...

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All these selections suck, but I had to vote for Boom from P.O.D. I can't believe this is what we have to choose from. I liked Family Reunion myself. No rap please and most of these songs would put me to sleep, not fire me up.

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maybe we should start a vote for vox popul facebook group...even though i'm already in the vote all i do is win group. that was before i heard this song...and like what fourthvision said hip hop songs get old pretty quickly and may not appeal to everyone especially the older crowd. vox populi i believe fits in with the old and the new and it'll keep that impact from now till....forever lol

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Toby Mac's Showstopper is SICK when it's blasted.  Trust me, I've watched him perform it and I've seen it used as a baseball walk-up song. 

Vox Populi is great... until 30 Seconds to mars singer starts singing.

I'm gonna say either Tiger Walk or Showstopper just both are amazing when blasted from the speakers.

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ForthVision...Totatlly agree abt Vox Populi.  Couldn't make up my mind until I thought about it coming through the loud speakers.  Agree with you as well Wardamnpjm...I would typically go with all time great "Thunderstruck", but Vox Pop could be a more modern day version of that, especially the first minute.  If they edit it right, it could be a great tradition.  Vox Pop for my vote.

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These are some pretty lame choices again, but I guess if I was forced to choose, I take P.O.D - BOOM! ...it rocks on the loud speakers and they say "Here comes the boys from the South!" The only problem w/ that one is that I'd be willing to bet that some team already uses it!  :dunno:

Second choice would probably be Vox Populi... I like it, but the thought of having Jared Leto (aka the gay male version of Courtney Cox), singing our intro song is kinda hard to accept!  :(


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DJ, worn us before you post a pic like that.  Dang!

Good point, but when I think about all the other "gay male versions" of half the songs we like, we might as well turn it up to "Country Boy can Survive". 

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Guest simonsez

Sorry people.  I like 30 seconds but vox populi just sux.  The beat is what gets people going and the only part that has a good beat is when everyone is singing alone.  When Leto starts, it screws it up.  I dont really like the song Tiger walk but its unique.  It was made for Auburn. We wont ever have to worry about hearing it anywhere else.  Plus, it has an AUsome beat.

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All I Do Is Win is my vote and here's why:

I can really see it happening where the stadium goes pretty much silent with everyones hands (at least the students) up.  THEN JUST GOES FRICKEN NUTS.

I just see this bringing some good energy.

Not a whole lot of things get old when you only see them once a week, two weeks out of three for 13 weeks.

I get what people are saying.  But... I dunno, all I wanna do is win...

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i like rap and hard rock and thats about it. out of the 87000+ How many of those people are just old enough to actually not like rap at all? to be honest, there are a bunch of country folk! i'll say 1/3+.....i understand that the student section is a point of focus but they are a small portion. P.O.D. is a christian rock band (HELLO if this doesnt connect...well then... oh well)! most people under the age of 35 know who they are and if they didnt, they still know this song. they got my vote. i listened over and over to the rap songs (didnt have to listen to POD) and they were pretty good but it was the huge amount of people in that stadium that dont wont to hear that(Rap) which swayed me toward the rock song! JMHO

then again, what is the majority of voters in this? age wise? too young and its rap!

it really wont matter, anyone of these songs will work! we are gonna be freakin pumped regardless!!!! :party: :party:

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Vox Populi? After the few words at the beginning, the rest of the song sounds like it's being being played by a bunch of males with their nuts chopped off. The song does absolutely nothing for me. I play guitar and like playing a cover of Welcome home, so it got my vote. However Tiger Walk or All I Do Is Win would make a good one.

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maybe we should start a vote for vox popul facebook group...even though i'm already in the vote all i do is win group. that was before i heard this song...and like what fourthvision said hip hop songs get old pretty quickly and may not appeal to everyone especially the older crowd. vox populi i believe fits in with the old and the new and it'll keep that impact from now till....forever lol

haha I created that group. i've got 1,600+ people attending strong.

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