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ST/Mods........commitment for the holiday weekend?


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As I was eating dinner this evening, I was thinking about that myself. It's been awhile since our last commitment.

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Do you have any clue?

None whatsoever. I heard Rose might be in 2 weeks, but also heard end of the month. Haven't heard of anyone. Maybe Florence came to do it face to face with the coaches yesterday when he was all glammed up in Auburn gear?

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Do you have any clue?

None whatsoever. I heard Rose might be in 2 weeks, but also heard end of the month. Haven't heard of anyone. Maybe Florence came to do it face to face with the coaches yesterday when he was all glammed up in Auburn gear?

Florence would be great!

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oooooooo    lol

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seriously, im curious, how young of kids actuallllllly are on here everyday following what happens, maybe 12 or 13?? those kids cuss like sailors.

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Guest Autiger88

seriously, im curious, how young of kids actuallllllly are on here everyday following what happens, maybe 12 or 13?? those kids cuss like sailors.


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It doesnt matter the age we should always act with respect in a family atmosphere theres really no use of using those words it does not make you look anything but foolish were not the school down the road we are Class :wareagle:

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We all have decisions to make...either we show class or not...

...either we believe what we have to say has value, or we try to embellish it with foul language which actually cheapens it...

By the way, I don't use profane language and neither do my 18, 20, & 25 year old kids...and would appreciate you not using it.

Thank you in advance.

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It doesn't matter how you feel about it, those are the rules set forth by the creaters of this great site.  It is completely your choice, you can choose to follow them or leave.

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Guest Autiger88

It doesn't matter how you feel about it, those are the rules set forth by the creaters of this great site.  It is completely your choice, you can choose to follow them or leave.

^^^This^^^ :bow: :bow:

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It doesn't matter how you feel about it, those are the rules set forth by the creaters of this great site.  It is completely your choice, you can choose to follow them or leave.

^^^This^^^ :bow: :bow:


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Guest Autiger88

It doesn't matter how you feel about it, those are the rules set forth by the creaters of this great site.  It is completely your choice, you can choose to follow them or leave.

^^^This^^^ :bow: :bow:


:laugh: :laugh: :'( :laugh:

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It doesn't matter how you feel about it, those are the rules set forth by the creaters of this great site.  It is completely your choice, you can choose to follow them or leave.

^^^This^^^ :bow: :bow:


:laugh: :laugh: :'( :laugh:


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